i'd say yes and i'd say no,SWTOR is a great game (especially with it's new dlc) ,there is a monthly subs. ,but it's worth it. SWTOR has a great developer team,pretty cool lads,but there is one huge issue in SWTOR,it's got a Fu**** up community,most of it consists of trolls,scammers,immature people and simply a-holes that will try to laugh at anything you post,though i heard that most US servers are nicer then EU,though i didn't really check.
by short: Great game,great content,great devs,Fu**** up community,bad customer support and a (not too high) monthly subs if you want every feature
as a rper,i play on rp servers,though i had to take a few breaks, since the community ruined the fun at times. Word of advice: after ignoring over 100 people,your experience and fun in gameplay will increase alot,there are alot of morons playing swtor,but you can find mature people among the crowd. I really wish alot of the community wasn't 12 year olds doing ERP and spamming the chat.
I am a 24 year old man and a kid tried to bully me in SWTOR once,jeez,what a moron XD