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Everything posted by ttlan

  1. Towards a perfect K2 - 006 - Items collected during the prologue Bug 77517 : "...a lot of cargo from the Jedi's freighter is being stored in the secure cargo hold until we can pass it through the quarantine checks." From what the Dock Officer said in the Log 253-12 (Contraband) we are supposed to retrieve the objetcts collected during the prologue (T3-M4 is supposed to find the objects he found by searching the Ebon Hawk) and, indeed, one wonders why they are not found. Actually, they are lost. This would make the officer a liar. TTLan
  2. Towards a perfect K2 - 005 - T3-M4 PXs lost in Peragus Docking Bay Bug Peragus - T3-M4 controlled in the Peragus Docking Bay. From the moment T3-M4 becomes the character controlled, by the time it will be destroyed by HK-50, he will have won 1564 PX. By an incredible bug, the PX are won strictly for nothing because they will not be counted. The game has begun. We are no more in the prologue. We keep things found by T3-M4. Although T3-M4 is not officialy part of the group, the adventure has begun and the PX are sorely lacking in the Peragus Mining Tunnels where we will have to engage in real acrobatics to achieve a good PXs result without cheating. In addition, the Exile, which should come in the Peragus Mining Tunnels at level 3 is confined to level 2! TTLan
  3. Towards a perfect K2 - 004 - Corpses everywhere in the Ebon Hawk Bug 101PER_dlgadmoff.dlg 74329 : "Not much on board - one damaged droid, one annoying protocol droid, and a lot of bodies." 74330 : "Sent the survivor to medical, and the others to the morgue. Didn't recognize the ship's ID code, so we transmitted it to the Republic for some answers..." [static.] 74324 : [static.] "...inventoried the bodies and cargo - everything matches the protocol droid's story." 77506 : "Regardless, still no luck accessing the navicomputer - it's been voice-locked. maybe by one of the corpses we found on the ship... like the old woman." 77853 : [static.] "Everyone on the Ebon Hawk was dead, sir... we're starting autopsies within the hour." All of this is false (and perhaps come from an earlier and different begining of the adventure). We searched the Ebon Hawk before it reaches P?ragus (during the prologue) and apart from the corpse of the old woman brought to the morgue, there only were, in the Ebon Hawk, carcasses and three droids still "alive" 3C-FD, T3-M4 and HK-50, the first two having been shot by HK-50 but not destroyed. In addition there is no corpse in the Peragus morgue except a dead minor and the pseudo corpse of Arren Kae who put herself in catalepsy to escape her killer, Darth Sion. TTLan
  4. Towards a perfect K2 - 003 - Escaping from the kolto tank Bug There is no way to escape from the kolto tank except breaking it from within. How the Exile got out of there, on Peragus? Should it come to this inconsistency to have a functional kolto tank in which the Exile can return to heal? In addition, she has no Force power at that time. When Darth Sion goes out of his kolto tank, on the Harbinger, in full possession of his Force powers, he will explode it from within. TTLan
  5. Towards a perfect K2 - 002 - General Cede ! StrRef 77803 Republic General This is used for Admiral Cede (on the Harbinger) 151HAR_s.rim 154HAR_s.rim during this dialog 151HAR_dlg.erfrepcapt.dlg As far as I know, Cede is admiral, not general (same mistake in the English and French versions - and probably in all languages) I've modified this, in French dialog.tlk, to : Amiral Cede - Amiral de la R?publique Admiral Cede - Republic Admiral TTLan
  6. Hi, I've done a complete reinstall of K2 from scratch and now the scenes are there. I don't understand what hapened but Markus Ramikin is right : always make a clean install. Well, you understand that I am a little touchy with K2. I continue the walkthrough but it's slow because I check the translation of nearly every line in dialog.tlk file, line by line and in context and in the global spirit of K2. TTLan
  7. Hello, Well, what did I do ? I simply used the usual installation of TSLRCM, automated by its own installer. I installed the French version 1.7 over the French version 1.6. No further action. K2 with TSLRCM 1.6 was already installed and fully functional. There had never been any mod installed except WhereAmI ArmBand (not use nor introduce in the inventory during this tests). I begun a new game from the character creation. Before leaving the EH, the boolean 101PER_KREIA_STUNT is set to 0 and to 1 after the invisible Kreia get up animation. In 101PER_dlg101kreia.dlg, the "Start get up animation" is set to a_cut_kreia script with a delay at 9. I think this is this animation that is not played if it still exist. I have verified this in various cases including doing or not doing the prologue, with and without help windows in the feedback options... The animation, if it still exist unmodified, is skipped. Since the time that I work on the dialog options, I wonder what is the code or the tool to access the hidden tests and debug options that we can see in some dialogs. Answer in a private message. Perhaps, depending on your investigation, I'll completely reinstall K2 from scratch. Oh!... Something you have to know : I use a UK version of K2 with French dialog.tlk, French .wav and French .lips We are numerous to do that because we are no more able to find native French K2. I do not know if this has an incidence during the installation of TSLRCM but it has no incidence and never had any incidence during the running of K2 as it only concern passive localised external data and, at no time, the kernel or scripts. TTLan
