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Everything posted by eightdivines

  1. No worries! I did want to use this along with TSLRC after all, but as you read, it went worse than expected :/ At least it worked out in the end. I do miss finding the lightsabers ready from the get-go from when I had USM. Because a lightsaber fits Kreia when she fights Sion more than a vibrosword fits her. U no? But I do want to keep the TSLRC mod.
  2. So just to be perfectly clear, the 215b installer is supposed to work, yeah? And if I reinstall the game, do I have to use a save from before installing the old version? Or do I need to start from scratch? I recall reading someone's comment about the baseitems getting messed up and turning every item unusable. Didn't happen to me. And yeah, having to have a color crystal makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the reply, by the way. I reinstalled the game, tried to install the mod, and... the same thing happened. Am I missing something here? Never mind! Third time was the charm! Now I just gotta start a new game for like the 20th time. But that's a small price to pay for custom-made lightsabers ;D No Lightsaber option at the first Peragus Workbench... that supposed be like that? According the mod's description, no. Saved, quit the game, started it again, loaded the game, voilá. I was afraid it wouldn't work.
  3. So I downloaded and installed the DupliSaber v.0.1a, and went and tried to make a lightsaber. Kreia's Walking Stick, to be exact. So I chose the hilt, but could not choose a color, which was odd. Later the same day(today) I did a bit more looking around the TSLRC mod's summary page, and found the latest version of this mod. So I downloaded v215b, but when it tried writing the 2das file, it crashed. Every time. Why is that? Did I screw myself over royally by installing the older one first? I went and checked a few more lightsabers, and it seems I can't choose a color for any of them. That *IS* weird. Still on Peragus(pre-Sion), if that has anything to do with it.