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About CratosGoblin

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate

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  1. One of the best graphic mods for this game. I specifically waited for him and didn't start playing until he came out. Thank you very much. P.S. Now we just have to wait for the release for K2.
  2. I haven't seen anything better, you make a huge contribution to the development of modding for my favorite game. Thanks. 😃
  3. It looks very nice. Do you think it will be possible to complete all that is planned before the end of the year?
  4. Thanks, everything works. 😃 I think this could be done as an alternative, why not? Everyone likes to have as many choices as possible.
  5. Hello. For some reason, my avatar animation for one of my partners doesn't work. The Discipline avatar just doesn't work and is displayed as a batch of frames even in the main menu of the game. These are screenshots before installing the portrait and after.
  6. 1) When did the problem begin to occur? At the first meeting with Krea in the morgue during the cut scene and in the subsequent dialogue with Zion (only during the sword strike, when her hand is cut off). When I try to continue in the Story to get on to the Ravenger 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? Yes 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? GOG 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? Yes (latest GOG updates) 5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? New instal 6) Did you use the TSLPatcher, if provided? No 7) Were there any errors in the TSLPatcher installation? No 😎 What other mods did you have installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) tslrcm 1.8.5 M478EP 1.5.1 + High Quality Blasters [TSL]_Harbinger_Hull_Fixes_v1.1 [TSL]_Peragus_Administration_Level_Room_Model_Fixes [TSL]Animated_PLC_comPanel_v1.1 AI Upscale Textures 1.2 FULL MOD FINAL Complete Character Overhaul 1.0 AtrisHolocron CJP KOTOR II Original Trilogy Lightsaber Blades (Animated) CJP KOTOR II Original Trilogy Lightsaber Sounds Companion Robes 1.2 + Fix dark_harbinger (face textures male hero mod) Darth Sion remake E3 Style Dxun Masters ebonhawk 4K EbonHawkCockpitFix_v2.0 ebonhawk Animated Monitors Four Masks Reskins Handmaiden Head Retex-943- Hairy Hanharr HD Atton Reskin 1.1 HD Foot Locker-990-1-0 HD G0-T0 Upscale HD Kreia Upscale HD Mandalore Upscale IceEclipseTextures JC's Blaster Visual Effects for K2 JC's Supermodel Fix for K2 v1.6 JC's Zhug Attack Fix for TSLRCM v1.1 Jedi Master Robes Improved (Padawan only) K2 Armor Fix K2_Exterior_Textures_v0.1, Part 1 - Part 2 (only those that did not replace anything) Kreia_Fall_v1.2 (cutscene HD) M4-78 Fog Fix 1.1 Movie-style-Jedi-Master-robes-v1.5 TSL Harbinger and Hammerhead Visual Appearance Mod v1-0 TSL Improved Party Outfits TSL Vibroweapons replacement pack retexture-1022-1-0 TSL Harbinger and Hammerhead Visual Appearance Mod v1-0 TSL HD Cockpit Skyboxes - High Resolution TSL_DRHM_8.1 TSL ORIGINS - Telos Overhaul 1.1.2 Sith Holocron - TSL Galaxy Map Texture in Canon Positions Sith Holocron - Frank Lloyd Wright Glass Replacement SH_TSLPortraitMod TSL_Twin_Mullet_Men_by_RedRob41 - v2 TSL_Player_and_Party_Under_wear_v2_by_RedRob41 TSL_HQStarsAndNebulas_1_3 There are no other problems, most of the mods are exclusively graphic. It seems to me that the problem may be in replacing the krea model or something else related to it, because the rest works perfectly and does not cause conflicts. I can provide you with a link to my game with all the mods in the archive that I downloaded for my friend: 9) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? After the game starts, I go to the morgue and as soon as the scene with Krea starts, the animations are triggered at an incredible speed, just like when Zion's sword hits Krea's hand. I didn't go any further, so I decided to ask for advice. 10) Have you tried re-downloading the mod? Yes, I decided to install everything again from scratch 11) Have you tried using a different save game? Yes, many times in a row 12) Have you tried starting a new game? Yes, about ten times 13) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Windows 10