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Status Updates posted by bendarby24

  1. thank god at last they put coldplay into the oympics, now we they just need to show iron miad then they will show the best of britan - love how im related to the drum off iron miaden - nicko (he my cusin) :)

  2. think i just perfected the best difficulty mod ever, it not a hard core mod and also not a rebalance mod, but yes if you put it on difficult you are going to spend mutch more time in combat trying to kill enemys and alsouse a lot more sheilds, stims and medpacks. i came out of paragas with 0 medpacks, 0 stims and 3 sheiilds but i also made a lot of med packs, stims and sheild along the way in paragas via workbench/ medlab

  3. im geting everybody i know to stop shoping at amzon and starbucks due to them not paying the uk tax and they starbucks alown owus more than 100 million pounds oO

  4. just relised after all this time i havent updated my profile, luckly i found my old avatar which i had before everybody acounts got deleated -_-

  5. Xbox live names please wount more freinds XD

  6. i really wount start moding agein but i have so much work to do, at least i after 2 years at colage and 3 at university i can start making game perfecaly :) lionhead studies here i come!

  7. I detinated that exam today, in such cocky mood now :D !!!

  8. just relised that i havent tried re-skining things when i am a artist -_- can any of post a link of a good tutorial?

  9. yay just got y tickets to got see imagin dragons live in Bristol :D

  10. hey mando you now you made the feat gaurd stance work for k1 if it not much of a problem and if you can do it, could you make it for K2 because over the holadays im going to be improving my rebalence mod. if you could do this you would be a legend :)

  11. cool, havent got skyrim yet, going to get it in the januray sales after my exams :(

  12. yoo mando havent spoken in ages, what you up to latly?

  13. Welcome to deadlystream, if you need anything just pm me

  14. hey just wount to ask you about Visas Marr's Lightsaber Drop mod because i dont gt the point of it ( please can you explain it to me because i love your mods and i just need to se why you have done this) i dont see the point because she said that u broke her light saber which mean it most likely will become a component to building your.

  15. that all good then bread v ;) your swoop racing upgrade mod look really good so far, im looking forward to that comeing out in the near future :)

  16. hey, i ust wount to know for when M4-78 mod when i comes ot will it work with a save game just before korriban or have you edited other part of the game so i need to create a new game?

  17. hey doc, havent talked to you in ages. Hope your ok, the last time i talked to you was when your cusin was online and taking the piss out of me because i was English

  18. there are dll files in my swkotor2 direct; these files are binkw32.dll and Mss32.dll

  19. love when some of your favourte shows refrence star wars - it does it about 5 times

  20. such an old song, been singing since i was 5 years old and now im 17 and im still singing it, but englands never going to win in my life time :(

  21. such an old song, been singing since i was 5 years old and now im 17 and im still singing it, but englands never going to win in my life time :(

  22. such an old song, been singing since i was 5 years old and now im 17 and im still singing it, but englands never going to win in my life time :(