Rtas Vadum

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Posts posted by Rtas Vadum

  1. So, minor problem. I say that, because it is something that appears all of, as far as I am aware, twice in the game with the Restored Content Mod.


    That being the animation used by Atton in the background there. I have no idea what could have broken that. I don't have an animations.2da in K2's override(Should I?), and I'm not sure if any mods would have touched it.

  2. 57 minutes ago, JCarter426 said:

    Funny, we just dealt with this problem on Discord yesterday. That's due to the model having mismatched MDL and MDX files. I'd suggest you remove both and search for the most up to date version of that mod and reinstall just those files.

    Yeah, as mentioned, I fixed the problem by dropping in the 351narsb.mdl from the Backdrop improvements mod, and this meant everything appears outside(and inside, getting rid of the mentioned interior problems, which are not likely intended) the Yacht as intended. 

    13 minutes ago, Kexikus said:

    I should also add that those two mods of mine are incompatible / redundant. Everything from "High Quality Stars and Nebulas" is included in "TSL Backdrop Improvements".

    I haven't seen any other unusual problems, but I'll probably reinstall the Backdrop Improvements mod if I do see anything else. 

  3. Found a temporary issue with Goto's Yacht, though that I was able to solve. It was an issue with the TSL Backdrop Improvements, where possibly some other mod had for whatever reason replaced the 351NARsb.mdl. Which after checking, is the High Quality Stars and Nebula's mod, from the same author - as it includes the 351narsb.mdl too.

    This caused quite the mess outside the windows near the bridge, along with two other places having similar issues - a pillar like mess of a mesh in the large area with the turrets, and a "wall" that appeared just as you enter into the area with the rotunda of consoles close to the bridge. 

    Otherwise, I think this is technically a vanilla issue(albeit from cut content restored by RCM), and a well known one, but is there any way to fix this?


    (The red is just HK's first person view)

    As for that issue with the Ebon Hawk in K1, I think I've found the problem. It seems to be High Quality Cockpit Skyboxes. Overwrote the files with the M version(had the L version installed previously), and the load time is at least better. Though the mod's page does make that clear, so...

  4. Alright, finished that playthrough, and did not encounter any other issues. Added a few mods for a new playthrough, which hopefully shouldn't break anything, though most only made minor changes and the majority are texture mods.

    On another front though, I'm not sure if this mod related at all, but there is this in K2:


    Note that the other side doesn't have the same problem. Also the only texture mods I have for Peragus are just for the exterior textures(stars, nebula, etc), the Admin level window, and the Hawk's appearance in the Docking bay.

  5. 24 minutes ago, DarthParametric said:

    That's because that scene uses a stunt module, not the regular Hawk module. That would definitely point to there being some sort of mod issue with the Hawk module. See if you have a ebo_m12aa.mod file in your Modules folder and, if so, attach it.

    That file is indeed there. Though I think the mod causing the problem might be [KotOR] NPC Overhaul Mod, as it contains the same file in it's patch data folder. I did install that mod first(after a clean install of the game), and the K1 Restoration mod, along with the KOTOR Community Patch, then the rest of the mods.

    This has lead to a few surprises, some of them likely obvious but still unexpected. Iriaz on the plains? Huh. A few Jawas in the desert? Okay. Taking the entire party to the Sea Floor? What?

  6. 12 minutes ago, DarthParametric said:

    I believe that AMD has a framerate lock option incorporated into their driver control panel. See if you can find that and set it to 59fps.

    Yeah, I see an option for that, but enabling V-Sync in game fixed the issue. Though the issue with the Ebon Hawk still exists, though I have not yet seen any other area of the game have that problem.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Mutilator57 said:

    - I'm pretty sure the no movement after combat is due to the refresh rate of your monitor being too high for the game. Have you tried turning on v-sync? 
    - My grass/frame buffer option used to give me a lot of grief on my old AMD graphics card, are you using something similar?

    -From what I can see, the refresh rate of this monitor is 59 Hz, and I've only seen the resolutions for K1 mention either 60hz or 75hz, and I've only used the 60hz options. Though I will certainly try v-sync.

