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Posts posted by Ninko

  1. You mean change his clothing? I don't know... change his scars colour with a white palette, or make his skin tone a bit darker, something like that... or make his eyes look like an actual zombie, I don't know! It's not my job, so you decide :P!

    No I mean I have to change the armour, because it is set as chainmail not leather, I just swapped it over! :D


    I'm not actually using a skin that looks "exactly" like sion, it's just a minecraft skin that i found that is Darth Sion! :D


    BTW, do you have a link to your mod or an in-progress page for those of us interested in it?


    I will either tomorrow or in a few days, I am trying to get it sort of finished first, because some things on it aren't exactly right yet! I'm glad to hear that you are interested Malkior :D

    • Like 1

  2. The program used to listen to those files was called Miles Sound Studio.  This tutorial - though originally made for creating your own TSL soundtrack - can also be used to decompress the voice files as well.


    Edit: the link to Miles Sound Tools is no longer functional. However, you can request in this thread at LucasForums and someone may be able to send you a link.

    Thanks for the help, I will try my best to get it to work.


    Edit: I found the installer, installed Miles Sound Tools, but when I choose a file, it goes back to Miles Sound Tools, then it crashes! Not too sure what to do now..

    • Like 1

  3. You may not upload it with music that you haven't created or have the legal rights to. This includes taking original music and simply altering it's speed.


    You also may not upload sound effects that are included in the game.


    As long as I'm saying things you can't do, let me say something you shouldn't do.  You shouldn't double post - even if you're the original poster (OP) of a thread. If you were that last person to post in a thread, just edit that post to include your additional thoughts and/or corrections.


    Finally, we are not a Minecraft modding site.  We don't have a section for Minecraft mods in our Download section. Why aren't you trying to upload your mod to a site that specializes in Minecraft mods? If you do wind up doing such a thing, feel free to provide a link here in this thread.

    Sorry I wont do any of that in the future, thanks for your help anyway :D


    I'm starting a TSL mod at the moment, BTW!

    • Like 1

  4. I have been trying to listen to certain .wav files in TSL's Game Directory under StreamSounds, but all of them seem to be impossible to open in any program, I have been looking around the internet for a fix for about 3 hours now, and still nothing, so I have come here to see if anyone could help. I have tried Audacity to open the files, but when I open one of the files in Audacity it comes up with the attachment





    Can anyone help me to open these files, I have a good idea that someone on this site should know how to get around this!




    Admin: If you want to know about the Streamsound dialogue/creature sound effects and how to listen/save them as a file, go to this post. However, if you're only here to figure out how to get the soundtrack, go to this post.

    • Like 1


    Clonemaster to his workers: "Heh. Clones of Darth Sion.. That sounds like a GREAT IDEA.. Surely nothing can go wrong!" :thumbup:


    But, yeah.. I'd suggest a black reskin of leather armor for him.



    Apologies if I misinterpreted the question..


    If you were asking what to change his armor into instead of black leather (which he wears) Perhaps some quick sith robes could instead be made from them.




    Also, it might be a bit of a stretch, but to avoid copyright issues, do you think changing the default sounds with something like Audacity to sound like Kotor sounds would work?

    (Or you could record yourself making gizka noises into the mike... :|)

    In the current version of the resource pack, chainmail armour is darth sion's skin, diamond armour is darth nihilus' skin. Iron is Darth Traya's skin, and leather is TSF Armour, but I only just realised now that chainmail cannot be gained in survival mode, so I am now thinking of changing leather from TSF Armour to Darth Sion, but what do you think would work better, since darth sion is strong!?!?!!!!!??


    Also I do use Audacity, but how would I change the default sounds and/or music to sound like TSL music and sounds. I haven't explored too far into Audacity yet, is there any tutorials on doing this on youtube.


    I could try making Gizka noises into the mic, but they wouldnt sound very good at all! Haha



    I just changed the sound of one so that it's 25% slower tempo but the music still sounds the same (but it is slower), would it matter if I didn't change the pitch????? I need to know because I am trying to finish the texture pack so that I can upload and have no copyright issues!! Please reply quick!!! :D

    • Like 1


    Here's the part that concerns me. What music and sounds have you added? Was the music grabbed from TSL? Even porting things from the KotOR to TSL (or vice versa) is a violation of the EULA (End-user license agreement) and so folks aren't really allowed to do it. This would also apply to transferring TSL or KotOR assets to Minecraft as well.


    OK, I just opened up what's been uploaded and there are definitely TSL and KotOR assets in there. If you put files created by Bioware or Obsidian into your Minecraft, your upload will not be approved.


    Okay, what if I changed some of the sounds / music so it was different and not exactly the same as how bioware and obsidian made it? All of the sounds that are currently in it are from a the base texture pack that I found that is called KotOR Minecraft Resource Pack.


    So the sounds haven't been done by me. But I did put the music into it. Is there any way around it or will I have to just not put the music in? Is there a way that I can have the music but make it sound a bit different by cutting off endings or adding bits to the beginning.



    May I suggest changing the zombie with Darth Sion? Because he kinda seems like a zombie, with all that grey skin on him :crazy: .

