Hi, firstly thank you so much for your work. It means a lot to have these options.
I want to download this and a few others of yours as part of the Kotor 2 modbuild. I've read as much as I can find but was hoping you could confirm and correct the order if necessary:
1. Modbuild order until install 'PartySwap'
2. Install this mod 'PartySwap Compatible Installation' directly after 'PartySwap'
3. Install Extended Enclave
4. Run the Extended Enclave compatibility patch from this mod twice: first with 'No M478-EP install' and second with 'PartySwap Compatible' options
5. Install 'Alternate Revan Romances REDUX'
6. Install 'Dahnis Flirt Option for Female PC' (not attached to this one if it is going to cause any difficulties)
7. Install 'TSL Improved Party Outfits' (not attached to this one if it is going to cause any difficulties)
8. Continue with modbuild order
I'm pretty confident with most of it, but not so much steps 5, 6, and 7 - wondering if they might interfere with other mods that come after them in the modbuild. Any advice would be appreciated!