    -Yeah, this system has an AMD Radeon RX 550. Though again, the odd part is that it is only K1 that has such a problem, not TSL. Likely due to the Aspyr update, I'd guess?

  8. So I have had the games on Steam for a while, and at this point, I am running them on a newer system than I was before. Obviously this means a few issues, some I am not sure if there are any solutions for. 


    For the most part, I have the game working. I'm currently as far as the Seafloor base on Manaan, and have not seen any game breaking issues(though I did have a previous attempt where I thought I was getting one, I'll explain in a bit). But I've had at least two annoying problems, which I haven't seen before with the game.

    -In some cases, after combat, the currently used character can't be moved. This can extend to one other party member, but usually one of them can. A save and reload fixes the problem. At least until you get into combat again, though it seems in some cases the problem does not happen, though I can't cite any specific parts of the game. 

    -For some reason, the Ebon Hawk load time is...odd. No matter when I enter the ship, it gets to about maybe 75%(or something to that effect), and seemingly isn't going to go any further - the task manager even listing the program as not responding. But maybe half a minute or more later, the loading finishes, and I can continue. Perhaps a mod problem, and the majority of mods I'm using, are listed on the K1 mod build on the Kotor subreddit. Along with a few choice others, mostly texture mods, though I don't think there are any major ones for the Ebon Hawk's interior. In my previous attempt, I had reached the first instance where you would enter the Hawk, and oddly, the scene before the first turret mini-game had no issues, though after it, the loading screen had the mentioned problem. I had thought it was one of the mods I was using(that being a romance mod for Bastilia, when playing a female character), but since it is still a problem on my current playthrough, when I did not install that mod, that possibly is not it. 

    Otherwise, I have noticed a few seemingly well known problems with the game. Frame Buffer Effects? Turing that setting on causes crashes when you try loading a save(or attempt to load into the Endar Spire after character creation). Movies active? Ditto. As well as grass issues, though as with the other two mentioned things, I have them disabled. 


    Overall, I have had almost a single issue with this game. That being, the Steam Workshop version of M4-78 not triggering properly on Korriban. However, I've since removed the workshop mods, and just went with the version of RCM here, and did not install M4-78 at all. Even with the other mods I've installed, so far, I've had no problems. Okay, maybe the issue where in some cases of lightsabers not rendering their textures properly(say just showing up as metal, and any pieces colored otherwise not being as such), and the momentary issue of loading the Nihlus menu, due to that 2K/3K re-texture I'm using(just a brief bit of lag - this doesn't seem to effect his appearances in-game). Otherwise, I have not had to disable any settings, and have not had any crashes with the game at all. 

    Progression-wise, I only have Nar Shaada to complete before the endgame. 

  9. I'll start with this - I do not feel the film is that bad. Granted, I tend to not look at anything with a pretense of "If it does not do what I want, it is bad". I'm technically not so fond of how Infinity War played out, but I'm not going to suggest I think the film is flawed solely because of my opinion. Though I tend to have more, malleable opinions, and not stick to the first thing I think of, or the first reaction I have to something in fiction.

    I have seen quite a few videos on how apparently bad the film is, and while I can agree with some points, others I find seem to be ones proliferated by those who where, well, angry after seeing it, and those viewpoints have stuck, even if some, at least in my own opinion, are somewhat unwarranted. So I'll just comment on a few points at random.

    "Rey as a Mary Sue"

    I cannot entirely disagree with this. However, I'm thinking about the idea of her progression not being the same as that of Luke. Why must she do the exact same things? Be taught exactly how he was,  and perhaps retain the same flaws? Granted, her progression is quick, but how much of the force does she really use? A mind trick in the first film(on a FO trooper no less, which may or may not be as weak-minded as the original Stormtroopers were), a few instances between films of pulling things, and...being somewhat proficient with the lightsaber? Also, note that the first two, I think, are only things she does...AFTER Kylo has done it in front of her. Perhaps I am mistaken, but I think that is true, anyway. As for the lightsaber...maybe it could have used scene where she briefly notes the lack of weight, in comparison to her staff, but...she knows how to use the staff, so she has some basic comprehension in using melee combat at least. 

