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About vecte

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  1. If you don't sending it my way please, that would be great!
  2. Here is a screenshot of what it is doing after converting it. I guess it is more of a matte gray, rather than silver. I do have the steam version of the game. Here is a screenshot of the UCM version of the Dooku hilt. It is w_lghtsbr_116 in UCM. I used MDLOPs 0.5 to replace w_lghtsbr_002. I've tried using the files straight from UCM, but because of the unique crystals in that mod, I have to use the baseitems, globalcat, and upcrystals 2DA files in order for it to work. However, I would prefer not to do this because I don't know what effect those 2DA files from UCM will have on TSLRCM. I would think it should be fairly easy to use the UCM hilt, but I keep getting this blank slat look. Another note, I cannot get MDLOPs 1.0 to work for these conversions. Anytime I do a conversion with MDLOPS 1.0, the game crashes from the files it creates. I suspect this may be user error/inexperience. MDLOPS 0.5 seems to work, other than the strange appearance.
  3. Hello all, I spent several hours last night attempting to get a version of Dooku's hilt working in TSL. I made some progress, but ultimately I think I am doing something wrong somewhere. 1. I started with the Dooku hilt in this mod: 2. Next, I followed these instructions: 3. I extracted the MDL and MDX for g_w_lghtsbr02 using Kotor Tool 4. Using the above instructions I attempted to convert the Dooku hilt for TSL, and then replace g_w_lghtsbr02 with the new model using MDLOPS 0.5. For all intents and purposes, the process went exactly as the instructions stated. I then moved over the new g_w_lghtsbr02 MDL and MDX files into override and booted up the game. I apologize for not having screenshots, as I am typing this at work. However, while the hilt worked in game, it was plain silver and the bottom of the saber blade floated above the hilt's emitter. It did not look great at all. I attempted the process again with the same result. I then attempted the same process using MDLOPS 1.0, however the game crashes with the MDL and MDX files that are created. After my failures with the above, I downloaded the Ultimate Saber Mod: Knowing this mod is not at all compatible with TSLRCM, I did not install it. What I did do was pull all the files I could find that were associated with the Dooku hilt from this mod. After placing them in override, I used KSE to add the hilt directly to my inventory and then booted up the game. This worked a bit better than my conversion attempt. The blade was actually flush with the saber emitter, but again the hilt was just plain silver. Additionally, I am forced to use the USM crystal, otherwise the game crashes. My best guess is I am missing something with textures, along with likely doing the entire process incorrectly. I know jack all about 3d modeling, textures, etc. The extent of my knowledge in this subject lies on the few forum posts I have read, and that is about it. I am however quite computer literate outside of this topic. What I would truly like to happen is to get the Dooku hilt from the K1 mod working, but I am just lost. If someone could assist me, or even convert it for me, it would be very much appreciated.