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Status Updates posted by bendarby24

  1. Just came back from Stratford-on-Avon (where shakesphere was born) to see some play, one of them i saw Life of Galileo and actor who played Galileo was Ian McDiarmid, you may now him as EMPIROR PALPATINE. It was so wired seeing him in his boxs in one of the scenes

  2. Bens 4 stages for dealing with a bad grade: Denial, Anger, Depression and Ben and jerry's!!!

  3. urrg! Get my geography results tomozz for the januray exam

  4. such an old song, been singing since i was 5 years old and now im 17 and im still singing it, but englands never going to win in my life time :(

  5. such an old song, been singing since i was 5 years old and now im 17 and im still singing it, but englands never going to win in my life time :(

  6. such an old song, been singing since i was 5 years old and now im 17 and im still singing it, but englands never going to win in my life time :(

  7. Back from London, was alsome because i whent t brits 2013 and say soo meny celebrities :D

    1. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Sry I couldn't sign an autograph for you XD

    2. bendarby24


      just looked at my post and this provese how tired i was :/

  8. bye off to London to do geography resurch, should be back in to days. If im not active in the next 4 days it because im going to caning town the most deprived place in the UK and whn i go there we are force to wear stab through jackets - that how bad it is

    1. bendarby24


      not stab through, that would kill me #stab proof

  9. love when some of your favourte shows refrence star wars - it does it about 5 times


    1. RFaurora


      It is different...


  11. don't do A Level art i have been doing my art work for the last 18 hours straight, i missed lunch and i hate dinner and worked at the same time :( and before that every day for the last week i have been doing art for 6 hours a day

    1. bendarby24


      i better get the grade to do a art technology coures in university and become a concept artist or 3D mesh or texture artist

  12. quick question for americans, what is your mian choclate company. so like who is the most populare american company you buy from, because england has cadbury; (any english people will renember this beast of a advert

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jac


      Cadbury sells their chocolates over here as well I believe.

    3. bendarby24
    4. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Lucky Canadians get both British and American chocolates. British is far better. Much smoother and better tasting. When I go to my family in NYC or Miami or Chicago or San Diego I always bring a box of Coffee Crisps. Best candy bar of all time. :)(:

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  13. just did a gig and a BBC 1 talent agent wount us to play one BBC radio one !!!!!!! :D :D :D

  14. there are dll files in my swkotor2 direct; these files are binkw32.dll and Mss32.dll

  15. HELP: tried playing the tsl in the combo pack and it froze after the first louding screen the tested with out mods and the same result?

    1. bendarby24


      i have been looking around but all the fixes are NIVIDA but my graphics card is a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4300 Series, i have a HP notbook 4510s an a intel 2 due core prosseser


    2. Darth_Sapiens


      man i had that problem, are there any dlls in the games root folder? pm me if their are, ill walk you through how i fixed it.

    3. Darth_Sapiens


      can you send me a screen of your main tsl directory? also does kotor work?

  16. yay just got y tickets to got see imagin dragons live in Bristol :D

  17. does any body know any chearful songs, i have had a crap day :/

  18. just relised that i havent tried re-skining things when i am a artist -_- can any of post a link of a good tutorial?

  19. i love januray in englnd, it only time of the year we get snow and the country freaks out when canada and other countrys has the same amount f snow more than us and every things normal but here SHOPS CLOSED, SCHOOL CLOSED RED ALERT

  20. I detinated that exam today, in such cocky mood now :D !!!

  21. yay just got kotor collection addiction is now i can play kotor 1 agein and also i just brought TOR for the first time :D

    1. bendarby24
    2. Mandalore


      Well, I have a Smuggler on Red Eclipse. I have a Bounty Hunter on The Progenitor though.

    3. JK JA's Jaden Korr

      JK JA's Jaden Korr

      I'm on Ebon hawk, it's an RPG server.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  22. hey doc, havent talked to you in ages. Hope your ok, the last time i talked to you was when your cusin was online and taking the piss out of me because i was English

  23. i just realised all the good chrismas songs are English songs :D

    1. bendarby24


      i meant english as from england the place becaue we are english and you are american :P sorry but i do hate it when you say they are spaeking english but they are speaking american english noy actall english :/

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      But is what you just typed any sort of English? ;)

    3. Darth_Sapiens


      how would canadian english fit in? (no we dont end all sentences with EH) i love spelling colour and armour and favour, honour, with a u XD seriously though i hvae to take care of my polar bear, its a 91, pretty old started making strange noises yesterday, ill take a look for a new one else i'll be walking to school.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  24. im sorry to ameican but i found this so funny

    1. Kerk


      Yo dawg! Us americans finds it offencive!

    2. Jac


      Uh-huh. Just one more reason as to why Michael Moore is not the person to get one's history lessons from.