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Posts posted by Ninko

  1. Hi there, I am starting my first mod on kotor 2 for when your character becomes prestiged, you will have a message come up after leaving kreia's dorm, and at that moment it should trigger one of the containers in the cargo hold to have 3 special items for that prestige that you choose. So I will need someones expertise with having this dialogue trigger, and for the items to appear.


    Thanks in advance!

    • Like 1

  2. Link to do with getting KotorTool to work with Steam 



    There's a second link on how to get the registry edited with a simpler format as well.



    Hope this helps. :D


    Thank you malkior, that fixed the problem, is there anywhere I can find a guide on how to use KotOR tool to change stats, and what ever else there is? Oh and where to find the files that you can change these things on??

    • Like 1

  3. Hi, I am wanting to start modding, I am in need of great help with learning what programs to use and what to do. I have come across one problem, I downloaded Kotor Tool and it doesn't let me open the KotOR 2 thing. The path is correct, but if I try to auto detect the path, it will come up with an error saying "KotOR II not detected in registry. You may still enter paths manually."


    Both of my KotOR games are on steam.

    So if anyone could help, it would be great! Thanks! :)

    • Like 1

  4. Hi there deadlystream users! :) If I could buy a minute or so of your time to read about my youtube channel, what is on it, and possibly even check it out, that would be great!!


    Okay, so.. My name is Mitch, I have been running my channel and uploading videos since 1st April 2014. I have always been a lover of KotOR, this is why I started to make videos! Anyways, on February 3rd, I became a partnered channel with a guy called Akko. Akko has uploaded only 3 videos while we have been partnered, and they aren't too bad, but he is always busy. I try to upload at least 1 video or more per week depending on how busy I am with school and what not. I have a few play-through's that I am currently doing: First is KotOR DarkSide Female, Second TSLRCM 1.8.3 + M4-78EP LightSide Female, these are the least popular sadly because everyone does these sorts of play-through's. Third I have a Phantom Menace PC Playthrough, although I have not uploaded the next part for this yet since I have been busy. Lastly, there is the most popular series on my channel at this time, this is "KotOR III The Jedi Masters" (If you don't already know it is a "Total Conversion Mod" for KotOR 2.) playthrough. I have currently over the period of 7 months, uploaded 6 parts of this series, because I feel like one a month is a good number. Part 7 is out on Star Wars Day, May the 4th!! The first of these videos currently sitting at 6 months ago, 6,564 views. This may not sound amazing or that it is "lots," but to me, this is really cool being sort of new at this!


    So, currently my channel has 650 subscribers, and 21,000 total views, with 102 videos. I haven't seen the sub count go up for a while, and it is a great feeling when it sky rockets (maybe 5 more haha). If you could check out my channel and even some of my videos, it would be great! The link to my channel is below! Thanks for reading and I hope that you like my channel!


    P.S: Feel free to reply below and let me know what you think of my channel and videos! :)



    Channel Link

  5. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=453


    File Name: NinkoKotOR KotOR Launcher

    File Submitter: Ninko

    File Submitted: 03 Sep 2014

    File Category: Skins



    This is the NinkoKotOR KotOR Launcher that I made to support my YouTube Channel!


    It is currently a bit rough, and will be better eventually when I get the time to make it look better.


    If you don't like it simply delete it, and if you don't even want to download it, then you don't have to.

    Thanks to anyone in advance who says that it is good (even for a beginner).

    My YouTube Channel Link -

    Ninko out...



    Click here to download this file

  6. Personally, I would suggest following your regular play through choices. You might want to switch the order of Nar Shaddaa and Korriban - if only to have the maximum choices for your M4-78 playthrough.

    I am up to the same part that Marsproject is, but for my YouTube playthrough (I have never played through M4-78 EP) Would this be best for a YouTube playthrough if I were to go through Dantooine, Nar Shaadaa, Onderon/Dxun then Korriban and onto M4-78?

  7. Hi there, I just recently downloaded the TSL Conversion Mod, The Jedi Masters, and I have read on the lucasforums, forum, that pretty much all of the voice files work and that they are good, but for me, none of them are there and it is weird. Can anyone help? Or maybe could I have the wrong download?




    Fixed the problem! No worries now

    • Like 1

  8. To be honest, for K1 I've only used mods that mostly changed portraits, clothing, body and head appearance ( kinda design and aspect mods )... Oh no I tried once Brotherhood of Shadow but it was an early version, which was pretty incomplete!


    Oh cool! Let me know when you have it done! Oh and if you want, you may put embed links of my vids if you want! ( probably my K1&2 vids, as the others may not interest you XD ). Or it's gonna be with your OWN stuff? Anyway, let me know when it's done so that I may check it :).

    The website may take a while. I am still doing the front page, but it looks really good so far!

  9. Did you try refreshing the page?


    If that doesn't work:


    What browser are you running and do you have an Anti-Virus such as Norton or Bullguard?


    1. Your browser may be producing an error and doesn't want to open the page because 2. There may be a virus detected by your browser and without an Anti-Virus you cannot tell for sure whether there actually is a virus or not.






    If you end up working it out there is a link here with a lot of different TSL head downloads on the Knights of the Old Republic FileFront page.