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Everything posted by DarthDaedric

  1. Couldn't you just take the .uti's and .mdl's and the like that are for the actual items and put them in your override? The compatibility issue I'd assume would be for the modification to the module. I know this method works for some mods.
  2. Ok, I doubt there'd be any issues but if at all possible, I'd like to be sure. Is this This Warp Band by Lit Ridl compatible?
  3. I have the urge to become an amateur voice actor. I've seen and passed up opportunities because I wasn't sure exactly what all I needed/what file type they need to be. I have a computer Mic, GarageBand, and Audacity. Do I need anything else? If so, what could I do to reduce the extra noise so it doesn't sound terrible (outside of getting a sound booth )? Thanks ahead of time.
  4. Are there any plans to create another compatibility patch for USM? It has it's issues sure but the worst I've found yet is the Malachor V black screen problem. I have grown quite fond of USM and so I'd hate to lose it.
  5. Mara Jade had a purple lightsaber before Episode 1 came out. Probably before George Lucas wrote it.
  6. There are a lot of things in KoTOR and any other form of Star Wars media that differs from the movies. They are different eyes seeing the same thing.
  7. Ok. I must not be getting something here, but why does it matter what her lightsaber color is? I mean it's HERS not yours. On the one hand, in my opinion, you shouldn't have any say in what someone else's lightsaber color is. On the other hand wouldn't creating such an opportunity in the mod to choose her saber cause it to be delayed? I'd much rather them focus on making the content great and not worry about something as trivial as that. Personally if you want her to be different, why not go with Yellow or Orange? Those colors aren't used on the council currently. Anyway, regardless, I look forward to the mod.
  8. Regardless, this is to report issues with TSLRCM 1.7 and thats an issue I'm having. It may not be happing to you, but you may not have the same mods I do. I think it has to do with how this version and USM work with each other.
  9. I'd be inclined to think that if I hadn't been able to use these exact mods with TSLRCM 1.5 without any issues. I'm thinking it's got to be something that got changed in the dialog files. Oh and it it's not the influence thing. That's easy. It's the actual "Having you here has an affect on me General" and "What? What is it? Why are we stopping" I was able to train everyone who I've tried once I've gotten enough experience. It's just I had to change my alignment for Mira and Bao-Dur.
  10. Pretty much my entire list of issues so far with this version of TSLRCM is that it hates it when you attempt to train your party as Dark Side Jedi. It wouldn't let me train Bao-Dur when I was dark side, it would close out of conversation and I'd have to reload and do it again on the light side. When I attempted to train Mira, it started the conversation on Nar Shadaa but it rapidly closed out. Again, I had to reload and do it light side. Atton, however I was able to train without any issues. This isn't related to any quests or planets, other than the unmarked Jedi training "quests" and Nar Shadaa so I'm not sure what to put for that. Mods I have installed are: DeathDisco's Jedi Temple USM, which I installed via the compatibility patch. Combat Arena
  11. Will this be compatible with the Jedi Temple mod by Deathdisco? Thanks ahead of time.