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Everything posted by Synchro

  1. Here's a patch for anyone using a 32x9 display at 5120x1440! I did adjust the locations a bit so that they more closely match the 4:3 map, so it is not a 1:1 if you scaled up the 1440p patch. Thanks for pointing me to the Visual GUI editor, that tool is pretty awesome! galaxymap.gui
  2. Excellent, I did try manually changing values which worked, but it wasn't a 1:1 match, I'll give this a shot Thanks!
  3. Heyo, would it be possible to get a widescreen patch for 32:9 aspect ratios? I am running the game in 5120x1440 and would love to be able to have this patched to work correctly. How would I go about patching this myself? (modding the 5120x2880 galaxymap.gui with k-gff for example) As I've used this mod in my modded builds of the game in the past, thanks for making this