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About Freeloader

  • Rank
    Jedi Apprentice
  1. Great concept! Especially that you want to keep those crystals extremely rare is something I really like (and ofc I like the idea that the other parts like lense and so on needs to be crafted ^^). The only thing I would question is the thing with the passive leveling process for the styles. I mean that every style gets automatically one level when event X occurs. I would prefer some specializing on some of those styles through feats or other possibilitys that allows you to choose which style you want to level up. But I don't know your whole concept and either way I'll enjoy everything to the fullest, since it will expand the options you have on the workbench (which is an idea I love!).
  2. Freeloader


    Hey, thanks Mrphil ! Now, the only thing we need is someone who brings this mod to TSL (or someone who brings the whole gamefeats like the expanded workbench possibilitys from TSL to K1) since I (dunno why) prefer TSL ^^ Another idea! Or many ideas combined: 1: The TSL developpers were very well aware of the problems with power-up Force Powers: There are just to many. You click all the time and when you buffed yourself with everything up, some powers just start to vanish. They did something against it: The Force Power you get after meeting all the Jedi Masters. But, well, even with the fix that you just get the powers with it you actually learned (which means no master-speed when you haven't skilled it), you still have to click an awful lot. In the case you didn't learn the force power order by heart. Could there be a possibility that you remove the selection for the buffs that get summed up in Force Enlightment in the moment you get it? 2: Increase the duration of Force Sight! I think otherwise it's just to useless and not even worth the time being casted. I think about 1 or 2 minutes instead of... 30 seconds? 3: Maybe generally increase the duration of every powerup Forcepower? Just to 30-45 seconds ^^ Next one: Reuse some K1 modules in TSL instead of reusing TSL modules with other textures. Would bring something new and fresh into the game ^^
  3. Freeloader


    Another idea that came through my mind. One big pack of headmodels for the PC with at least 4 different races (Humans, Echani, Twi'lek and some others like Rodian). Now you dod the same like in TES Oblivion: Each race get's a small advantage and disadvantage in feats, attributes or abilitys like a +5 bonus in repair or a +1 bonus in some attributes. Like Twi'lek are weaker but therefor they get a discount on every trading thing. Or Rodians get charism decreased and therefor strenght/Dexterity increased. Echani: High Dex and Strenght, but therefor very low intelligence, no charism and so on.
  4. Hello, before I explain my problem some background information: I'm from germany, playing with my software in german and so on, but I've bought the english version of Kotor2 due to some really annoying bugs with mods I wanted to play. So now let's face my problem: When I start Kotor2 I can choose if I run it in the normal mode or as administrator. If I decide to run it as admin I have to right click the .exe and click on "run as administrator" to start the request if I really want to do this. Or simply click on the launcher (which somehow immeadiatly starts this request, dunno why). The thing is: If I run the game as admin, every mod works fine, except overhauls and mods, that changes environmenttextures (like the visual enhancement mod 2011 from Xarwarz). In the case I don't run it as admin, my "skip peragus" mod from supersquall doesn't show me any text or options to click at if I interact with the first computer, which you normally use to unlock the morgue to talk with Kreia. This forces me to close the game via alt + f4 because I can't do anything. It's the same problem I've had with the german version I used before, but on other situations. I've had this problem the whole time on Coruscant, everytime I tryed to interact with the computers or the protocol droid. But now (ironically) the graphicmods like visual enhancement 2011 work. Something I've known before is, that the savegames made in normale mode can't be used when I run the game as admin and vice versa. But I never thought that admin mode and normal mode would cause such problems. What I ask for is ,firstly, an explanation why all this happens. I just don't get, why it is like that. And that really annoys me (I'm not very deep in the materia and I'm no modder, but, for example, I get some basics like why some mods aren't compatible). Secondly a suggestion how I could get the game running with both, running game mods AND running graphic mods. Ideally it would be a solution that fixes the graphic issue when I run it as admin, because in this mode everything else runs fine. If I messed up some sentences because of my bad english and you aren't able to understand what I wanted to say, tell me, I'll try to fix those sentences then ^^.
  5. Really, thanks for the update. Looks interesting o.o I finally got my english version of the game: Mods that won't need any disturbing translation I'm on my way (And yes: I know the lists which mods I shouldn't install with this one ^^) Will be really interesting to see everything in the english version. But again, it wouldn't be as interesting ,if there was no one who would work so hard to improve the game. So a big thanks from me to you and the whole team ^^
  6. Hmm another question: Why is it possible to have higher resolutions with Kotor 2 widescreen modus and not in a normal screen modus?