    Yeah I will probably do that, but I will have to change one of the armours from darth sion to something else, any ideas for that?

    • Like 1

  7. I know this isn't modding for KotOR or TSL, but it relates to a mod and is to do with TSL!


    I have started making a Resource Pack for minecraft which is based on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.

    So far I have added music, renamed many items, re-textured many of the items, set up the armours and changed most of the mob skins / sounds.


    The Mobs I have changed are:


    Enderman - Sith Assassin (No Sounds Yet)

    Spider - Mining Droid (No Sounds Yet)

    Cave Spider - Kinrath

    Bat - Shyrack Wyrm (No Sounds Yet)

    Zombie - (Undecided)

    Skeleton - Guard Droid

    Cow - Horn Kath Hound

    Pig - Cannock

    Sheep - Tuk'ata

    Wolf - Kath Hound

    Chicken -  Gizka (Sounds, but isn't actually seen in TSL. Only mentioned)

    Creeper - Floating Mine

    Ghast - G0-T0 (No Sounds Yet)


    Also i've made Diamond into Blue Crystal, Emerald into Green Crystal, Gold into Yellow Crystal and Iron into Durasteel.


    I would put a download on this thread but it is 20Mb too big, could any admins please let me know how to put it on the site?



    Thanks for reading

    • Like 1

  8. I have found another bug with one of the Large Lockers on The Ravager. It is the Large Locker on the left when you go from the first module, to the second. It is the first one on the left.

    It said..


    Large Locker



    Or how ever it is written, but when I opened it there were items inside.

  9. Are there any other mods like M4-78 and Genoharadan? If yes will they be compatible with TSLRCM 1.8?


    There is a M4-78 mod that they are working on, called M4-78EP. There is a thread on the forums about it. I think some people are also working on the Genoharadan, but I'm not sure about the compatability for when they are complete you would have to ask.


    If I'm wrong don't have a go at me, I'm only trying to help.

  10. That's why I'm implying that it may have been premature to announce a work in progress thread. That's what I'm going with there. I'm not trying to be cruel when saying this, really!


    Don't worry it's fine. When I get the chance to take some screenshots, I will put them up on this thread. But first I will have a go at skinning, if I do not succeed at doing the skinning, then I will just keep the normal robes and make new sorts of robes, but same textures, as the old ones.

  11. Here's a lengthy explanation on how to get those screenshots from Æon's Advanced Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords FAQ:




    If you can't use/convert TGA pictures, you'll not be able to do any skinning. It's one of the most basic requirements of re-skinning something.


    I was wondering: was it a little premature to announce a work in progress thread, if you have not consulted any tutorials? You have a lot of questions about things but I'm not seeing a lot of ideas of what you wanted done other "it would be neat to have a lot of robes" and "I need a lot of help too!"


    I recommend going here for starters . . . LucasForums' Skinning and Modelling Tutorial Section and then letting us know what's next.


    Ok well I didn't realise until a few days ago that I don't need help from other people on the mod. I only needed a few bits of information, after all, I'm still learning how to do all of this. And I already know hwo to convert a .TGA to a .JPEG /.JPG file

  12. I personally am also interested in what ideas you have for the robes. Could you maybe post a few of the reference images and ideas you have?


    I will not be able to post any Images until the weekend. (It's Monday now) Because KotOR and TSL are not on my computer so I can't do any screenshots yet. I will eventually have some up here though. Also thanks for your help on GIMP.

  13. On a serious note, let me ask, what is the point of Sleheyron in terms of the plot? What are you going to put another Star Map there? That seems pretty complicated. You'd need to edit dialogs of a bunch of people in the entire game.


    That would take ages (or so I think) to do that! :o. Although it would be good.

  14. Ok thanks Malkoir. Just thought I would say, I'm using GIMP 2.8.0 for any re-skinning I do. How would I do it using that?




    And you didn't insult me. I have no idea how to re-skin.

    I have found out how to use it in GIMP now

  15. Pictures of these would be helpful so folks could make opinions. I suggest showing in the pictures the before and after views of the robes so we can see what was changed.


    I can't work out how to take a screenshot, it would be helpful if someone let me know. Also what do you mean by Before and After? because I haven't re-skinned any robes because I don't know how to yet.

  16. Well I have now made a few new robes. I have also decided that I wont re-skin the robes, I might try to re-skin one, but it seems fairly hard.


    These are what I have added so far.


    Revans Robe (OLD) - The robe that Revan wore while traveling with Bastila Shan.

    Revans Mask (OLD) - The mask that Revan wore while traveling with Bastila Shan.

    Sith Robe - A robe that the sith wear, once they are no longer an apprentice.

    Sith Lord Robe - The robe that only the Lord of the Sith can wear.

    Sith Marauder Robe - The robe that only a Sith Marauder can wear.

    Sith Assassin Robe - The robe that only a Sith Assassin wears.


    I will also be adding the three Jedi Robes. e.g. Jedi Watchman, Jedi Master and the other one.


    Let me know if you like the them and if there is anything I should probably take out.