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About enVy

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    Jedi Apprentice
  • Birthday 12/13/1982

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  1. Given the work he has put in those retextures i'd say yes. The UV layout for the faces is pretty much the same for Kotor and TSL, the things that differ are eye location and hair. But after taking a look at the textures it's safe to say that he knows a thing or two about UVs and texturing, so yeah if he is willing to do it it wont be to hard for him to pull it off.
  2. In Gimp there is a filter for video effects like scanlines. It should be under "Filters -> Distorts -> Video" you can marquee select the area where you want the effect to be. But JC's version is more in line with the original style of the game. If you load JC's scanlines you can place them right above your loading image and play around with the blend modes, since it is black and white something like "Screen", "Lighten" or "Soft light" should work.
  3. Hey guys, today i'm coming in with some previews of the textures or rather the first face texture (PFHC06 if you're curious). Needless to say that they are still WIP but i managed to get a good amount of detail out of 1k map, even tho it's technically pointless since the camera rarely get close enough to capture it. But hey at least we know it's there. There are a few things missing at the moment mainly lip detail, makeup and depth/specular highlights but the latter are things i have to bake and i'm not yet sure how i will tackle this at least not in a timely manner. Ok enough of the letters, have some pictures. Just the Base Colors: Skin details/breakups: Close up of the previous image: As always thanks for the interest in this project and i'm looking forward to your feedback. Have good one everybody.
  4. If i tackle armors i certainly will add proper collars since i can't stand those hard seams either.
  5. Ok noted i'll take a look at them but you're right some of the armors and robes i've seen so far in the game could need a little love.
  6. I haven't really looked at armors yet, it depends on how they are set up. Do you have any specific armors in mind? I can take a look at them and see if i'm able to bring them in line with their female counterparts. Nice i'm impressed how much is actually possible with the tools for such an old game, we'll see if i can manage to get it to work but i consider it just a neat little extra.
  7. Hey everyone my name is Chris, i'm new around here. As some of you might already know i'm trying to rework some of the player/companion characters. I'm aiming at redoing the UVs for faces, adding better hairstyles and fixing overall topology errors. Why? Because let's face it in 2005 it was necessary to use mirrored face/hair textures and keep meshes at a low polycount, these days however we can afford a bit more in both areas. Don't worry i'm not going to throw 4k or even 8k textures at you and i'm not going crazy on the polycount either, i'll try to stay as close as possible to the originals so that they don't look out of place after all the game is pretty low poly. Thanks to help of DarthParametric i have a somewhat clear picture of what is possible and what is not and so far things are going as planned. Now even tho i've already started with the first player character (as you can see below) i'm not sure how long one character will take since i have to do new textures and the hair itself and both tasks take a while, so don't get your hopes to high in seeing a release in the next days. Besides that i'm a Maya kid and utterly incompetent when it comes to working with 3DS, so i have to export the head meshes from Max to Maya, do the UVs there and reimport it back to Max so that i can copy the UVs from my "proxy" mesh over to the original. It works but some may laugh at me because of the extra steps but hey it gets the job done so peep it. One last note before i get to the end of the first progress update. I don't know if i ever will be able to do all characters since judging from the first one they do have some errors who are extremely tedious to fix, overlapping tris, open edges and horrible mangled UVs to name a few. But i try to do as much as i can manage and in the end it's a mod so i don't have a deadline chasing me . I'll also try to come up with a way to make creating textures for the "new" head mesh as easy as possible, so that anyone who wants to make their own textures can modify them, maybe through the use of Substance Painter or Photoshop layers, we'll see. Now if you have any suggestions, wishes or spot anything i might have overlooked please feel free to let me know, i'm pretty open when it comes to modding so i'll share as much as i can with you guys. Update #1: The UV Layout is not final yet since it's missing the left side of the hair and the bun but you get the idea of what is coming. NinjaEdit: Does someone know how the jiggle bones (hair strands that move) work? Would love to know how i can add them or if anyone has the skill to do it will be willing to add them after i'm finished with the hair. That's it for now, looking forward to your feedback.
  8. enVy


    Thanks guys, 2017 was the latest option i could download in my subscription center and from what i can tell it seems to work. I still get some overlapping faces on some meshes, not sure where they originate from but they are easy to fix.
  9. enVy


    Thanks DarthParametric you answered all of my question and thanks for the tip with using a 2x1 layout i haven't thought about it. You're right sorry for highjacking the thread, i'll open a new one once i have some progress down. Have a good one.
  10. enVy


    Ok that's odd i've written quite a bit but after i posted it it was all gone. :/ Well, here we go again... Hey all i'm the new one and like all the newcomers i have a few questions in my pocket. The first one is what is the latest version of 3DS that i can use Kotormax with? I've used the toolset with the 2013 version but i got to admit it lacks quite a few quality of life features especially in the UV area. But a friend of me told me that newer versions of Max are more in line with Maya. Yes, i'm one of those poor Maya souls so excuse my ignorance on Max. My next question is more about doability rather than how to do something and before i throw myself head first into a wall i figured i'll ask those who know about the cavities of Kotor modding. I was thinking about reworking the UVs for the main characters & companions so that we can have full face textures in the future. Now i don't think that new UVs will cause any problems down the line but i was wondering about multiple textures or UVSets, for instance face and hair separated. Would this be possible? From my digging here in the forums i get the feeling that specular/normalmaps are pretty much useless if not impossible, am i interpreting that wrong? As next how far can i go with general geo edits on meshes? I was thinking about adding hair cards to certain hairstyles just to make them a bit more interesting and maybe rework some of the faces, shape refinement primarily. I know this will mess up skinning but i know how to fix that i'm just not sure how far this is supported by the toolset. That's about it for now thanks in advance for any intel you can throw at me. And thanks to bead-v for the Kotormax toolset even tho i wished you would've done it for Maya. All the best.