Rtas Vadum

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Status Replies posted by Rtas Vadum

  1. Anyone else not use stims for their PC when playing K1 and K2? I always sell mine...

    1. Rtas Vadum

      Rtas Vadum

      I might use them randomly, such as using the one that boosts speed on Taris, and perhaps randomly in other places in both games, but not very much. Usually don't bother to sell them either.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. OMH I am loving that solid steel skin for HK-50 droid. Looking sweet. I can't beleive how good these mods are. Super happy here. I also found a Twilek play character that I am trying out. I hope it works with the restored content mod. Fun Fun

    1. Rtas Vadum

      Rtas Vadum

      Yeah, I did make that mod, although it was more about the same head being in K1, and since the model still existed in TSL(used for Luxa, obviously), I made the mod to add the model back as a head choice for PCs.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. OMH I am loving that solid steel skin for HK-50 droid. Looking sweet. I can't beleive how good these mods are. Super happy here. I also found a Twilek play character that I am trying out. I hope it works with the restored content mod. Fun Fun

    1. Rtas Vadum

      Rtas Vadum

      If the mod uses the TSL Patcher, then it should work fine. If not, then you'll need to edit a few files to make it work correctly.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Can anyone recommend any recent great rpgs?

    1. Rtas Vadum

      Rtas Vadum

      Any specific kind of theme your looking for?

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  5. Are the items "Darth Malak's Robe, Kyber Dart, Lawn Dart, Malak's lightsaber ingame TSLRCM or not?

    1. Rtas Vadum

      Rtas Vadum

      Technically, Malak's lightsaber is the sixth model in K1(it's difference to th rest being a different model, and a longer blade), which isn't obtainable unless it is spawned by the console(even in TSL it isn't used). As for the darts, a few of them aren't in the vanilla game, and would only be obtainable with TSLRCM, though it is random when and where they might be obtained.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

    1. Rtas Vadum

      Rtas Vadum

      Exactly. Revan went from having motivation beyond the reason of anyone, lest of all reason the Jedi Council could understand, to another bloody brick on the wall named "Jedi", and a pawn of the Sith Emperor to boot. Not to mention spiting in the face of those who like TSL, by having the Exile be "dead", while Revan, again, is no more than a pawn, and a Jedi.


      And ME3? Well, another can of worms. Which I won't open.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  6. Absolutely hates Bioware for what they did with Revan. Worst. Ending. Ever.

    1. Rtas Vadum

      Rtas Vadum

      How nice. Seems characters like Revan always need to be manipulated, rather than choosing their path for themselves, no matter who is barking orders at them. He does defy the Council, but it seems he waits to defy the true threat that he was trying to fight, and in the end, he comes off as no more than a pawn, not the outstanding figure he should be. And the Exile? Even worse.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. Shepherd's Pie. It's biologically possible to live on that forever, if you make it fully.

    1. Rtas Vadum

      Rtas Vadum

      Probably sent them the pie, which hid some sort of nuke, and it exploded.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)