Doctor Evil

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Status Replies posted by Doctor Evil

  1. Looks like the planet that Rey landed on at the end of VII is not Lehon.

    1. Doctor Evil

      Doctor Evil

      Just because it's named differently doesn't mean it cant be Rakata Prime. Remember, they renamed Korriban to Moraband for some reason.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. I heard you like Star Wars remakes in the unreal engine...

    1. Doctor Evil

      Doctor Evil

      This I wouldn't mind, but then again EA is prolly gonna go apeshit and kill it.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. More proof that Kotor is cannon. :)
    1. Doctor Evil

      Doctor Evil

      Welllll... their design is slightly different, but you can't deny how freaking similar they appear to the Hammerheads.


      TBQH this and the whole rakata prime thing is just disney teasing us, the only thing keeping kotor from being canon is them not announcing it yet.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Merry Christmas everyone! Check out the downloads section for a special holiday surprise.

  5. Going to see The Revenant tomorrow!

  6. All this discussion about the three trilogies simply glosses over the fact that the best Star Wars movie hands down and beyond any shadow of a doubt is the Star Wars Holiday Special.

    1. Doctor Evil

      Doctor Evil

      TBH I watched the whole thing with a friend and we never laughed so hard in our lives. As long as you view the movie as some bad movie comedy, it's funny as shit

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. All this discussion about the three trilogies simply glosses over the fact that the best Star Wars movie hands down and beyond any shadow of a doubt is the Star Wars Holiday Special.