  8. Hi, These scenes do not exist anymore. Kreia is standing immediately with a new camera watching from below. I was so disgusted to see that so important very begining of the game changed that I started the game more than 20 times! I can't believe it! What allows anyone to touch the material of Obsidian? It is to restore deleted scenes but not to massacre the fabulous work, full of subtleties, from Obsidian. Has there been a discussion about this? Who took the initiative? What does that means: the U.S. version and other versions that are not synchronous. What Hassat is thinking about ? We can modify some errors in the work of Obsidian but not interfere with the spirit of Kotor! TTLan
  9. Towards a perfect K2 - 001 - Kreia is hiding herself Oh my God! What did you do? Peragus - Cut scene with Kreia in the morgue of Peragus. You have removed the two times where Kreia hide her face! This is the most important action of Kreia in all K2 and this gesture marks the beginning of the mystery of this character and this determines the global manner in which this game will go on ? with mysteries and secrets and hidden revelations and avowals hard to obtain. This is one of the reason why of K2. This is it?s signature. She just decide to turn from Arren Kae/Darth Traya to Kreia, in real time, exactly now, just before talking for the first time to the Exile and she hide her previous life in order not to be recognised. The Exile might have know her by the past. We will never see her face and none character in the game will see her face. The Disciple, younger than the Exile and who had been teached by the Exile in the Enclave, will recognise Arren Kae (?{Quietly, beat at the last sentence}I know you - not even the markings of the dark side can hide it. Why have you done this??). Thus we can be certain the Exile has met Arren Kae by the past. She must hide and that?s what she does. More : She will say that she must stay hidden : ?{Cryptic}Even now, she is difficult to see. She must remain hidden for now until the time is right - if not, then all our efforts will be for nothing.? And the right time will be the Council. You have done worst : a camera, near the floor, try to show her face ! The remove of those two scenes is a dramatic mistake in the spirit of K2 and the SW EU. Thank you to quickly restore these two scenes. Obsidian did not do this lightly and I damn that some who have understood nothing of Kotor 2, find the scene too long. TTLan Kotor 2 -TSLRCM - What is restored Kotor 2 - I have not understand anything at Kotor 2 Kotor 2 - Recent history: the 25 years before Kotor 2 Kotor 2 - Recent history: what happened during the 3 ? days before Kotor 2 Kotor 2 - Solution and spirit of Kotor 2 - about 400 pages Kotor 2 - Character of Kotor 2 - Arren Kae
  10. Towards a perfect K2 - 000 - TSLRCM 1.7 Hi all 1/ I have Installed 1.7 on 1.6. - French installation. I?ve altered dialog.tlk before the installation of 1.7 in order to verify the installation of the new dialog.tlk file. It is not installed. Oh!? Thank?s for the credit. 2/ French dialog.tlk French dialog.tlk is now in 1.05 (and 1.06 is in progress) 473 modifications / corrections / translations have been made. You can pick it at any time (it is, always, the last version) at and add it in TSLRCM. What?s modified in the French dialog.tlk ? (.xls file) 3/ As you note it in the readme file, it is completely impossible to reload a save made under 1.6. We must start a new game. 4/ Installing 1.7 (and, perhaps, starting with the launcher) will install a new .ini file with no warning before the rewriting of it. All previous tweaks in that file are lost. Nothing in the backup dir. 5/ T3-M4 / 3C-FD dialog (001EBO_dlg3cfd.dlg) He he ! Restored ! Ok, this is not very important and the 3C-FD dialog, in the prologue, is used as the didactic of influence in K2 but, as you are working hard for a perfect K2, when asking 3C-FD what to do now when we are already outside and that all is done (got mines), he reply, when inf > 6, with StrRef 125887 for a T3-M4 ?Fix the problem outside the ship? Okay? instead of entering in the hyperdrive dialog options . Inf must be > 3 but not > 6 so we must lower the inf to get an intelligent response from 3C-FD. 5/ A prologue tip disappear I?ve noted that leaving the prologue after picking all on the Ebon Hawk, during the prologue, no more allow to keep all what was collected, once the game really begins, in Peragus. I have already spoke, numerous times, about tips! Perhaps some of them are bugs but they introduce fun at playing with the game, in addition to playing at the game, and they add hours of lifetime for the game. Removing tips is killing a little bit the game. I know, Zbyl2, that you do not agree with me and I know that some prefer cheat with KSE or altering the game using Mods instead of playing with the pure game when it is possible! This is more easiest! The easiest way is of no interest! (Except for those who develop Mods ? I?m not talking about them). Well? You are working for ?A perfect K2?. Let?s talk about a perfect K2. If I find time, I'll translate to English my remarks in my French Kotor 2 web site, about bugs and about the spirit of Kotor 2 and it's integration in the Extended Universe. Many thanks for your job. Note and report that there is, since the begining of TSLRCM, as you allowed me, a permanent mirror of the latest version of TSLRCM on my web pages (I'll upload 1.7 asap but there is something I want to speak with you and the community before - it will be my next thread - about Kreia hiding herself). TTLan Kotor 2 -TSLRCM - Extended What is restored Kotor 2 - I have not understand anything at Kotor 2 Kotor 2 - Recent history: the 25 years before Kotor 2 Kotor 2 - Recent history: what happened during the 3 ? days before Kotor 2 Kotor 2 - Solution and spirit of Kotor 2 - about 400 pages Kotor 2 - Character of Kotor 2 - Arren Kae