    "Rey's family"

    The fact that is is apparently a problem, meaning the answer given, is odd. If only because it seems people believe that her story should hinge on that of someone else, and she cannot, at all, and should not, stand on her own. Revan was like that too, and while I am unsure of what TOR did for his backstory, the games(i.e KotOR itself) say nothing. Was that unsatisfying? Yes, KotOR is an RPG, and it might be better if you can think for yourself as to what Revan's backstory is, but I'm not seeing too much of a difference for Rey. 

    "Luke would not do that!"(I'm sure the meaning of this is obvious)

    Oh, so he is on a pedestal now? He can't make a mistake? He shouldn't make a mistake? Even one so momentary, so quick, and soon after he does not do what he intended. But the damage is done, and it was not even because he acted. It is because he had a moment of weakness, and it cost him. 


    I mention this mostly due to the CinemaSins video. But obviously this is not the first time such a thing has been mentioned and I'm sure there are scenes of ships/fighters/etc being refueled. I wonder if people would have the same reaction to the suggestion of blasters running out of ammo? Rare yes, but not unheard of.


    I can say this might have been not too thought out. But, what exactly would you want him to say? Have him tell his entire backstory? Possibly not. More than this, it is possible that he was just a nobody in the right place. How many games, books, movies, etc, have characters exactly like that? 

    "Kylo's Misdirection"

    I'm not sure of this one being cited as an issue. But if it is...he does something I'd expect to see in TSL. He is going to "strike down his enemy"...is Snoke entirely sure he means Rey? Maybe this is likely 100% obvious, though some could still question as to why Snoke didn't realize what was going on. Sure, that might be a bit of a flaw, but how many Sith(and Jedi) are known for hubris? 

    • Like 1

  10. My first character in Skyrim was a Khajiit. Most of his eariler shots are ones I wasn't actively using iHUD, or at least wasn't thinking to turn off the compass for screenshots. Also, oddly enough, he actually looks better once he became a Vampire(when I first started the DG dlc), mostly because I didn't do much with his face during character creation. Somewhat because of the limited vanilla options, and on most other characters I've used the RaceMenu mod. Also, I hated the look the Khajiit Vampires had in Morrowind. Tried doing a Khajiit character, and trying out the Vampirism, and first the look was, well, odd. Then the sunlight is was even more punishing that Oblivion. Pretty much to the point where, rather obviously, being a Vampire not only locks you out of doing things during the day, but also from doing various factions/quests. But somehow, in Skyrim, even with the same base look for a Khajiit Vampire, it doesn't bother me.




    After the Shards...



    As for Argonians, I tried to do a male first. Well, I actually got quite far, a bit into the main quest(oddly enough to the same point I'm at with Shan-Tae now, Diplomatic Immunity), and almost to the point of finishing the Theives Guid, and a bit into the Dark Brotherhood quests. What made me stop? The shouts. I could not stand the fact that the male Argonains use the same voice set as some of the other male races. Even with a mod I found to fix that problem, it still did not help.


    But with Shan-Tae, I wanted something a bit simipler. A few planned questlines, but not to rush at them. Mostly the Collage/Dawnguard/MQ, along with whatever sidequests take my interest. Actually finished the Collage quests way before I went to do the main quest. I actually had her doing the Azura quest, alongside a quest added by Live Another Life which points you twoard the MQ, which I found to be...really a runaround. So I had the idea that she was on the way to Darkwater Crossing, but then oh look, Helgen, and....Dragon?


    Her being a Vampire wasn't exactly planned, at least not when it happened. A few attacked Winterhold, and she helped, but she was infected before they were dealt with. Rather than cure herself, she chose to use the power for her own ends.


    Dragon Slayer

    The Call

  11. Hi Rtas! It has been awhile since we spoke TES together. I was woundering where you have been. Good to see you here and I hope this finds you well.


