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Posts posted by DarthParametric

  1. I'd say the problem was almost certainly MDLOps, rather than anything specific the modder did. It doesn't compile models properly, in the sense that its output is not the same as whatever official compiler Bioware and Obsidian had. A lot of the time it is sufficient to work in the game, but I could easily see how something it did could trip up a Blender script expecting a specific pattern that the official models conform to.


    As to your desired list, you aren't going to find much in the way of something like that. A lot of it just comes down to trial and error. Adjust, export, compile, test. Repeat until it works (or is proven to be irrevocably broken).

  2. By "empty" do you mean a null or dummy object? If so, they are used in all KOTOR models (and basically every other model format) for all sorts of things. In the case of the goggle hook (and head hook, hand/weapon hooks, etc.) it's just a reference point, which the game uses to position additional models. In other cases, they are used as containers if you will, to group objects with a common pivot point/axis. They get used in skeletons in this manner.

  3. Assuming you are happy to have a single texture all the time, it's extremely simple. Just copy P_KreiaH09.tga (head texture) and P_KreiaA09.tga (body texture) from the mod's tslpatchdata folder, paste them into the Override folder, and rename them P_KreiaH.tga and P_KreiaA.tga, respectively. If you want a different colour, just look at the textures and choose the appropriate numbered pair.


    If you have already tried to install the mod previously, you'll need to copy and paste the appearance.2da (and other files) from the mod's backup folder back into the Override folder first.

  4. I'm not sure if anything else like that exists. You could ditch all the scripts and dialogues and do a limited version as a simple appearance.2da mod. You'd be limited to one texture per model type though.


    Alternatively, you could check out this - http://www.lucasforums.com/showpost.php?p=2851410&postcount=8


    I think it should be compatible with TSLRCM, as it doesn't alter the endgame sepekku entry, but I make no guarantees.


    Edit: I just made a slight tweak to it, adjusting the neck verts to match the position of the standard bodies. Should get rid of most clipping issues in that region. I had to adjust the inner hood of the default Kreia robes to match the new vert positions, so there is a bit of texture distortion around the neck/collar as a result (noticeable in the morgue scene, for example). I also extended the hair down a bit to hide the lack of underside, but there is still some nasty clipping there.

  5. Add ".0" to the end of the number at the end of each of the CreateObject lines. Those numbers are the degree facing and need to be a float, not an int.

    Gah, figures it would be something so trivial. I must have tried half a dozen versions and presumably that was the problem every time.... I didn't even notice. Sigh. Thanks for correction.


    GIT in the Override testing is all well and good for confirming everything works before release, but it's a pain in the ass having it reset the triggers every time. Scripting is far more useful for iterative testing.

  6. Btw, on the subject of scripting to spawn placeables, how do you spawn multiple placeables in a single script? I've tried multiple variants based on old posts over at LF, but I can't get any to compile. For example:

    void main()
    	if ((GetEnteringObject() == GetFirstPC()))
    		if( GetObjectByTag( "PLC_abcd1" ) == OBJECT_INVALID )
    			CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "PLC_abcd1", Location(Vector(-85.25,19.45,9.66545), 131));
    			CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "PLC_abcd2", Location(Vector(-55.5,-6.15,9.722), 90));
    			CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "PLC_abcd3", Location(Vector(5.7,41.65,9.66551), 180));
    			CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "PLC_abcd4", Location(Vector(38.25,0.00,9.66545), 180));
    			CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "PLC_abcd5", Location(Vector(0.00,-44.25,10), 90));
    		ExecuteScript("on_enter_ORIG", OBJECT_SELF);

  7. It's a non-standard format that Bioware implemented for Neverwinter Nights/Aurora Engine (hence why it still works in Odyssey). You can view them at least in NWN Explorer - http://neverwintervault.net/project/nwn1/other/tool/nwn-explorer-reborn


    It frustrates me that people release textures in DDS because there's no way to view them and learn from them.

    It's preferable in pretty much all cases to use DDS over TGA for compression, especially in cases of large retexture mods. I advocate offering modder's resources of TGAs though, where applicable.

    • Like 1

  8. Objects listed spawn the first time you enter the level, and so this is a one-time job

    I figured I'd ask in this thread, rather than start another. Does the addition of placeables via a GIT edit only work if you have not previously entered a level? The same as changing an appearance ID value in a UTC for example? I can get a placeable to spawn via a modified on-enter script, but it doesn't show up when added via a GIT edit for a level I have previously visited.

  9. Looks like a bit of minor vert adjustment. The shoulder pads have been pushed wider, the vee of the neck where the robe overlaps has been shifted down and across a bit. Possibly the hem on the back has been raised a bit, although it's hard to tell from just a front-on shot.


    And I think that loin cloth bit might actually be from Bastila's model, not Jolee's.

