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About predcon

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    Jedi Apprentice
  • Birthday 08/30/1984

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    Network XXIII
  1. There's a ton of quest items that remain in the inventory long after the quest is over. Like the "Modified Blaster". I can't junk it, can't sell it, and I can't even put it in another container that I know I'll never come to again. Can't even upgrade it.
  2. The Lunar Shadow? Yeah, I found that I get Light Side alignment for finding work for the pilot in the Refugee quad, as opposed to no alignment for rousing the Weequay pilot from his stupor.
  3. Is there a fix applied for not being able to 'repair' Bao-dur's Remote? It irks me (just a little bit) to leave him floating around with only a quarter of his Vitality remaining. I'm not even sure how he began to take damage, unless he was too close to a grenade or something.
  4. I'm talking about stims. It's just faster for me to TAB through each character and hit the hotkey. Obsidian should have at least put the option to switch between the two styles in the Gameplay menu. They screwed a lot of things up, like removing the "Droid Support" combat script.
  5. I didn't say it was a bug, I said it was a poor choice for a new system. It was faster to be able to switch characters with TAB, then press the hotkey for the healing item for instant use. It's slower now and awkward to have to click on the healing item and then click on a portrait to use it.
  6. How many of the quests in TSL (restored from cut content or otherwise) are mutually exclusive from others, and how many can be locked out by finishing others first? Like, in Nar Shaddaa, I've reached the point where I'm forced to travel alone to Jekk Jekk Tar, but I want to go back and do the other Nar Shaddaa quests with certain other companions to gain influence. Am I totally screwed now?
  7. I searched and couldn't find any mention of it, so maybe I'm not using the right keywords or it hasn't been asked yet, but is there a fix for the "you must click on the portraits on the right to activate medical items outside of combat" system? I mean, can it be changed back to "whomever is selected will use the item on self, instantly"?
  8. With Tienn Tubb's little shop, there are two "Droid Upgrade Slot" items available for purchase (apparently they grant the Feat: Upgrade Level 2 to droids that don't have it yet). If I buy anything else (in this shop) before buying this item, and then buy this item, the game will crash, but if I buy one of the Droid Upgrade Slots first, the second disappears and is replaced by duplicates of every other item in the shop. But wait, it gets better! If I buy anything else after duplicating all the other items, that item's duplicate will disappear, but when I buy the last item (which is really an item and a duplicate listing), the game crashes. [edit] And now any subsequent droid merchant I visit will 'duplicate' their entire inventory upon purchase of any sensor.
  9. Has anyone else come across the "Handmaiden/Visas" clones, right outside the Ebon Hawk? If I go back in after landing on Nar Shaddaa for the first time (when the cutscene plays with Handmaiden, Kreia, Atton, 'Player', and Visas all standing around outside the ship, and at the end of it you're not prompted to select party members, so they're all still standing around if you walk away), and then come back out with either Handmaiden or Visas in my party, the Visas/Handmaiden (both of them, regardless of whether you have one or both in your party) from the cutscene are still standing there, but not Atton or Kreia. {EDIT} It looks like the two characters that stand right outside the ship depend on the two you pick as party members before you're prompted to after talking to Quello, and if you have anyone in your party after that convo, then those two will be cloned, and the previous two will be removed. I was able to fix it by deselecting all party members, re-entering the Ebon Hawk (after Quello convo), and exiting again without a party. I suppose the other way to prevent this from happening would be to just not select a party until prompted after speaking to Quello.
  10. I'm having a little bit of an issue with companion alignment, and I'm not entirely sure what it stems from. "Influence" seems to take hold correctly, in that if I chat up companions enough I can get those nifty special dialogue options, but companions with alterable alignments (Atton, Handmaiden, etc; Kreia and HK-47 obviously never change) will temporarily gain or lose alignment along with my primary player character's actions, but when I load a new area their alignments reset to the default value as was when I first recruited them into the party. (EDIT) Apparently this bug is part of the game proper, and has been reported since as far back as 2005. There's a "bug fix" mod (it looks like it's just an alteration of each NPC's reactions) at FileFront (note that the file info says "New/Updated Version available", which takes you to another page for a mod collection package, and while it DOES include an updated version of the mod, it's part of a TSL Mod Patcher bundle, and I haven't figured out how to separate it, unless all that patcher does is copy and paste files from the archive to my Override folder), but is it compatible with TSLRCM? Would this be included in 1.8? (More EDIT) The "bug fix" linked to (nor the "update") does nothing to fix the resets on loading a saved game or new area, at least not with TSLCRM 1.7 and everything else vanilla.
  11. OH! Now I see the differences. The "before" is a solid color and the "after" shows the proper folds. If that's the case, and you absolutely cannot include both, then I'd go with the robe fixes, since they're more 'long term' as opposed to G0-T0's yacht just being the one mission.
  12. So because it mods the spells.2da with the patcher, it doesn't undo any changes to the spells.2da file made by TSLCRM?
  13. Examining right-hand memory column