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Files posted by Darth_Delator

  1. Dark Robes for Atris

    There were lots of discussions and disputes about whether Atris should or shouldn't play bigger role in TSL, care the mantle of Lord of Betrayal or not, and if her dark appearance was essential or completely out of place.
    In my point of view, the change of her look in the final confrontation would be very symbolic, accentuating her corruption and conscious act of betrayal.
    So I've threw together this simple mod for personal use, but decided to share it with those who would be interested in facing Atris as "Darth Traya".
    To install:
    Copy "262tel.mod" from mod directory to Modules folder in the TSLRCM directory (for Steam version - in TSLRCM workshop folder) and confirm the replacement..
    To uninstall:
    Replace modded file with "262tel.mod" from Backup folder found in mod's directory.

    - Credit for the base .mod file this mod was based upon goes to creators of TSLRCM.
    - Dark Atris' robes are present in the original TSL files, so in certain way It's a restoration, and credit for them goes to TSL developer team.


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  2. KotOR II:TSL + RCM + M4-78 saves

    With KotOR II been updated on Steam, I've decided to make another walkthrough of favourite game.
    Unfortunately, I bumped into many gamebreaking bugs, for one or another reason.. (mostly deals with workshop mods), and as a result my saves were screwed. when I was almost at the end of the game..
    Tried to find save files on interned, featuring female PC and male Revan, and found none. This inspired me to start all over again and make a good walkthrough with lots of saves, upload them here,
    so others in need could use them whenever necessary.
    This playthrough features female Jedi Sentinel/ Watchman (LS), with all companion's influences maxed out. No cheats used.
    Mods: TSLRCM 1.8.4 (in end credits says 1.8.3?), M4-78 EP.
    May the force be with you!


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