    Ya I still use Wrye Bash to install my mods. I tried Mod Organizer but it never worked for me and so I just went with what I know. I have used Wrye Bash for Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas and Skyrim. I like the features of Mod Organizer but most people still use the Batch Patch from Wrye Bash anyway so... I guess I am lazy. Right now I am learning how to use TES5edit. I'll try Mod Organizer another time. Still the advance features of Wrye Bash are worth it.


    Gotta walk my dog but I'll be posting pics from Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim soon. Then you can help me with Mod Organizer :Juggle:


    Not sure if I am that good with it, but in truth, I would say these videos helped a lot for me to understand it: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE7DlYarj-DcLS9LyjEqOJwFUQIIQewcK\


    I haven't watched all of them, as some things I found out by using the program. I have had some issues with it, but mostly things that are easily fixed.


    If I've had a crash that is due to a mod conflict, I wouldn't know it. Everything is sorted, so there should be no problems. Mostly the mods I use are well known ones, like Deadly Dragons, Better Vampires, When Vampires Attack, Run For Your Lives, etc. Some might conflict in terms of files, but MO can solve that easily. Like I use "Better Vampire Fangs And Eyes", along with "High Quality Eyes". Both use the 'eyevampire_01.dds', and as such, conflict, with the mod which comes second being the file the game will use. However, if you want to keep the texture from BVFE, then you can "hide" the one in HQE, and then there is no conflict. The same works in reverse. Obviosly there are some cases where the conflict is actually fine, like a patch to make two mods work together. Even when it's .esp files, so long as the patch mod comes after the two mods it patches, then MO will have the game use the patched .esp files. Such as with the Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade, and Cloaks Of Skyrim, I have a patch that replaces the two esp files for CoS(the main esp and the DG add-on), with ones that work with CCOR


    I've tried MO with Oblivion too, just before I got Skyrim. It works, although I would most likely do a reinstall, but then when I did that a few months ago, I made sure everything was installed as an OMOD, so I could do things that way. Still, I'm mostly focusing on Skyrim for now.


    No Fear At all......none.

    An Agronian Mage character I'm doing, Shan-Tae. Shown in the images are Immersive Armors(part of the Witchplate set), Clothing And Clutter Fixes(Wearing the Circlet with the hood), Immersive Collage Of Winterhold, Nightshade Vampire Armor Retexture, Dovahkiin Relaxes Too(how she can use the "Ledge Sit" animation), and Climates Of Tamriel. Also a UNP retexture for Argonians, the Feminine Argonian CBBE-UNP mod. I was using Forgotten Argonian Roots, but for some reason, the textures were not very shiny. As for others, I started with Live Another Life, with the Secluded Necromancer start. That was interesting. Instant start game - Hello Blackreach.



    Aida, my redguard. In the image would be Konahrik's Accoutrements, Better Vampire Fangs and Eyes, the Kijiko Hair Pack, the Women of Skyrim texture set(with the DG patch), Lustmord Armor(part of the "garter" can be seen), the YY Mystic Knight Animation Replacer, and Realistic Lighting Overhaul(although this image is edited a bit, mostly to look a bit more like in-game). I'm pretty much done with this character, having done a lot with her. Used LAL to start this character too, with the Volkihar start.

  12. I'm in a similar situation with KotOR - I haven't played them in a while, mostly because I had issues with both after I got a new monitor. The first game didn't seem to work, and while the second did, it was really slow loading. Tried to reinstall K2, and I had the issue with my disc 2 where the install stops cold there. So I'll have to get another copy to play them again, and continue working on my mods.


    Otherwise, I did start playing Oblivion on a much better system. However, I haven't played that game in a while, mostly due to getting both Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. Both of them are worth it, even if I had to spend a lot more bying ME2's DLC, than I did on the game itself.


    Additionally, I recently bought...Skyrim. I have had far fewer issues with it, and far less crashes than Oblivion. Even managing the mods is easier with Mod Organizer. The fact that I can install a lot of mods, and not have them clutter up the data folder, but they wil still work in-game, is nice. Plus the profiles, meaing that you can run different mods for different characters, without them having an effect on others.



