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About Nereithr

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  1. I am not using "your code" for anything. You are credited for the idea, but our mods work on different principles. Here is the code comparison. You are applying a timed effect and using a preventative boolean plus timing to avoid stacking and to let the effects expire when conditions are no longer met. Your "DelayCommand" part of the code fires to keep refreshing the timed effect. Your script is called in k_ai_master at the end of the file, i.e. every time k_ai_master is called by any loaded entity, which is to say, quite a lot. I am applying a permanent effect with the otherwise unused Extraordinary subtype, with effect + subtype checks being used to avoid stacking additional effects as well as to explicitly remove the effect if conditions are no longer met. My script is called within OnHeartbeat as StatFixesHen() for the player and party members, with DelayCommand being used as an additional pseudo-heartbeat for faster updates. For all other entitites it is called as StatFixesDef() on a number of specific events, such as perception, dialogue end, end of combat round and attacked, meaning it should only fire for entities actively engaged/preparing to engage in non-scripted combat/perception and nobody else. I quite literally cannot think of any way in which our code could be more different, unless someone in the modding community finds a way to grant extra attacks without using an ExtraAttacks effect. Since "your code" was never used, I did not message you and you are just credited for giving me an idea, which, to be entirely clear, is limited to your mod just happening to be one of the first ones I opened to see how you apply effects in this scripting language, before l learned that NWN modding wiki exists. Not happening because, well, I did not include your mod. It is an entirely different mod that implements the same functionality in a very different way. As an aside, this sort of behaviour is making me reconsider crediting you at all. You had the opportunity to check the code for months, yet instead you chose to automatically assume that I stole your code. And when you finally check the code you undermine the work of others by claiming "it is just a bit different but obviously I should get most of the credit for my BRILLIANT idea of adding repeating attacks to repeating blasters. NOBODY COULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT ". Obviously I am not going to do that out of courtesy, but take this as an opportunity to reflect on stuff.
  2. Specifically unused? No, you would have to cross-reference feats.2da for icons of cut feats or just icons that don't have a corresponding feat. But if you are using Holocron Toolset you can just go to the Textures tab, type "i_" , scroll down and you will see a list of feat icons (both used and unused).
  3. View File No Alignment Shift Effects This removes the visual “cloud” around your character and the musical sting that occur whenever you gain dark/light side points. This patches visualeffects.2da to remove the visual effect and guisounds.2da to point to a new silent audio file. I wasn't sure if just leaving the reference to an audio file empty was a good idea, so I went with an empty sound file. This should preserve any other instances of the light/dark side music stings playing, since it removes just the GUI sound associated with point gain. Why Because having this play as a cloud of red death manifests around you just because you told some overconfident thug that their skull is overdue for a date with the pavement is ridiculous. Likewise, having this play accompanied by blue air freshener mist because you chose the only dialogue option that makes you sound even remotely like a human being devalues what "light side" is. This doesn't fix the core issue of light/dark side points being handed out in dollops for the slightest actions, but at least this makes the game guilt-trip and gaslight you slightly less. Installation Unzip, read the ReadMe.txt, open Install.exe, follow the instructions. Uninstallation Instructions are in the ReadMe.txt Compatibility Should be compatible with everything, including other mods that change visualeffects.2da and guisounds.2da. Known Issues None. However, as I have not yet finished the game, if VFX_IMP_DARKSIDE and VFX_IMP_LIGHTSIDE are referenced as an effect anywhere outside of creating the cloud around the player character, those instances will be made invisible as well. Tools used Holocron Toolset TSLPatcher Submitter Nereithr Submitted 05/20/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This removes the visual “cloud” around your character and the musical sting that occur whenever you gain dark/light side points. This patches visualeffects.2da to remove the visual effect