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About JoeWJ

  • Rank
    Jedi Apprentice
  • Birthday July 4

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  1. Disney are going to be looking to make some money out of Lucas Arts though, so maybe KoTOR III?? Would of thought it would be more profitable then a starting a new set of games.
  2. Congrats on finally releasing the demo Logan. For those who don't like the waiting time, upload the demo to deadlystream?
  3. These will be slices of the game or sections of the planet to play/test. One of the writers have tested a few modules of Malachor V. So she can work on the feel of the planet and dlg.

  4. Sweet. Looking foward to it, need a break :P Soo many assignments on my plate at the minute, a extended playthrough on RoR would be awesome :D

  5. Good. While i wait for a few things I'm building more of the game to ready for testing soon.

  6. Hey not much. How's things coming along?

  7. How long are you aiming for the game to take to complete? How many planets will there be? How much screen time does Revan have?
  8. Happy new year everyone Just turned 2011 in the UK
  9. As far as I'm aware the 1.0b patch and the no cd exe work fine together. You just have to make sure you patch it before with a CD then replace the exe afterwards, otherwise the patcher rejects it as a corrupt installation.
  10. Hey, just a heads up PM's aren't working :)

  11. JoeWJ

    New Site

    New site looks great! Thanks for putting your time and effort into it Matt, especially over the Christmas period!
  12. JoeWJ


    I'm a bit late to the topic! Been "snowed" down with assignments haha. Had tons of snow in Eastbourne, but it started raining about 2/3am last night and been non stop all day so it's all washed away D: Shame cause I wanted a white christmas!
  13. hey PM me your e-mail so i can send the link