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Everything posted by ttlan

  1. I suspect a history of T3 not available, in the active group, so we can not see it in the fuel line to precisely see that it is unavailable! The serpent biting its tail! We need to have an other character, NPC, a T3 clone. Or, use 3C-FD. It's in B&W, and T3 is suposed to have been shot down by HK-50. It thus has, him also, the head of through and a broken appearance.
  2. Yes, I know. Simpler solutions were used when the place itself does not have importance. I think, for example, at Moza in a hidden part of Citadel, when he has a telepathic exchange with Exiled whereas he is, physically, on another map. The camera makes a close-up on him and the decorations is almost not visible and does not have importance. But, here, these are two rooms of the map which are important.
  3. Well, there is a DSP added at E107, wich is 2 steps before E17 The sequence R19 E17 do not pass thru E107 R150, no? And there are LSP missing. And note that, in French, the "Forget them, then.", wich is clearly DS, has become "Let us not speak about that any more" (Forget it) . This leaves no time assumed they were abandoned by the Exile and is not DS response. I am tired of all this French clutter! As I wrote on my pages a few months ago, from now on, only French subtitling counts. The audio versions are too distant from what Obsidian wrote. I do not retain any more my feather to write, under pretext that an audio file exists.
  4. Yes Hassat, that's it. I was thinking of a video capture of the animation from those cameras, from the medical bay console, and insert them as a video on the maintenance console because an animation is impossible - the cameras are on another map.
  5. That has a very great importance for a certain challenge that I suggest since a long time and that some try to succeed. You are right, there is full of LSP to gain thereafter but, the play being a little too easy (except for the searches of the revelations and confidences by all the characters - the dialogs are, by far, the most succeeded and most interesting part of K2), I add many challenges. One of those I comment on my pages is the obsessional research of the least LSP during the beginning of the game in order to become “LS Master” just before the lessons of echani fighting in the polar Academy (under the pretext to get 3 more points in "Constitution" (or other ...), which are welcome, just before the fighting). There are only 52 LSP to gain before the lessons of fighting and one needs 50 of them. If it misses, from now, 3 of them, it is not worth any more the while to try this challenge which can't be succeeded never again. The first 52 LSP And another thing question me: where does this DSP come from, as there is no call to the script adding a DSP. Certain things seem encoded outside the method "readable" in dialogs (or there is a bug elsewhere).
  6. Chris drunk! lol I also think that the theory according to which Kreia and Arren Kae are two different characters is a pure speculation. There is absolutely no beginning of proof of that in K2. On the oposite side, I listed 18 evidences that it is the same character (and there are undoubtedly others). But this is another debate.
  7. Towards a perfect K2 - 010 - T3 unit dumped into the fuel line From the Peragus engine maintenance console, we can use a camera in a fuel line. It shows a mine (or should shaw a mine) and detritus (a small bag - this is not really identifiable - It's a workbook giving the directions for use to repair the door of the hangar giving access to the Ebon Hawk. It is completely surrealist but, well?). But it is also tell that we can see a T3 unit. Well no, not at all! T3 is missing. There is no shadow of a suspected piece of T3 in there! And there never was since K2 exist. Reflection for fun : Does HK-50 wanted to see those instructions and T3 transformed into elementary particles in a ion engine of the next ship that would fill up with fuel?
  8. It is explained that the control of two cameras of the medical bay were transferred to this console. One is locked on a Kolto tank (that of Exile). The other is that of the morgue. Where are they? We were able, from the console of the infirmary, to use these two cameras. These are the same that we should find again at the maintenance console. I suspect that there is a problem with the map change but is there an elegant solution to fix this?. This contributes to the understanding that it is HK-50 the culpable.
  9. Exile and HK-50 - first meeting. I'm opening a new dialog at R19 in 103PER_dlgHK50.dlg I allready have the Sonic Imprint Sensor At the end, I gain a DSP and a LSP. I'm opening this dialog with a GoodEvil at 53 and leaving it with a GoodEvil at 53 !. Before 1.7, I was starting it at 53 and and I was finishing it at 57, with no DSP for LS progressions. Where does that silly DSP come from? That's new. There is not any a_darksml script on none of those dialog options.