  11. Precisely at this point, where do you indicate the duration of a dialog option, and how? With DlgEdit, in dialogues, there is a time box, but this does not affect the length, either before, during, or after (or I do not know how to use it). If I had to develop this kind of script, I would say, a priori, that Lips is a good place (the good place) to indicate that duration. But what about for events not related to an dialog option? TTLan
  12. Re, Also, the same sentence is written 4 times. The first one, sayd by HK-50, the 3 others, by the Plateau ! I have already talk about this bug on the previous board. TTLan
  13. Hi, Before entering this in the "Scenes that need improvement?" thread : After leaving the underground base, the shuttle is knocked down by a missile fired by a HK-50. He says "Field Assessment: I have picked up the heat forms of the Jedi and his allies. Activate the mines, and prime the self-destruct sequences. " Well " Activate the mines, and prime the self-destruct sequences." has no sens here, in my point of view. So I am not sure we have to use the StrRef 117987 in this conversation. Somebody has an other idea? TTLan
  14. Ok. I did not notice the "small local company". Good luck with the script and the templates! I use phpBB for my boards. Thanks TTLan
  15. Hi, If there is a real big lack of security on the current version, it is best to go to the V4 straight. But ... Is there a risk with the current version? What risk? Hack? Spam? What was the cause of the frequent cuts and, finally, the loss of the previous board? Version 4 seems a quite new version and I'm always in favor of letting others wipe plasters and wait for the stabilization of the thing. TTLan
  16. ttlan

    Unreadable !

    Humf ...! White writing on white background! Unreadable ! White writing on light yellow background! Unreadable ! Writing a post in black on dark green ! Unreadable ! Insufficient contrast.. Pale colors (bland). Why change? Lost of time for nothing! TTLan
  17. Unable to add cookies, header already sent. File: /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/class_postbit.php(294) : eval()'d code Line: 105 And, 7 times : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/class_postbit.php(294) : eval()'d code on line 105 I am under Firefox with AddBlock+ and NoScript but is in my white list. Also : Unable to download from Mods Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Also, calling Blog Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 55 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 107 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 111 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 119 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 130 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 134 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 142 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 211 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 389 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/class_core.php on line 2552 Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 307 Warning: number_format() expects parameter 1 to be double, array given in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 361 Calling bug tracker Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 55 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 107 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 111 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 119 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 130 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 134 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 142 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 211 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 389 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/deadlyst/public_html/forum/includes/class_core.php on line 2552 ASO... TTLan
  18. Hi, I am cautious about the temporary lost of her powers by the one who still is, for a few minutes, Darth Traya. I admit she has a stroke of fatigue due to the attack which she suffered (but not due to his age because it's the Dark Side who has damaged her flesh but I think she is much younger than that she does appear). At Peragus, before leaving her trance, she manages to reach the spirit of the Exiled even as the Exile still is in a coma! Upon awakening she reads your thoughts and those of Atton located at a distance. She tracks your progress and sees your entire environment and guides you. I think she plays the old lady, as she plays at the exiled but that she is not at all an old lady with lowered powers. It is a wonderful actress and, I agree, by far the most important character of K2 and the more "worked" by Obsidian. TTLan