    Vampire Lord

    This is Moria, a Nord. I'm using ELFX with her profile, which works pretty well. I have had a few crashes, mostly due to the Weathers plugin, since it was usually raining heavily at the time. I have one other profile using ELFX, but I'm not using the Weathers plugin on that one, and have had almost no crashes.



    A shot of the Priest with Climates of Tamriel(full, including the Winter Edition), using the aMidianborn texture pack. Though the mask texture is actually not AMB, but I did switch to the Apophysis Dragon Priest Masks texture set, as that one can be compatible with the Immerisve Collage of Winterhold mod.


    And yes, I am of coruse using SKSE and SkyUI, along with all the patches, since I have the Legendary version of the game.

  13. i've recently played ME2 quite a bit, and you could say I am something of a Cerberus fanboy...well, kinda. Regardless of what the group does, their outfits, designs, and such are very interesting. As such, I think this looks very good.

    • Like 1


    On the last option, I would like to add a bit of shine and since it has been done before, like what Kristy did, I'd like to make something similar.


    That's all.


    To add shine to a texture, it's done though an Alpha Channel(make a new channel in the Channels tab, and it should be called "Alpha 1"). Make it pure white, and nothing is going to shine. Pure black, and everything will. It's just getting the right level of grey on the channel. Likely, it's best to copy the entire texture, and paste it onto the channel, which will show up desaturated. Then, make any of the skin parts white(unless you want a bit of shine there too, in which case it will need to still be light grey), and then use the Brightness/Contrast tool to get the look you want. 


    The only other thing to do is make a txi file, which can be done with notepad. Add:


    envmaptexture CM_Baremetal


    to it, then when saving, Change the "Save As Type" box to "All Files", and add .txi to the file name - which should match the name of the tga file. However, the only problem that might occur is the game not accepting the txi file(though I have no idea why), in which case the appearance.2da file will have to be edited, in order to give the texture a shine(adding the CM_Baremetal to the envmap column for the Twin Suns lines, which are 652, and 653).

    • Like 1


    I did notice that Kotor does have a few normalmaps. Water on Manaan and some of the floor textures. Dantooine estates comes to mind.

    Was looking for a plugin for Photoshop to do normalmaps; but didn't find one that was willing to work. Of course 3Ds Max should be able to handle it.


    Eh, something I might have to dig into.


    There should be a .dds plugin for Photoshop that adds a filter for normal maps. I've only used it for Oblivion and VTMB - though it seems a little odd there, since trying to get something to shine and have a normal map, it ends up way too shiny(makes character models look like a malfuctioning T-1000)...since I'm a little unsure if the game works like Oblivion, in that the normal map texture can handle both the definition and shine.

  16. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=403


    File Name: The Grid:KotOR - Endar Spire

    File Submitter: Rtas Vadum

    File Submitted: 18 Mar 2014

    File Category: Skins



    A Modification for:

    Star Wars: Knights oF The Old Republic


    "The Grid - KotOR - Endar Spire"

    Author: Rtas_Vadum














    A reskin of the Endar Spire modules, giving them a TRON theme(More from the Legacy film than the original).






    Extract the tga and txi files from the rar, and add them to KotOR's override folder.






    Find all tga and txi files with the LHR_ prefix, and delete them.






    Using any other texture mod with this one(That effects the Endar Spire textures), depending on the order of install, may either cause some overlap(meaing appearance issues of the related modules in-game), or overwrite one of the mods completely.






    Most of the work for this mod was done soley by me. Some insperation may have been taken from other texure mods, but no file resoruces were used.





    If you wish to use any part of this in your own mod, credit must be given. Contact me either on DeadlyStream, or LucasForums.






    Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is a property of their respective owners. There is no affiliation between the author of this

    modification and either Obsidian Entertainment, or any affiliated companies.