  10. Where does your .tlk file come from ? I've just verified in the original dialog.tlk file on my english K2 and in the original english dialog.tlk file that you can download from Obsidian web pages. The two ones don't have the word "for" in them. And I am right, no? He / She will need warriors He / She will need Sith and Jedi He / She will need any who can be sent after... He / She will need any who know the way But, ok, He / She will need for any who know the way may be right to. In my English memories We need for somebody to do something but We need for something Isn't it? And the faults, in French are (actual translation in French back to English): But he will need warriors, Sith or Jedi, able to find him in the depths of space. (And that's all !) But she will need warriors, Sith or Jedi, able to find him in the depths of space. (And that's all !)
  11. Er? I think that this posed and presents a problem. If I am delayed on this it is precisely because the original French translation had completely eluded this portion of sentence which is not translated at all currently, like others French things which make that does not fit (like, sometimes, for example, to translate ?white? when Obsidian says ?black?, to translate the reverse of what is known as). Despite the fact that English is not my native language, I think I understand it a little bit and, more especially, I understand the spirit of K2. The word ?way? is ambiguous in the mouth of Kreia and can easily indicate those which know the way of Jedi or those which know the path towards the Empire. The only difference between 101434 and 101442 is a Revan male or female. So, I don't understand what that "for" do there in the female case. It's, perhaps, because it don't fit in (in English). Kreia is going to die. She prepares the way for the one she loved and protected like her child. One does not say vague things at this moment. Kreia never said things vague? things prone to interpretations or speculations, perhaps, but there, at that time... I would like an explanation which is not a theory without justification. The work of Obsidian on the language is exemplary and each word counts. Is this word in excess? A typing error? One does not find it in the male version and I do not see why, here, there would be an alternative between the two versions or, what is this alternative, in a deepened interpretation, that I don't understand? And, MassShadowCreator, I weary myself of all, except learning. (?One wearies oneself of all, except learning?, Virgile). TTLan
  12. The sentence has a meaning in itself. The question is: what does this allusion to the comprehension of the art of the war, by Bastila or Onasi, is doing in the mouth of Kreia at this time, there? Kreia explains to the Exile that she should not have attachement, not to be weakened, what Revan, apparently, did not explain to Bastila or Onasi. Ok. He left while requiring to be alone, without explaining that it was to protect himself and to protect the others (and by giving orders to several, of which Mandalore, GoTo and Onasi). But, at that time, it is a personal search of Revan. A work on its flashes of memory. For the republicans and the admiralty of its armies, whose Onasi, or for the last one of the ancient Jedi, Bastila, the wars are finished. Why, then, this allusion to the art of the war? One needs a particularly thorough reading of the dialogs and an integration and overlap between them, to understand that Kreia is aware of the existence of the Sith Empire, knows its site, knows that Revan required of Mandaloriens to be its army and fight for the Republic (what is an absolute secrecy of Revan)? Subtleties of language used are? subtle (thank you Obsidian for the most fabulous work ever done in a video game). Is it necessary to read there, in filigree, an allusion to the next war? The one presage by Revan since he asked Mandalore to prepare an army to him, GoTo to stabilize the Republic and Onasi, therefore with republican Admiralty, one know what? Is it necessary to read, in the mouth of Kreia, an allusion to this hypothetical Kotor 3 on which Obsidian had said to have started to work, years ago? Therefore, the two sentences about which I am speaking appear particularly subtle, so subtle that I wonder about my interpretation of this extreme subtlety. TTLan
  13. Towards a perfect K2 - 008 - Typo? Mistake? For any who know the way. As I was making a correction to the French translation, I noticed this : 101434 But she will need warriors, Sith and Jedi, any who can be sent after her into the depths of space, for any who know the way. I do not know if it is in the English audio files but it is, surely, a mistake. To be compared to : 101442 But he will need warriors, Sith and Jedi, any who can be sent after him into the depths of space, any who know the way. TTLan
