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Everything posted by Jake_A_Reed

  1. Well, that worked, but only because I had it the other way when I added the object via the kotor tool. If I try to add it again, Im back to the old BI=61 line. Weird, but working for now, so thanks for all the help!
  2. That rings a bell. The problem is the kotor tool will not let me change that field to the filename, it will however let me change it to the itemclass row in baseitems, however that doesn't actually make it show up in game either. EDIT: I was able to make the item show up by renaming the itemclass to the uti files name, but there is no icon like there used to be, its just white Here is the glow rod entry in my baseitems.2da Default model seems to be fine but default icon is not pulling in the file, I even extracted it and put it in the override just in case something in RCM overwrote it.
  3. I know I was able to do this in the past by combing a couple mods, one of which is https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic/file/glow-rod-restoration and to actually add the item to a placeable I used https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/file/survival-items and edited the placable file to add in the glow rod but for whatever reason it doesn't show up in the inventory in game. I know the restoration is for kotor 1, but the .2da file is compatible I believe and I remember being able to get this to work before, so I'm not sure if something is wrong with the kotor tool or what, but the item doesn't show up properly in the inventory of the object. Any ideas?
  4. Not that anyone is probably updating this anymore but I ran into a few glitches. 1. If you choose to blow up the cleaning droids instead of have t3 help you get one of those dreaded black screen crash bugs. This one could be conflicting mods, but since most of my mods either use the TSL patcher or are minor things (no hd screen resize mod for example) I don't think it should affect it. 2. Missing part for the fixing droids quest, the placable did not spawn. 3. Not sure if its intended but if you finish the main quest you can't finish the data transmissions quest. 4. One of the sith at the final fight never turned hostile. Im on the GOG version for this playthrough if it matters.
  5. Makes sense... I guess I would need to find a script to hook into? One of the mods that adds a placable I use hooks into kreia's telepathic warning of the droids in the next room so something like that I guess. Thanks!
  6. Hi all, pretty new to modding kotor2, not really new to modding in general (neverwinter nights for example) or coding so I understand the basics. Trying to update the inventory in the security locker in peragus just as a way to practice modding. I found the utp file g_tresmillow010.utp however merely editing it and placing it in the override folder isn't what i'm looking for since that basic template is used in several other places. Is there any way to easily mod a placeable without extracting an entire rim file (I think thats what they're called) modifying the file and then repackaging it?
  7. The only thing I have really is the unskippable cutscenes... The ravager scene which mind you is great but when you're doing your 10th playthrough in a row it gets a little old. Also the atris walking scene... I think you stare at a door for 15 seconds....
  8. No mods that should affect companions. Steam version matter? Because I don't remember it happening on my older CD version.
  9. Huh? I get them to get mastery bonuses all the time... well at least thats what the interface says... Usually they have to be with me in the party for it to happen, but it always happens for me.
  10. I think I figured it out. Turns out the XXXX in the last row isnt **** even though it looks like it is. Thanks for the quick reply though!
  11. Hello friends. So I'm trying to make a quick mod to add some decent weapons to the workbench and from what I have seen on the internet all I have to do is add a row, add a tag of an item in game (if im not using a custom one) and fill out the skills etc. I add the row with something like w_blaste_26 (micro pulse blaster) and then save the file.... but then if I open it again that row is missing. I assume I'm missing a key part here. Do I have to define the components required in a .uti file and add those as well before the kotor tool will recognize it and save it? I was using another mod with some custom items and was merging them with another mod just fine, since it seemed to detect that the items were there, so its saving fine just not when I try to add new items. So, anyone know what I'm missing?