    Click here to download this file

  17. So the update for Telos has been uploaded. I might have to fix the screenshots, I'm not sure. As for the changes...


    -Fixed Shader Effects.
    -Changed Advertisement(Twi'lek Dancer)
    -Added appropriate images and effects to Telos loading screens(Most, but not all - mainly the End Game Telos loading screens are as of yet untouched)
    -Added textures from Quanon's "Telos Citadel Station Skybox" mod, and edited them to fit the mod's theme. Credits for this addition added to readme.
    -Switched the line colors for TEL_dor10 and TEL_dor11, as TEL_dor11's alpha contains 'TSF' in aurabesh. Text also added to that texture, in the aurabesh font.
    -Cleaned up the lines on a few textures.
    -Cleaned up most of the Advertisements.


    The next thing will either be the release of Onderon, or the Star Forge - maybe both. Might even get those together today.

  18. So I believe it is time for a few things. Firstly, though...




    Started the edit for that sign some time ago, and finally finished it. It's actually two images, which I actually forgot after I did the line and text work. So I went back in, switched around the images, and made the second just lines that match up with the actuall "sign" texture. Might have to slow that down by a frame or two. It's only at four as is. though. And yes, I used a similar design as in Xarwarz VE2013 Onderon, but not exactly the same.


    However, while I do plan on releasing Onderon soon, there is only one issue - the "blast" texture used for Onderon is used on Dantooine, and the contrast is rather jarring. I'll either do something different with it, or release it as is, and change it later.


    As for Telos, I'll be updating that soon(Hopefully not forgeting about it again).


    Also, I think at least the Star Forge retex is ready, although it bugs the hell out of me that the SF door is not as modeled as the texture would suggest. Ah well.


    I did a test of K1's Dantooine as well, and...probably not. The same technically goes for the Unknown World, but I'll probably limit that to the "ruin" textures and such, if possible. Manaan I will be finishing and releasing at some point.

  19. Maybe this first bit is just a little thought collection, but even so, it's just the way I see it.


    In thinking a bit about mods that change the way the game starts, I find that the Arrive By Ship mod, although it does offer many possibilies for what the character's backstory is, there is an angle where that can be somewhat, lacking. This is mostly due to the fact that everything that could've happened to the character, is just backstory. While this can be just what some want, wishing to perhaps not deal with a twenty minute opening just to be able to start the game. The contrast to this, which may be a bit unfair, since both mods do very well at providing a better start for a character than one saddled with just being in prision, but the Alternative Beginnings mod I mentioned previously lets you play through these opening parts, even if some might just be you joining one of the guilds from the start, or perhaps starting in one of the forts, you being someone that is just like the occupants of it.


    Also, having finished with KoTN:R, I can say I loved it. One of those mods that, well, I can't find much wrong with. At least, nothing that would really need to be there. In some instances, with other mods, I've played through them and thought about a few things that could possibly make them better. With this one, I didn't think of anything. Mostly because nearly everything it did, fit. Not one single section made me want to stop playing, and in fact, the main reason I finished it so quickly was because I didn't want to stop.


    I have previously played few games that offer such an experience, but with this mod, it adds another. To read about such history(although I can't find exactly what book in the game mentions the events portrayed in the mod, at least the 1st Era section), is one thing. To experience it, to be a part of it, is quite another. In fact, I see this as very similar to KoTOR and TSL, concerning Dantooine and Korriban, albeit in reverse.


    Lune didn't have any reservations about grabbing the Dark Ayleid armor after the relics were stolen. To say she was pissed, would be an understatement. In fact, as I said previously, she might've been a bit cautious, but then, that bloody spell the elf mentions didn't seem as relevant as him taking the scroll so quickly. Almost wish I made her a Vampire, but that would not have helped. Once she found herself in the first era, she took the Ayleid armor once again, although this time, that bloody helmet wasn't to her taste.


    Again, much of this part, I loved. Might've been a bit empty(although it seemed that some of MMM's spawns still affected Cyrod, even if some of the classes and armors might not make any sense), but I didn't do too much exploring.