  14. Why would Kreia be concerned with Bastila or Onasi? Malakor, at the end Kreia is talking about Revan In 904MAL_dlg.erf904kreia.dlg Or 907MAL_dlg.erf904kreia.dlg Kreia : And, like you, he knew he must leave all loves behind as well, no matter how deeply one cares for them. Because such attachments are not the way of the Jedi, and they would only bring doom to them both in the dark places where he now walks. It would have helped had he made her understand. But she was always strong-willed, that one, and did not understand war as Revan did. Or And, like you, she knew she must leave all loves behind as well, no matter how deeply one cares for them. Because such attachments would only bring doom to them both in the dark places where she now walks. It would have helped had she made him understand, but a hero of the Republic, no matter how brave, cannot understand war as Revan did. I do not understand the two sentences ?It would have helped?? What does they do there ? In what way it would have helped? And helped who, why? I would better understand if Kreia said 'It would help...' Can somebody explain me the meaning of those sentences in this context? Thank you. TTLan
  15. This may help : Table of the 9 possible versions of the personal crystal. Increases of effects Increases of the saber Increases of the character This for each of the 5 possible crystals: Full Light Side Grey Neutral Obscur Full Dark Side TTLan
  16. No, I do not speak about that. I am speaking of adding or not the name “Cede” in this wording. Your translation is, in the literal sense, perfect. Yes, whether you use the name or the adjective is perfectly correct. TTLan
  17. Hello, I have just found this in the english language version. It was not translated in accordance with the original in the French version! 74499 in 101PER_dlg.erf medoff.dlg Aside from the lone survivor, we recovered an old woman, no life signs. There was also a protocol droid and a utility droid on board - sent both down to maintenance while security sorts through the other items on the ship. This thus confirms well that objects coming from Ebon Hawk, the objects collected by T3-M4 during the prolog, are found in the secure cargo hold. TTLan
  18. Hello, In the same order of idea, at the same place, at the same moment, there is also : 101PER_dlg.erfmedoff.dlg 74496 : the survivors followed by 74497 : Only one survivor Probably nothing to do due to the audio files. TTLan
  19. Oh! a French-speaking ! Each time that is possible and that this has no incidence, I remove any possible ambiguity. But you are right. It would be the exact translation of the most probable English correction. Sincerely. TTLan
  20. Hi Markus, Believe well that I am sorry to have these English gaps. It is not my native language. I have made some corrections and additions. This is a short cut of one of my pages. The general spirit of my website can be see in this extract : understand... explain... justify what I say This work is my own work in front of the abysses of stupidities written in connection with Kotor 2. Kotor 2 is a fabulous work of subtlety in the langage without equal in the universe of games. The way in which LucasArts led the hasty marketing of this game, ruining the work of Obsidian, is disturbing. Arren Kae, alone, destroyed the two orders completely and built a new one. No Sith lord reached this power and this intelligence. She should be high at the pinnacle of the Star Wars Pantheon. Exiled is compared by Mandalore to Revan. She exceeds Nihilus, Arren Kae… There is a lack in the promotion of this game and the positioning of its characters. The feeling that Obsidian was destroyed inside by the fact of not being able to finish what they had envisaged to do and who should have propelled them, them and this game, at the top of the charts. This game is one of the bests and, probably, the best in the Star Wars Extended Universe, most intelligent, subtle… Well… I already made 400 to 500 pages about this on my website. Thank you at the current team and the predecessors for the accomplished work of restoration and the work to come. TTLan
  21. Ooops Markus... let's talk about the 3 ? days preceding Kotor 2. T3-M4 comes back in the Republican space, alone aboard the Ebon Hawk. When he has time, he is trying to patch up HK-47, that Revan has made in 3959 BBY. They were gone every 3, and nobody else, 4 years ago, with the Ebon Hawk, in search of the threat behind the threat. Before they leave, Bastila has recorded a supplication asking T3-M4 to act as if she placed a beacon near Revan and to return to fetch her, or the Jedi, if something happened to Revan. This supplication comming from Bastila is the birth act of Kotor 2. Revan had to leave the Ebon Hawk for a little longer than usual - perhaps two to three days. T3-M4 decides to follow the supplication of Bastila: he come back in Republican space seeking help. T3-M4 is absolutely alone when he return back in the Republican space. There never was someone else on board the Ebon Hawk, accordance with the Revan wishes of not endanger anyone (and nobody except T3 and Revan, knows the astronavigation of the EH and the path to the Real Siths Empire). T3-M4 can not find Bastila wich is hidden by Onasi. He searches for the Jedi, but they do not exist any more. The last 4 hide in unlikely places. So he turns to the master of Revan, Arren Kae, who is hiding on Malachor and is known as Darth Traya. He knows her. Calculation of the date of the lawsuit of Arren Kae and the birth date of Brianna Revan discovered the Academy of Trayus 12 years ago, in 3963 BBY. There, it is said that he welcomed Arren Kae, his master, when she was exiled, just after her