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File Comments posted by th3w1zard1

  1. Holocron Toolset

       1,549    19

    Bug in v3.1.0: selecting `Merge _S.RIM/_DLG.ERF files in the main tool window` is not working and causes those aforementioned resources to be inaccessible in the tool window

    Unfortunately this is the default setting, which means everyone is affected. Please ensure this is unchecked until i can get a fix out. Thanks


  2. KOTORModSync

       4,646    14

    On 5/18/2024 at 1:54 AM, nydz3 said:

    The instructions toml is just completely off from the community build. Missed matched zip files,  not installing in the correct order, etc.

    no one's forcing you to use modsync. You realize there's hundreds of mods, and 6 different tomls. Have put weeks of time into doing these myself. I am not a perfect person. Your post is extremely unhelpful, at least post the exact issues you are finding if there indeed are any.

    Why in the world would you overwrite the ultimate character overhaul, with all the NPC mods that clearly specify to install the clothes only version? This does not follow the community mod build instructions. And renders all the patch files that are required useless lol.

    Yeah this straight up isn't happening, no idea what you're on about. The very last instruction in the full build is to install the patches.

    If installing the build manually is easier for you to comprehend what's happening, you should continue to do so. I created ModSync because I wanted an alternative.

  3. KOTORModSync

       4,646    14

    On 4/27/2024 at 6:53 PM, Maynarkh said:


    First of all, great work. I'm fairly new at this and the tool you made is really, truly helpful.

    Second, I used the Kotor2_Full.toml and I noticed a typo in the refurbished astromech droids: the command should be Source = ["<<modDirectory>>\\SH_Refurbished Astromech Droids\\*.*"], but instead it is Source = ["<<modDirectory>>\\SH_Refurbished Astromech Droids\\*.t*"], which causes some problems. 

    Thanks again for the work you've done!

    What problems, specifically, does that cause? The goal of the wildcard there is to grab only the tga/tpc files instead of the entire folder.

  4. KOTOR 1 Community Patch

       196,821    260

    20 hours ago, Gonza2332 said:

    I'm sorry if I expressed myself wrong, English is not my native language and I am using a translator. I can download and extract the file, but when I run the installer and choose the game folder, it has no modifications, only a few folders are added to the folder where the installer was extracted, but the game still has the same problems as before try to install the patch. I don't know if it's something with my PC or if I'm doing something wrong, or if you just have to add some files or folders to the game, know what they are, I hope you can help me.

    You should have an 'errorlog.txt' or a 'installlog.txt' in the same folder as HoloPatcher if it was a holopatcher error.

    Sounds like you're saying your game already has problems before installing k1cp? If so you should be asking in tech support. Try reinstalling your game, or post more informative details so we can help you.

  5. NPC Diversity Pack [Beta/K1]

       1,211    91

    2 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

    In \tslpatchdata\Diversity\changes.ini:

    [Warning] [15:35:10] Orphaned ini sections found in changes ini:
    [Note] [15:35:23] Patching existing file 'dan13_yuthura.utc' in the 'modules\danm14aa.mod' archive
    [Error] [15:35:23] Unable to add struct to list in 'Equip_ItemList\0' is not an instance of a GFFList.
    [Note] [15:35:23] Patching existing file 'dan14_ahlan14d.utc' in the 'modules\danm14ad.mod' archive

    In \tslpatchdata\Weapon\changes.ini:

    [Note] [15:45:03] Patching existing file 'tar03_blackv039.utc' in the 'modules\tar_m03ab.mod' archive
    [Error] [15:45:03] Unable to modify Field 'EquippedRes'. Parent field at 'Equip_ItemList\1\EquippedRes' does not exist!
    [Note] [15:45:04] Patching existing file 'tar03_blackv039.utc' in the 'modules\tar_m03ab.mod' archive
    [Error] [15:45:04] Unable to modify Field 'EquippedRes'. Parent field at 'Equip_ItemList\1\EquippedRes' does not exist!
    [Note] [15:45:04] Patching existing file 'tar03_blackv042.utc' in the 'modules\tar_m03ab.mod' archive


    Looks good to me. All of those errors are pretty self-explanatory of what the issue is. updating a field/struct directly when the struct doesn't exist, the mod's changes.ini needs to use AddField syntax.