  19. Hi, Darth Traya has never been exiled by Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus. This is one of the fundamental errors in the interpretation of Kotor 2. Darth traya tells this and lie to the Exile to be "adopted" by presenting her as a double exile. She plays, from the beginning, with the natural compassion of the Exiled that she studied for nearly 10 years. When have you seen Sith Lords exile one of their members to take his place? They kill, that's all. When starting Kotor 2, she fled an attempted murder which she was the victim. I completely agree with previous comments about the mystery that must be maintained. And in this regard, Obsidian is very strong! Only "unspoken" almost all thru the game! A wonder! TTLan
  20. Hi, In the animation, when Kreia suggests at the Exile that she is not Sith or Jedi, but both at once "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole. Know that I am your teacher, and that is enough." The commentary knows an end : StrRef 119934 "I was cast down. Stripped of my power. Exiled." But, in the dialog, there is an alternate end (noted as "alternate") that will never be reached : StrRef 119933 "{Alternate}I did not wish to kill you, so they cast me down. Stripped me of my power. Exiled me. " I have not found any trace of an attack of Darth traya by Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus in which they ask Darth traya to kill the Exile. Did I miss something and is there something to restore here (or is there no material left for that) ? TTLan
  21. Hi Hassat, Eh. OE intentionally made skills more useful, since they pretty much where fluff in KOTOR1. Do you blame them? But anyone can mod the game, so if you want to make a "hardcore" mod that does stuff like this aside enemy tweaks, I am sure you will find a willing crew that wants a challenge... But... That's what I say. In that present case, the skill is not used and it's a pity. I feel that we do not understand each other. My English is so bad? Result: the administrative card found a little further on a corpse is useless and yet it has been planned for this enigma. Worse, I even think that the potential existence of this enigma, circumvented by Obsidian themselves, for I do not know why, has never been discovered. In the genus "restoring cut content" it is really time to restore something easy to do and of an implacable logic. A skill > 8 is equal to not using the skill since a character can not have any skill less than 8 at its creation and that these skills can only grow. It is to honor the Obsidian work than restoring the use of this skill at this point in the underground base of Czerkas and to restore an enigma. At that time of the game, the computer skill is arround 10 / 14 and many items upgrading this skill have been found so I think that a computer skill > 18, perhaps > 20, is reasonable to be able to deactivate the turrets. It must be something difficult, pushing the user to find an other way, the administrative card. The use of intrusions programs appear not to have been scheduled but could be. TTLan
  22. Hi, StrRef 118179 E 114 in dialogs.bif baodur.dlg Bao-Dur is talking of his remote and says: ?I've been thinking about doing some other work on him, but I barely have time. Too busy fixing up the ship.? This bug is shocking me since the first time I played K2, years ago. This phrase should be used only on board of the Ebon Hawk and yet it is used anywhere, anytime, including at the meeting of Bao-Dur, at the surface of Telos, at a time he has never seen the Ebon Hawk (and he has nothing to repair and he does not repair anything). I suggest choosing one of the following changes: The easiest way: Remove, in the conversation option, the allusion to the ship. Something like : ?I've been thinking about doing some other work on him, but I barely have time. Too busy.? But the audio file will be different. Or ?I've been thinking about doing some other work on him, but I barely have time.? This is an easy way to edit the audio file. A better way: Test if the current map is the Ebon Hawk Conditional c_modname_comp 003EBO Create a new convo that does not include the second sentence "Too busy fixing up the ship." (The audio can be edited to create two audio file) and modify the .dlg accordingly. If on board : ?I've been thinking about doing some other work on him, but I barely have time. Too busy fixing up the ship.? If not ?I've been thinking about doing some other work on him, but I barely have time.? More complicated: The test is not on the current map, but if we have allready retrieve the Hawk and if Bao-Dur has been on board more than 0 time. We must find some help in every language TTLan
  23. Well, First of all, never take what I say or my recriminations against you. We must be rebelling against LucasArts because they are the cause of the bugs encountered and shortcuts that Obsidian had to take. Well ... Maybe I had better to work on my English before you write? About the medical dro?de of Khoonda You can win a LS point only when the dro?de is in that position and this happen randomly - this is the animation than pilot the win of the LS point, so it cannot be a bug nor an exploit but something done voluntarily. Exploits are cheats too. That's what I say except that, with tricks, you have to play at/with the game. The console or KSE are stupid to cheat when you have an other way, much more funny and amazing. I am a little proud of discovering things that nobody has yet discover in K2 but if I speak of that with you and you