and guisounds.2da to point to a new silent audio file. I wasn't sure if just leaving the reference to an audio file empty was a good idea, so I went with an empty sound file. This should preserve any other instances of the light/dark side music stings playing, since it removes just the GUI sound associated with point gain. Why Because having this play as a cloud of red death manifests around you just because you told some overconfident thug that their skull is overdue for a date with the pavement is ridiculous. Likewise, having this play accompanied by blue air freshener mist because you chose the only dialogue option that makes you sound even remotely like a human being devalues what "light side" is. This doesn't fix the core issue of light/dark side points being handed out in dollops for the slightest actions, but at least this makes the game guilt-trip and gaslight you slightly less. Installation Unzip, read the ReadMe.txt, open Install.exe, follow the instructions. Uninstallation Instructions are in the ReadMe.txt Compatibility Should be compatible with everything, including other mods that change visualeffects.2da and guisounds.2da. Known Issues None. However, as I have not yet finished the game, if VFX_IMP_DARKSIDE and VFX_IMP_LIGHTSIDE are referenced as an effect anywhere outside of creating the cloud around the player character, those instances will be made invisible as well. Tools used Holocron Toolset TSLPatcher
  5. As I mentioned in the description, the script doesn't update instantly when you are swapping weapons in the inventory due to limitations on where it can be injected. If you are equipping the blaster after equipping the sword, exit from the inventory, wait half a second to a second and it should update to have the proper +5 attack. Here is a video demonstration. If blasters don't return to their normal stats after this delay, that means I messed up somewhere, but since the mod and the script itself is very simple all this does every time it runs is check for a main hand weapon against the following list of base melee items types, and if it returns false it constantly attempts to remove the attack bonus effect. if (GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_SHORT_SWORD || GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_LONG_SWORD || GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_DOUBLE_BLADED_SWORD || GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_VIBRO_BLADE || GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_VIBRO_SWORD || GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_VIBRO_DOUBLE_BLADE || GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_QUARTER_STAFF || GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_GHAFFI_STICK || GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_FIST || GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_GAMMOREAN_BATTLEAXE)
  6. View File Finesse: Melee Weapons and misc. fixes This adds functional Melee Weapon Finesse (melee weapon Attack increasing with either STR or DEX modifier, depending on which is higher) to KoTOR 1. It also works for unarmed attacks. Additionally, since this is a k_ai_master.ncs replacer, it restores the extra attack of repeating blasters. Another fix or two are underway (trying to restore the non-functional damage boost from Battle Stimulants at the moment). Melee Finesse does not currently require a feat to be taken (since I consider it a pointless fun tax for DEX builds), but if there is interest a feat-restricted version would be easy to make. The feat is currently purely cosmetic and is given to the player (at level 2 because of reasons outlined in the installer) and all party members. A version without the pointless cosmetic feat is also available in the same download. Note that due to the (hacky) way this is implemented (ai_scripts) the finesse effect updates every 0.5 seconds (for the player and party only) and cannot update while your inventory is open, so don't panic if your bonus doesn't instantly change when you are swapping weapons. Close the inventory, wait a moment, reopen and the bonus will change. If interested, read the Limitations/Technical details section below. Installation Grab the file, read the readme and either run Install.exe and follow the instructions or drop k_ai_master.ncs from Optional Manual Install into your Override folder. The TSLPatcher installer contains additional instructions for disabling either extra repeater attacks or finesse, as well as instructions for installing this with other mods that modify k_ai_master.ncs. Uninstallation This is safe to uninstall mid-playthrough (if you follow the instructions). Go to Ebon Hawk/Taris hideout (so all of your party members are loaded). Equip a lightsaber or a regular non-repeating blaster on all of your party members who are currently wielding a repeating blaster or a melee