    EDIT: looks like the path holopatcher's outputting is wrong actually, should rather say 'Parent field at 'Equip_ItemList\1\' does not exist'. will fix in next release

  6. KOTORModSync

       4,646    14

    On 2/1/2024 at 8:30 PM, Steedious1 said:



    I downloaded the Kotor2_Full.toml, as well as the mods from the link here

    After I load the toml and select my directories I get several issues when trying to validate where the steps included are wrong or maybe arent up to date because the first step is trying to extract but the file is now an executable for The Sith Lords Restored for example.

    Is there an updated toml file we can find or am I going to have to manually do some of these steps?

    We are relying on the community to help keep these instruction files up to date and mod developers to notify us when an included mod has been updated.

    If you notice a 'missing required archive' error please at least send the error/mod name in the future once you confirm that you indeed have the correct mod downloaded.

  7. HoloPatcher

       3,733    7

    On 4/28/2023 at 3:44 AM, DarthParametric said:

    Because your AV is garbage. Check out a comparison on Virus Total. A heuristic detection is basically a wild guess that an executable might be malicious due to the way it works. False positives are common for low-end AV shovelware.

    The red flag that caused the detection here is likely due to wrapping the program as a single exe. This is apparently a problem for Holocron Toolset as well. It's a downside of using Python.

    This is very accurate. I'd like to point out this is not just a Python problem, I have the same problems compiling my stuff in C#. Many users use Python because of it's flexibility and how quick it is to setup. Due to the ease it has a very abstract and a varying community. Many users do compile projects to an EXE. Enough people do this, and eventually someone compiles something purposefully malicious. Well... byte signatures within the file are going to match the only main Python compiler in existence, which of course isn't ran by a large industry like Microsoft, causing everyone to have this problem. The reason you don't hear about this happening much on other languages is due to the professional culture that usually surrounds compiled languages like C/C# and Java. Many of those are used by larger industries, school, and of course they have the funds to pay for signing.

    With python, you're more likely to run across, in an effort to bridge this back to gaming, indie-like development. Personal projects and quickly developed projects. It's a very pythonic language, for a lack of a better term. Languages such as C#/C take a bit of time to setup and install all the requirements. With python you can be setup and writing code in a couple of minutes. The volatile nature of pythonic culture is what causes the false positives. And there's nothing devs can really do besides shoveling money into signing their releases.

    You are always rolling the dice when you download something from the internet. As far as protection goes, Windows Defender is all you need. I'm serious. Maybe you worry about something you installed a few days ago and of some problems happening, so you download and run a malwarebytes scan. Perfectly normal, let it do its thing and then we remove it because Windows defender is all you need

    • Thanks 1
  8. KotorDiff

       34    2

    Aren't the StreamWaves/StreamVoices folders just .wavs? You can already diff those by pointing it to that folder and/or wav file.

    To clarify, there's basic pattern recognition in there that'll look for chitin.key, dialog.tlk, and several required folders to be considered an install. if you point the differ towards two installation folders, it won't diff *every* file/folder by default as that's a lot of unwanted data to diff. It'll diff Modules, Override, and the dialog.tlk.

    You can *absolutely* diff any file or *any* folder with the CLI by pointing it to a non-installation folder or a specific file. If PyKotor recognizes the filetype it will use its internal methods to diff them, recursing into nested DLG lists for instance. If it doesn't recognize the file, it'll compare file hashes.

    Lips aren't in that v0.1.0 but they're done and will be added in v0.2.0. Let me know if there's any other filetypes I forgot. 

  9. KOTORModSync

       4,646    14

    I am sorry about all the issues caused by v0.8

    I've released v0.8.4 which I've tested on k1 and k2. If anyone runs into an issue, please ensure your app says 'KOTORModSync v0.8.4' or a later version at the top.

  10. KOTORModSync

       4,646    14

    10 hours ago, Spectrometer said:

    I have one question, you say the incompatibilities will be sorted, does that include the cases in the Kotor Mod Build when you have to manually delete files to avoid installing them?

    Yes you are correct, KOTORModSync and the default instructions file are capable of following the mod build exactly. If you uncheck or check a mod from the list, any instruction you'll see on the mod build post is respected and followed. See for more information on how KMS handles this internally.

    for example, if you have the mod `HD Visas Marr` selected for install, you might remember the modbuild says that 3 specific files must be deleted for the ultimate character overhaul patches. This is how we handle that instruction:


    So yes, simply select the mods you want to install from the left list, press install, and let KMS worry about how to handle it all.

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