    As for the fight in the White Gold Tower, again, I wonder what book describes that event. Read through the Song of Pelinal series thinking it was that one, but it wasn't specific to that part of the story. Although given the story the vanilla KOTN presents, if the mod is correct, then it obviously wasn't Pelinal that defeated Umaril the first time.


    As for the rest, well, I had that 'petrification' part spoiled for me, by myself. Read that small section on TvTropes that mentions that part, mostly because then, I had no intention of playing the mod. Still, I loved that part. Only wish the awakening was a bit more visual than a small dream sequence, and then a loading screen after a few minutes of possibiliy wandering around said sequence, after which you are already standing up.


    Oh, and the 10,000 gold bounty I got was hiliarous.

  20. I like the removal of level scaling in OOO because it feels more realistic - if you run into a group of bandits, they shouldn't be wearing massively expensive armour, regardless of your level, as they wouldn't have the money (unless they're really, really good bandits). That's how it was in Morrowind - if you're an expert adventurer, you could step off the boat and navigate your way through a dungeon to find an ancient weapon of great power, but in Oblivion, you could leave the dungeons and find no more than a little enchanted knife.



    MMM does get close to that, although it doesn't really change around the armors that bandits and such have. I only installed the main three required files, since I don't have any issue with the creatures(although I haven't seen a Balrog yet - mostly because I keep focusing on characters that aren't doing the main quest). The mod does seem to have something of a curve to it, which can get annoying. Although perhaps that might be the point. Can't say I'm at a point where I want to uninstall it though. I do have one other mod that adds some Ayleid weapons to the respective ruins, some of them weilded by enemies.


    Something I've done too is start a new character, which is mostly devoted to the Knights Of The Nine questline. A female Moon Elf named Lune(original, isn't it?) Having already finished it, I'm now doing the Revelations questline. I had thought that, given my distaste for KOTN, I really wouldn't want to play it. However, after watching the previously mentioned Let's Play(which involved the KOTN questline) and Stream(involving the Revelations questline, and the Main Quest), I started to consider it. For the most part, it has certainly surprised me. Even if some things were spoiled a bit by both the Stream, and some of the images on the Nexus page, I had no idea where they fit in. However...


    I KNEW Sir Gareth would betray me or the Knights at some point, if not being secretly against me. Why? Because the moment that automation was dead, he runs up to the scroll and takes it. Doesn't ask me to go grab it, doesn't even let me look at the bloody thing. The same for the artifact from Ondo. He just grabs it. Maybe him doing these things make sense, but it's way to forward for it to NOT mean something.


    In contrast with that, I'm also doing a character devoted to the Dark Brotherhood(along with DBC). The journal I wrote for him is, insane. The first entry, although using the game's 'handwritten' font, was about sixteen pages. His name is Lithium, a Night Elf.


    Both of the character's races are from this mod: Xenius Race Compilation - Robert's Bodies. Also started both of these characers with Arthmoor's Alternative Beginnings mod(with the Arrive by Ship mod disabled, if course). Lune went with the Shipwreck option(starting things off with quite a swim), and Lithium started in the Dark Brotherhood(after which I used the journal to fill in the blanks of what happened previously).

  21. Hmmm... I never had those problems with the fighter guild quests. You must have done something in-perfect but I really wouldn't worry about it XDD


    Umm... ya in the mages guild quest it is a bug that it is still tresspassing but since the room isn't used by anybody really you never get in trouble for it. Btw, if you have notices in the skingrad house you are also tresspassing in rosethorn manor (even if you own it) when you go on the balcony and sometimes  (rarely) the gaurd may see you and come arrest you in the house. hehehe


    I always wanted to install MMM but never got around to it because I have used childrens anuad and I am now using Monster Girl which basically does the same thing and these two mods are newer, using newer resources and modding techniques (ie newer obse scripts and other) Monster Girl is right now in the last stages of beta and is cureently being cleaned with TES4edit.