weapon (while suffering from a case of very high dex). You can now uninstall the mod by removing k_ai_master.ncs and (if using the full version) restoring the modified .utc and .2da files from the backup folder. Note that the restoring the utc/2da files from backup should only be done if this is the last mod you installed that patched those files. Compatibility Incompatible with any mods that outright replace k_ai_master.ncs: Repeating blaster attacks restoration: includes its main functionality. The optional power shot/sniper shot fix is compatible. KOTOR 1 Improved AI: Should work if you compile k_ai_master.ncs with Improved AI’s files. To do so download K1 Improved AI, take the files from the Source folder and drop them in tslpatchdata\Full (or tslpatchdata\ScriptOnly if installing that version), then install this mod normally. Content Pack - Feats and Powers: Incompatible. Since both mods modify k_ai_master.nss, a manual patch would need to be created. Otherwise it should be compatible with pretty much everything else. Known Issues/Limitations/Technical details As ai script execution is paused in the inventory, there is no way to instantly update the attack bonus display when swapping items, meaning that if you are switching from a melee weapon to a ranged weapon (or vice-versa) the attack bonus from dex (if active) won't be added/removed until after you close the inventory and reopen it after a short delay (~0.5 seconds). Since there is no way (without hacking apart the executable) to "natively" implement this functionality, the Attack from DEX is applied as an Attack Bonus Increase effect. This means it's subject to the maximum +20 feat and effects Attack Bonus cap, which most people likely haven't heard of before since it's basically unreachable in vanilla KoTOR. The bonus is applied as a difference between DEX and STR modifiers, which means that even late game fully buffed-up builds won't be hamstrung by the cap. Additionally, this attack bonus is applied based on the mainhand weapon. This means that on a high DEX build, compared to a build where all of the attack bonus comes from STR, a mainhand vibroblade/offhand lightsaber will result in a higher offhand attack bonus (offhand lightsaber will benefit from dex bonus twice, since lightsabers are already finesse in the vanilla game), while a mainhand lightsaber/offhand vibroblade will result on a lower offhand attack (offhand vibroblade won't benefit from the dex bonus). I don't consider either of these big issues (since the offhand only attacks once per round) and it would be impossible to fix since there is no effect that only grants offhand/mainhand attack bonus. Effects (repeater attacks and the finesse bonus) are checked/updated/removed every 0.5 seconds (pseudo-heartbeat that only runs between regular onHeartbeat calls) for the 9 party members and the player and only on certain perception/combat round end/damage events for all other entities (which automatically excludes all friendly NPCs that don't participate in combat). This should make the effects react very quickly to changing stats/weapons (if the player pops a Hyper-Adrenal Alacrity or switches from a repeating blaster to a vibroblade for example) without introducing any potential lag for NPCs. Tools used Holocron Toolset TSLPatcher Credits R2-X2 for their Repeater Restoration script, which gave me an idea on how to implement finesse. Submitter Nereithr Submitted 05/18/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  7. Version 0.5


    This adds functional Melee Weapon Finesse (melee weapon Attack increasing with either STR or DEX modifier, depending on which is higher) to KoTOR 1. It also works for unarmed attacks. Additionally, since this is a k_ai_master.ncs replacer, it restores the extra attack of repeating blasters. Another fix or two are underway (trying to restore the non-functional damage boost from Battle Stimulants at the moment). Melee Finesse does not currently require a feat to be taken (since I consider it a pointless fun tax for DEX builds), but if there is interest a feat-restricted version would be easy to make. The feat is currently purely cosmetic and is given to the player (at level 2 because of reasons outlined in the installer) and all party members. A version without the pointless cosmetic feat is also available in the same download. Note that due to the (hacky) way this is implemented (ai_scripts) the finesse effect updates every 0.5 seconds (for the player and party only) and cannot update while your inventory is open, so don't panic if your bonus doesn't instantly change when you are swapping weapons. Close the inventory, wait a moment, reopen and the bonus will change. If interested, read the Limitations/Technical details section below. Installation Grab the file, read the readme and either run Install.exe and follow the instructions or drop