lawsuit, so we can say that her lawsuit take place a few weeks later, again in 3963 BBY. So, Arren Kae could not be exiled before 3963 BBY. This should be noted because, of this date, one deduced the birth date of Brianna which, for the moment, is completely fancy in the various encyclopedias. And the lawsuit can't take place later 3963 BBY because Brianna, who was born 10 years before the lawsuit, would be too youg. Revan came back to the Academy of Trayus in 3960 BBY, after the Battle of Malachor V, in order to see his master, Arren Kae, and know how to leave the Jedi Council under the best conditions. He works with Arren Kae on the archives of the Academy and discovers the True Sith Empire. He goes there and comes back after a training by the Emperor himself. This should be noted because Arren Kae, aka Kreia at that time, will claim, in a lie during her teaching of the Exile, that there never existed a Sith Empire. But she knows the existence of it, where it is and where Revan is. He come back and it's the invading by the Sith armies of Revan and Mallak. Kotor 1. Revan is back to the LS. The way he is "returned" is not important here. After a period of civil war in the Sith, Arren Kae federate the legions of Sith that Revan abandoned. It's the invading by the armies of the "New Sith." and the killing of all the Jedi. Arren Kae has worked for years on the echoes of Malachor V and the case of the Exil, surviving without the Force. She developed and taught new Force powers. This has enabled her to avenge from the Jedi. Now, the weapon she has developed, Darth Nihilus, is escaping and kills life in general. He must be stopped. She seeks to build a new weapon, even stronger than the first, using the Exil because she does not fear anything from Darth Nihilus since her link to the Force is empty. Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus have understood this and are trying to kill Arren Kae. Here we are - about 3.5 days before Kotor 2. See : Medical console of the Harbinger 77931 : <FullName> Treatment Request: Sedatives administered during routine examination 3.5 days ago. Emergency override enacted, dosage exceeds safety protocols. - Log 253-12 [Time Marked: 3 Days Ago] - Log 253-14 [Time Marked: 2 Days Ago] - Log 253-17 [Time Marked: 1 Day Ago] - Log 253-12 [3 Days Ago] - Log 253-15 [2 Days Ago] - Log 253-18 [1 Day Ago] HK-50 discovers the Exile on the Harbinger, capture her and destroy the Harbinger. His idea is to escape in a rescue capsule. When T3-M4 and the Ebon Hawk arrives on Malachor, Darth Traya is the victim of an attempted murder and she jumps in the Ebon Hawk. Darth Sion started to pursue her and his Sith assassins invest the Ebon Hawk after half-destroyed it with proton missiles. T3-M4 send out an SOS and the Harbinger comes to his rescue. Darth Sion and his assassins hide in the Hawk. The Ebon Hawk is fastened in a hangar of the Harbinger. The plan of HK-50 is amended and he decides to run away with the Ebon Hawk where he transfer the Exile. As usual, the Sith ignore the droids and HK-50 can escape with the Ebon Hawk while Darth Sion and his assassins kills the entire staff of the Harbinger. Darth Sion has a new spacecraft to replace its old debris from the gravitational well of Malachor. Darth Sion feels the Ebon Hawk going away with the corpse of Arren Kae. Something is going wrong ! But the Harbinger has been destroyed by HK-50. Darth Sion must fix it. It will take some time to recover the Ebon Hawk wich is allready at Peragus. And now, the corpses everywhere The only bodies that we can see in the Ebon Hawk are those of Sith assassins that Darth Traya may have killed before plunging into catalepsy to escape her killer. 1 / The corpse in the morgue of Peragus is a miner with his plasma torch. 2 / I believe that disposing Sith assassins corpses in the Ebon Hawk and in the Peragus morgue make consistent all the dialogues and does not change any dialog option. It does not affect, in no way, the general progression of the events. TTLan
  22. For sure Markus. I would leave aside the minor things to mention only the major problems of logic. Thanks TTLan
  23. Hi And that is just beginning. Pray that I do not have time to translate all my notes for "A perfect kotor 2! And then ... you should not pick me up with the "correction / destruction" of the tips named "bugs" that allowed to play with Kotor 2. It remains the dialogues ... gloomy ... full of innuendo ... the most interesting part of Kotor 2. It remains a tip (bug) or two that are not yet discovered: the squaring (and I mean the squaring, not multiplication) of the handmaiden robe... No! I would not say anything! ... TTLan
  24. No. Not at all. We know where they come from, as the dock officer explain it : 77518 : "And as requested, all the programming spikes the security officers wanted confiscated have been stored there as well to prevent further system compromises." So the items collected on the Hawk are lost. However, from what the officer said, we should find them. TTLan
  25. Hi, Yes I know it would be difficult to introduce some more animation for the opening of the tank from inside or outside. Let the idea run and simply note that there is a trick, not a priority, which lag behind. Somebody wants to do it?... TTLan