  10. Doesn't really need a new face texture, the existing Handmaiden one is fine for that. If you want to redo the hair so it is a proper white, it's just the standard PFHC01 texture. I compressed the original UVs 50% and made a new 1024x512 side-by-side texture, so there are no overlaps or effective departure from the vanilla position.

  11. It's possible, with a lot of slicing, dicing, vert tweaking, and UV finagling to combine two separate textures (heads require a single texture if you want DS transitions):


    TSL_Handmaiden_Pony_Tail_01_TH.jpg TSL_Handmaiden_Pony_Tail_02_TH.jpg


    However, the danglymeshes for the ponytail, bangs, etc. no longer work. MDLOps doesn't compile these properly, so these bits are rigid.


    Someone would need to do a better texture for the hair. I just did a half-assed overlay in PS to get it white-ish looking.

    • Like 3

  12. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=851


    File Name: Silver & Gold Trimmed Jedi Robes

    File Submitter: DarthParametric

    File Submitted: 12 Apr 2016

    File Category: Skins

    K1R Compatible: Yes



    Adds Jedi robes with silver and gold trim, styled after the “Silverlined Jedi Robe” mod by Cerasumat, which no longer appears to be available for download.


    Use KSE or console command to add items g_a_mstrrobe47 and g_a_mstrrobe48 to your inventory.


    Warning: This mod requires an environment map/cube map in order to get the shiny metal effect. In K1 it would appear that an alteration of the “envmap” column in appearance.2da is required to force this for robes (the simple addition of a TXI doesn’t work). This may have unintended effects on other model types, particularly custom textures with transparency. Additionally, the requirement of a 2DA edit means it will not work properly for custom heads without a manual edit of appearance.2da by the enduser. For those that wish to do that, change the envmap column for your custom head rows from DEFAULT to CM_Baremetal.



    Click here to download this file

  13. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=850


    File Name: Pre-War Style Silver & Gold Trimmed Jedi Robes

    File Submitter: DarthParametric

    File Submitted: 12 Apr 2016

    File Category: Skins

    TSLRCM Compatible: Yes



    Adds K1-style Jedi robes with silver and gold trim, styled after the “Silverlined Jedi Robe” mod by Cerasumat, which no longer appears to be available for download.


    Use KSE or console command to add items a_robe_47 and a_robe_48 to your inventory.


    Note: This uses the K1-style Jedi robes mesh. However, it is not a port. While the original medium sized model was replaced by the new movie-style robe for TSL, Obsidian left in the original K1 large and small models for both males and females, along with the female texture. I have rescaled these models to the same size as the medium model, along with making some UV adjustments for the male model to fix various texture stretching issues.


    Warning: In order not to replace the existing Obsidian robe models, I have overriden the J model slot – i.e. Revan/Star Forge robes – with the K1-style Jedi robes model. As a result, this mod is not compatible with any other mod that uses PFBJ/PMBJ models, i.e. any Revan/Star Forge robes in TSL mods, or that replaces the model in the J slot in the same manner.



    Click here to download this file

  14. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=849


    File Name: Rodian Female NPC Body Model

    File Submitter: DarthParametric

    File Submitted: 12 Apr 2016

    File Category: Mods

    TSLRCM Compatible: Yes



    This mod adds an additional female Rodian appearance for NPCs. It adds a new custom Rodian body model which makes use of a scaled Human female player body. This is primarily intended as a modder’s resource, so textures are very quick and dirty recolours, meant to be replaced with proper ones by the end user. Skin is changed to a purplish-pink, and the clothing changed to a blue jacket, black pants, and a white shirt.


    However, for the benefit of regular users, the merchant Geeda on Nar Shaddaa (the only female Rodian in the game) has had her UTC modified to use this new appearance. Note that the change will only work if you have not previously visited Nar Shaddaa, as appearance ID data is stored in your save file.


    Additionally, for those that prefer the regular green skinned Rodian look, an optional face/hands texture is supplied. Once this installer has finished, simply copy the TGA inside the OPTIONAL folder and paste into the Override folder, overwriting when prompted.


    I'll consider adding some additional bodies in the future, as well as a K1 version modder's resource. I also made some male versions a while back for Malkior to use in conjunction with his Rodian reskins, so hopefully he'll release those at some point in the near future. If not, I'll just release the models using the vanilla textures.





    Click here to download this file

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  15. Preferably a version for TSL

    As you most likely know, Obsidian replaced the K1 robe model in TSL with something a bit closer to the movie style robes. However, it turns out they only replaced the medium sized model (seeing as they use medium for everything). The large and small models are still the original K1 model. They also left behind the female texture. I had a play around with it and came up with a solution. I scaled down the two large models to the same size as the medium, then used the J model slot (Revan robes) to add them so they don't replace the Obsidian robes. So I can get them into TSL without porting, and without affecting the existing robes, but it does mean it won't be compatible with any Revan/Star Forge robe mods, or other mods that replace the J slot models.