k_ai_master.ncs from Optional Manual Install into your Override folder. The TSLPatcher installer contains additional instructions for disabling either extra repeater attacks or finesse, as well as instructions for installing this with other mods that modify k_ai_master.ncs. Uninstallation This is safe to uninstall mid-playthrough (if you follow the instructions). Go to Ebon Hawk/Taris hideout (so all of your party members are loaded). Equip a lightsaber or a regular non-repeating blaster on all of your party members who are currently wielding a repeating blaster or a melee weapon (while suffering from a case of very high dex). You can now uninstall the mod by removing k_ai_master.ncs and (if using the full version) restoring the modified .utc and .2da files from the backup folder. Note that the restoring the utc/2da files from backup should only be done if this is the last mod you installed that patched those files. Compatibility Incompatible with any mods that outright replace k_ai_master.ncs: Repeating blaster attacks restoration: includes its main functionality. The optional power shot/sniper shot fix is compatible. KOTOR 1 Improved AI: Should work if you compile k_ai_master.ncs with Improved AI’s files. To do so download K1 Improved AI, take the files from the Source folder and drop them in tslpatchdata\Full (or tslpatchdata\ScriptOnly if installing that version), then install this mod normally. Content Pack - Feats and Powers: Incompatible. Since both mods modify k_ai_master.nss, a manual patch would need to be created. Otherwise it should be compatible with pretty much everything else. Known Issues/Limitations/Technical details As ai script execution is paused in the inventory, there is no way to instantly update the attack bonus display when swapping items, meaning that if you are switching from a melee weapon to a ranged weapon (or vice-versa) the attack bonus from dex (if active) won't be added/removed until after you close the inventory and reopen it after a short delay (~0.5 seconds). Since there is no way (without hacking apart the executable) to "natively" implement this functionality, the Attack from DEX is applied as an Attack Bonus Increase effect. This means it's subject to the maximum +20 feat and effects Attack Bonus cap, which most people likely haven't heard of before since it's basically unreachable in vanilla KoTOR. The bonus is applied as a difference between DEX and STR modifiers, which means that even late game fully buffed-up builds won't be hamstrung by the cap. Additionally, this attack bonus is applied based on the mainhand weapon. This means that on a high DEX build, compared to a build where all of the attack bonus comes from STR, a mainhand vibroblade/offhand lightsaber will result in a higher offhand attack bonus (offhand lightsaber will benefit from dex bonus twice, since lightsabers are already finesse in the vanilla game), while a mainhand lightsaber/offhand vibroblade will result on a lower offhand attack (offhand vibroblade won't benefit from the dex bonus). I don't consider either of these big issues (since the offhand only attacks once per round) and it would be impossible to fix since there is no effect that only grants offhand/mainhand attack bonus. Effects (repeater attacks and the finesse bonus) are checked/updated/removed every 0.5 seconds (pseudo-heartbeat that only runs between regular onHeartbeat calls) for the 9 party members and the player and only on certain perception/combat round end/damage events for all other entities (which automatically excludes all friendly NPCs that don't participate in combat). This should make the effects react very quickly to changing stats/weapons (if the player pops a Hyper-Adrenal Alacrity or switches from a repeating blaster to a vibroblade for example) without introducing any potential lag for NPCs. Tools used Holocron Toolset TSLPatcher Credits R2-X2 for their Repeater Restoration script, which gave me an idea on how to implement finesse.
  8. I would recommend following the steps on PCGamingWiki for KoTOR. It's generally recommended to use the (for 1024x768) UniWS patch. As stated earlier, the invisible menu is caused by incorrect resolution settings in swkotor.ini. You can either set the resolution there manually or you can launch the game and set the res there after applying the UniWS patch but before taking any other steps that change the interface, as they install files for very specific resolutions.
  9. It appears to be hardcoded and is also likely independent of the attack bonus/penalty cap. This also applies to the attack penalties you get from Flurry and Power Attack. The defense penalties for those are hardcoded to happen as well, but they are actually implemented as a tangible (albeit in-engine) effect you can detect on the character, meaning that they are likely subject to the feats and effects cap.