    From the way it seems, getting demoted the first time is meant to happen(although I just find it strange that it's Azzan who deliver's this news, and not the Orc in Cheydinhal, or hell, even the Guildmaster herself storming down to find out what's going on, and then demoting you on the spot). It's just the reasoning for it that doesn't make sense to me, really. I don't recall any rules for the FG that mentions bringing back news of a members death, especailly when you don't have anything to do with it, and getting demoted for it. The second time is supposed to happen as well, although obviously it doesn't lower your rank at all, rather rasing it to guildmaster(since players would be unlikely to see their faction's page during the conversation.


    I'm thinking that between the portal to the Archmage's quarters, and the one to the Council room, it's dependant on rank in the guild, rather than a specific person. With Rosethorn, I have heard about that, but I really haven't used the balcony door to enter, and if I have, it's after I have the house, and have already been inside. I don't think I've seen the icon being red for the balcony door being red upon entering though. I know the patch fixes that problem(or it should, at least). The Bravil one is a bit funnier, since the Count owns your house door, but the rest of it is yours.


    Although the idea of a bit more varied gameplay is something I wouldn't mind, I just don't like the idea of going into a dungeon at level one, and dying ten times in the first room, because it's filled with enemies ten or more levels higher. Granted, I'm not too fond of the level scaling either, but that kind of result doesn't get me interested.


    Certainly some of the quests and such from OOO that I've seen(mostly in Let's Plays), I'd love to play through. But I don't think those or the armors they add have seperate downloads, and perhaps rightly so.

  22. Do I regret installing MMM? Not at all. In fact, I'm either going to have to either do the main quest with Kovu, or start another character to do so - mostly since I really want to see more of the creatures that appear in the Oblivion worlds, although I have seen some of them between a Let's Play of the game, and a stream of it. Doesn't compare to dealing with them personally though. I have seen some of them because of Peryite's quest, alongside the few other places they appear in Cyrodiil.


    Hmm...while it certainly can be said that I don't have much of a problem with the quests in the game, I did find a few in the Fighter's Guild. Played it with an Argonian(although I forget what his name is), which was mostly a fighter character, although using a little bit of magic(I know i picked at least Destruction and Resoration for his major skills). These problems might spoil things a bit.


    -This should be obvious. The quest where you find out the Guildmaster's son is dead. You obviously don't kill him, you didn't plan on it. But for some reason, which I can only see as shooting the messenger, you have to get some of the blame for the death of her son. Doesn't make much sense, really.


    -Somewhat related to the first, but after you deal with the Blackwood Company, you go back to Chorrol and speak with the Guildmaster. After the chiding statements about how foolish it was, she demotes me twice. Then...in the next sentence, she promotes me to Guildmaster. Um, What? Yeah, now  I'm really depressed about being demoted, when I don't have to worry about it anymore.


    Also, with the Mages Guild, I also have two small problems. Not as bad as the two above, though.


    -Council Chamber Trespassing: After you start the quest dealing with Vahtacen, you need to speak with Irlav. Problem is, he could be in the Council Chambers - but at that point, it's trespassing to enter, even if I've found that none of the three present within the chamber will find a problem with you entering it.


    -Engaged, yet casual: Mostly an annoyance of mine, but after a certain point, you have to stagger the quests, waiting a day or doing other things before getting the next quest. Sure, it is supposedly because of the Council's meetings, but the meetings obviously don't occur, since the most you get is Irlav, Caranya and Traven in the Council room.

  23. That is the Moonshadow race but if you install MBP++ you get a lop ear moonshadow elf option. I posted an OBMM version earlier in this thread where you get like 20 new races.




    Might try it out. I hae seen a few mods on the Nexus that require it, but getting that seems to be...tricky.



    Anyhoos... why don't you share your textures here so I can try them hmm... :ice: That would be nice lol


    I didn't edit the normal maps at all, just the base textures. I'll zip them and send them in a private message.



    btw did you see the pic of my Rosethorn manor? Do you like it?


    Hmm...I think I might've tried that mod out once. It's this one, isn't it? link I've been thinking about using Khettiena's, but I don't have too much of an issue with the vanila house.