erase it, K2 return to a game for beginners and I let it down. It become of less interest. I repeat what I have already say on the previous board. We can play at the game but it's much more interresting playing with the game when we have walk through this adventure hundreds of times. Erasing tricks is killing the game for the advanced players, we, those who play at it again and again, five years later, and are active on the boards to help beginners while always finding pleasure and secrets. If all what make us feel that we do not yet have gone all arround the game is destroyed, I do not see the point for the pillars of this game that we are, of continuing playing at it. It became something basic, for beginners, with basic solution. It is still more interesting and fun to discover how to raise to square the number of Handmaiden's Robe and then sell them or break them down instead of calling KSE and, in 2 moves, say 10 million credits and 500,000 components! Oh... and, as far as I know, mulpiply the number of Handmaiden's Robe has been discovered but never how to raise this number to square. About the level 53 I am talking of security skill, I am not talking of jedi level. When you must reach 53 in your security skill, you have to think a lot and try to find, in the objects loots, the ones who can upgrade your skill. About the enigma for the turrets in the underground base on Telos It is an enigma cut by Obsidian. I am not talking of TSLRCM team. The alternate possibilty to deactivate the turrets is your computer skill and Obsidian has fixed it at > 8. I think, regarding your other post, that this enigma must be restored. It must be difficult and enigmatic to shut down the turrets (notwithstanding the fact that it is better to destroy them for fun and PX). You are in a military base! If anyone can shut down the turrets, at what does they serve? Thanks for all TTLan
  24. Hi Hassat The bug of the repulsor fist of Bao-Dur in the underground base. We made a big deal on the ability of Bao-Dur to break the force fields with his repulsor fist. Except at the opening of the first force field, for which the animation is OK, Bao-Dur will never use his repulsor fist but fire on the fields (or attack with a sword) and, worse, he starts shooting in any position, including his companions or back to the target or on his feet!.... The files in question to correct this bug are probably confined to: 232TEL_s.rim door_telfirst.utd 232TEL_dlg.erf ffield_1.dlg The a_global_set and c_global_set of 232TEL_ForceField could be used to identify the first force field and the other ones. The test for the presence of Bao-Dur in the active group is necessary for the first force field. For the following, he is always there. But this test is probably not even necessary for the first force field since Bao-Dur must be in the active group and can not be removed. TTLan
  25. Hi Hassat, This has never been completely discovered and described on the Net (in French anyway), but the trick with the medical droid of Khoonda is clearly something written voluntarily. It's not at all what is written everywhere : click click click click and, from time to time, a LS point is win. And it is not a limited trick, as written everywhere but it is unlimited! I think the following screenshots are sufficient to understand than that writing proceed from a previous reflexion and is voluntary and not a bug. An animation has been written for that trick. Star Wars - Kotor 2 - TSL - Astuce : PCL illimit?s avec le dro?de m?dical dans l'infirmerie de Khoonda For the beginners, tricks remain unknown. For advanced users, there is a joy to discover them and more to use them. They bring pleasure to use and extend the life of the game And because it is impossible to use console or others KSE's like on Xbox, the developers introduce tricks in games to compensate for this lack of mobility that we have on PC's versions. And when you can use a trick instead of stupidly falling in the use of a cheat console, there is no doubt about the choice! The trick is much more fun and represents a phase of the game - the console does not bring you anything except the feeling of having cheated! Removing the tricks is impoverishing the game. And when a canteen requires a level 53 to be opened, it is a very difficult and exciting challenge that requires thinking and I always succeeded. I do not think that taking the players for fools enhance the game. Get off this level to 35 by believing that it was a typo makes this phase of the game tasteless. Don't think! We feel for you! Same thing with the administrative card of the underground base of Czerka. This should be used in an enigma to deactivate the turrets of the base. But no ... The alternate requirement to disable the turrets was lowered to a computer skill greater than 8, in other words, anyone can do it without resorting to this enigma that has disappeared! Who ever heard of this enigma? Look at 232TEL_dlg.erfsectrma.dlg This script should be completely rewrite. Fear ... is what governs the development of this game! The fear that it is too difficult to understand in terms of scenario because all of this requires thinking. So, for fear that the enigmas be also too difficult, we gave the game to players. It has become so stupid in terms of enigmas and difficulties that we see beginners boast of having come through this adventure, for their first time playing at K2, in less than 20 hours! Stop cretinization of Kotor 2. TTLan