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Files posted by OneofthemRangers

  1. [K2] Revans Robes in Ebon Hawk container

    Unfortunately, for whatever reason kotor 2 uses the same names for multiple references in the game. This is not an issue for an unmodded game because the files have directories. The problem is when the game is forced to load one of these files (via override folder) and the game will no longer be bothered to differentiate between the games original files.

    This is entirely my fault for not testing enough and assuming the game is as modifiable as other titles. I currently do not possess the time to find a workaround for this issue. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
    Update v1.1
    Unfortunately this version has conflicts with the decontamination room on in the Peragus hanger now. Use at your own risk.
    The prologue bug has been fixed! 
    In order to fix the prologue bug,  I now edit the Ebon Hawk Container (Davik's spice container from K1) not the hidden compartment. This means the robes are open to you as soon as you leave Peragus (assuming your character finds them)
    Be sure use the "Updated" file! I will leave up 1.0 but be aware it will cause issues with the prologue.
    This mod must be installed before boarding the Ebon Hawk on Peragus.
    Simply adds Darth Revans robes (g_a_revan_01 from Indiana_Revan77's "REVAN'S ROBES/STAR FORGE ROBES FOR TSL") to the hidden compartment on the Ebon Hawk. I like to think Revan had another set somewhere just in case... Or perhaps the Dark Lord left them behind purposely. We will never know for sure...

    This is the only place where I could believably place Revans Robes without leaving a note or something to force it to make sense. Indiana_Revan77's mod allows you to craft them, but I think it's sort of silly to craft something as legendary as Revans Robes from buckets of components at a workbench, so I added a (somewhat) lore friendly place for them 
    Requirements: <----
    without these installed, they will not appear at all!!!
    Install TSLRCM.
    Install Indiana_Revan77 for REVAN'S ROBES/STAR FORGE ROBES FOR TSL. You will have to run the TSL patcher and probably direct it to your Kotor2 install directory.
    Extract then merge the the provided Override folder with the one in Knights of the Old Republic II\override
    OR just drop the single file "ebcont001.utp" into your Override folder
    If you don't have an Override folder you probably didn't install REVAN'S ROBES/STAR FORGE ROBES FOR TSL, go back to step 1 
    Upload, edit or translate this as you please, if you must, include the requirements and credits, credit for me is not required.
    FRED TETRA for the amazing "KOTOR TOOL"
    TK102 for the amazing "K-GFF"
    #mod_development in the KOTOR discord
    rece_w for his very helpful "Kotor Modding Tutorials: Editing textures, uti, utc, utm, utp, dlg, Creating merchants (PC/Mac)" on youtube! 
    Have a good one!


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  2. [K2] Star Forge Robes in Ebon Hawk container

    Unfortunately, for whatever reason kotor 2 uses the same names for multiple references in the game. This is not an issue for an unmodded game because the files have directories. The problem is when the game is forced to load one of these files (via override folder) and the game will no longer be bothered to differentiate between the games original files.

    This is entirely my fault for not testing enough and assuming the game is as modifiable as other titles. I currently do not possess the time to find a workaround for this issue. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
    Update v1.1
    Unfortunately this version has conflicts with the decontamination room on in the Peragus hanger now. Use at your own risk.
    The prologue bug has been fixed! 
    In order to fix the prologue bug,  I now edit the Ebon Hawk Container (Davik's spice container from K1) not the hidden compartment. This means the robes are open to you as soon as you leave Peragus (assuming your character finds them)
    Be sure use the "Updated" file! I will leave up 1.0 but be aware it will cause issues with the prologue.
    This mod must be installed before boarding the Ebon Hawk on Peragus.
    Simply adds the Star Forge Robes (g_a_revan_02 from Indiana_Revan77's "REVAN'S ROBES/STAR FORGE ROBES FOR TSL") to the hidden compartment on the Ebon Hawk... I like to think that Revan hid them away for something more stylish. Or perhaps the savior of the Republic left them behind for some other reason. We will never know for sure...

    This is the only place where I could believably place the Star Forge Robes without leaving a note or something to force it to make sense. Indiana_Revan77's mod allows you to craft them, but I think it's sort of silly to craft something as legendary as the Star Forge Robes from buckets of components at a workbench, so I added a (somewhat) lore friendly place for them 
    Requirements: <----
    without these installed, they will not appear at all!!!
    Install TSLRCM.
    Install Indiana_Revan77 for REVAN'S ROBES/STAR FORGE ROBES FOR TSL. You will have to run the TSL patcher and probably direct it to your Kotor2 install directory.
    Extract then merge the the provided Override folder with the one in Knights of the Old Republic II\override
    OR just drop the single file "ebcont001.utp" into your Override folder
    If you don't have an Override folder you probably didn't install REVAN'S ROBES/STAR FORGE ROBES FOR TSL, go back to step 1 
    Upload, edit or translate this as you please, if you must, include the requirements and credits, credit for me is not required.
    FRED TETRA for the amazing "KOTOR TOOL"
    TK102 for the amazing "K-GFF"
    #mod_development in the KOTOR discord
    rece_w for his very helpful "Kotor Modding Tutorials: Editing textures, uti, utc, utm, utp, dlg, Creating merchants (PC/Mac)" on youtube! 
    Have a good one!


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    1 comment


  3. [K1] Revans Robes in Ebon Hawk hidden compartment.

    Simply adds Darth Revans robes (g_a_mstrrobe06 aka vanilla version) to the hidden compartment on the Ebon Hawk.
    *after making the K2 version of this mod I realized this actually makes no sense at all, I guess davik somehow acquired them, lol*
    *I'm going to try to think of a spot where they would make more sense for K1, but I will keep it up just for lol's.*
    This mod literally makes ZERO sense, but use it as you see fit
    This mod will only work if installed BEFORE you get on the Ebon Hawk for the first time on Taris.
    Unfortunately, as far as I am aware, it's not possible to repopulate placeables in areas that have already been loaded.
    If anyone knows a fix for this, please let me know.
    K1R Compatibility: I am leaving this as "No" for now since I have not tested it, if someone is willing to try it go ahead, but don't blame me for any issues it may ensue. 
    However, I would suspect it should be compatible with anything that does not replace ebcont002.utp
    Extract then merge the Override folder with the one in swkotor\Override
    OR just drop the single file "ebcont002.utp" into your Override folder
    If you don't have an Override folder, just drop the provided "Override" folder wherever your swkotor.exe file is located.
    Permissions: Upload, edit or translate this as you please, just give credit to me as the original author 
    FRED TETRA for the amazing "KOTOR TOOL"
    TK102 for the amazing "K-GFF"
    rece_w for his very helpful "Kotor Modding Tutorials: Editing textures, uti, utc, utm, utp, dlg, Creating merchants (PC/Mac)" on youtube! 
    Have a good one!


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