  7. Second small question: Are there separate versions for the USA and the UK? If the answer's yes, do both of them react perfect with the language files of every mod?

    1. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter


      And I am pretty sure they do.

    2. Freeloader


      Ok, then the UK version is on it's way to me! Huray! I say hello to a future without any language problems with any mods! (and maybe with small improvements for my bad english skills ^^)

  8. Small question you can answer with yes or no: If I change the language setting from the K2 dialog.tlk to english, would my game just start running perfectly with every english mod, so I'll never have to use the language converter again? *-*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Freeloader


      Hell damn it, just had hope after I read the description of the Combat Simulation arena v.v but I think I misunderstood it, so thanks for the answer.

    3. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      While the dialog.tlk does govern a LOT of text, it doesn't do of everything in the game, so you would still find things in your own language.

    4. Freeloader


      Normally the english text files can't be used in the german game for things I don't know why. It's not that I want to change the language of the game, I just want the files to be compatible with the german version without converting them all the time (which doesn't work for the coruscant jedi temple for example)

  9. Freeloader


    Got a few new ideas for Kotor ^^ I liked the Idea of Kotor 2 when I can get my very own Lightsaber Crystal which reacts to my development and level. Would be nice if something like that could be made for K1 to, of course it shouldn't be to strong, it should just add stats that fits to your jedi-class or something like that.With stats I mean something like wisdom, strength or intellect. And I would like to have an expanded lightsaberquest which gives me my very own lightsaber like the one from Kotor 2. I really enjoyed the quest in K2, so I was sad when I saw how easy you get your lightsaber in part 1. edit: And a new idea: Could someone please make this Mod Lightsaber Forms for K1 compatible to Brotherhood of Shadow: SR ? I think the only problem is the file "k_pebn_remove.ncs" which changes something on the onenter script and is used in both mods.
  10. Spiel mal n bisschen die Deutsche Version von K1 oder K2 ^^ oder zieh dir irgendwelche anderen RPGs rein, da stößt du im deutschen fast ständig auf "Ihr". Gerade dieses altertümliche passt in das SW Universum. (Another explanation why we should use "ihr" instead of "sie").
  11. Sie ist keine alternative für das Spiel weil es dann doch wirklich zu formell ist. Es wird dort eigentlich nur "Du" oder "Ihr" benutzt, "Sie" soweit ich mich erinnern kann nie. Ich bezog mich da grad komplett auf das Spiel. (For those who can't speak german: I just explained why "Du" or "Ihr" instead of "Sie").
  12. Is there any chance that you produce a german version? I don't ask you to make something in german language, I just mean a version of RoR that can be installed into the german K2 version without hunting every data threw the language converter (which didn't work for the Jedi Temple Mod for me ~.~).
  13. Bob's last translation is nearly perfect (Yep, german is my mother tongue, too). To say it in german: Die "Ihr" Form wird in der deutschen Version durchgehend benutzt außer bei Charakteren, die nicht dafür geschaffen sind... wie bei Atton, der duzt eben den Hauptcharakter, ist bei seiner Person aber auch normal. I think it's important to know who say's these line to who, because it depends on the relationship between the characters if we say "du" or "ihr". Atton would nearly always say "du" to the main character, because he doesn't have this kind of awe to the PC. But he would always say "ihr" to Kreia or the others, because they don't know each other very well which makes their relationship more formal. So the information who say's the lines would be very nice to improve the translation better(because a formal answer from Atton to the PC would be strange from my point of view). I only disagree at one line: Fit's well, but I think it should be more informal. So I'd change the word "also" to "deswegen", delete "alle" and change "dies" to "das" . Like: Aber ich muss Kreia alleine entgegentreten (I prefer "gegenüberstehen" instead of "entgegentreten" but I think that's more a matter of taste), deswegen müsst ihr gehen. Wird das ein Problem sein?
  14. Ah, I tried it now with KSE and the warp armband, it finally worked, thanks for the help!
  15. Sorry to revive this thread after nearly a month, but I have the same problem and none of the solutions here work for me. Cheating with the warp armband is no alternative because I've already tried to get cheats working (edited swkotor2.ini and so on) but it just doesn't work. Yes I know that the console is invisible. I know that I have to press [Left Shift] + [^] (Here it's ^ instead of ~ above the Tab) to open the console. I know that I just have to tipe in the cheat and confirm it with enter (maybe the numpad enter, I tried every combination that could work, even the one for english mainboards). It's just that the console doesn't open, even after I checked the line EnableCheats=1 nearly 40 times (and I copied it 5 times in there just to be sure). Does anyone know the answer?