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About ZimmMaster

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. Per the admins request, I am publicly posting that I have given permission for the mod author to use my movement animation fix kotor 2 as well.
  2. A Future Pilot has contacted me and I have given my permission. Hope that helps Canderis.
  3. OK update time everyone. Just in case anyone is curious, I am NOT able to play the retail version of the game of burned .ISO copies of the discs, it fails the authentication. Install took all of a minute in a half but playing the game is a no go. Now me and my fool self remembered the flawless widescreen program, which never worked for me before by the way, and figured why not so I tried it and voila it works perfectly. So I have widescreen KOTOR 1 and 2 now on the retail discs. Which means if I want to keep playing, I'm gonna have to buy a external drive. Slightly disappointing but not terribly surprising. Most new hardware, comes with stuff needed on a disc anyway so its not like it will be entirely unused beyond games. I want to thank everyone for their help and even though my original issue was unsolvable, I'll just shell out a little money to get another solution.
  4. lol good point, but nevertheless I don't have those files in my game directory. So it still doesn't help unfortunately.
  5. That is not applicable to me as I have nVidia GPUs not AMD.
  6. I did what you said and bought the GOG version of KOTOR 2 after I got the Steam games refunded. However the same thing happens when I open it. Background process opens, but nothing happens.
  7. Tried that with no luck. Same thing still happens. Also on a lark, tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it on my C: drive, but nothing changed there. Also tried disabling my secondary and tertiary displays, but that didn't work either.
  8. I really should have remembered to post those. Sorry about that. See the edited first post. Also, yes I've tried running it in compatibility mode as well as run as an administrator.
  9. Hello all, After a extended *cough* incredibly long *cough* absence I have been seized by the desire to once again play the games. Unfortunately I have run into a problem. On May 4th, SW games were on sale for ridiculously low prices so I picked up all the ones I currently own on disc because I'm soon to be without a cd drive as my new case will not include a 5.25 bay and I really don't want to get an external drive just for some old games. I haven't tested them all, but the two most important ones, KOTOR 1 and 2 unfortunately do not start. I click play and a process shows up in the background, note I said background and not main, processes in the task manager with no memory being used, it just sits there doing absolutely nothing. I've tried reinstalling, applying compatibility, etc. Now here is the kicker: I eventually got around to removing the steam versions and reinstalling my retail disc versions and voila, they work with no issues. Now I'm pretty stumped. I figure that ok I might be able to work with this by making iso files from the discs and mount them to a pseudo drive. Haven't fully tested it yet but I think it might work. But I ran into another problem, primarily with TSL. No widescreen support in the patched version, unlike KOTOR 1 with uniws. Now those of you with long memories will recall a thread I made back on lucasforums that explained a workaround using the Squizzy Resolution Patcher and a certain altered exe file that shall remain unexplained to get widescreen to work in patched TSL. Now hypothetically applying this fix has resulted in similar issues cropping up as with the steam version. E.g. not running except for background process. On a lark, again hypothetically, I wondered if the same thing would happen again if I used a similarly altered exe file on KOTOR 1 and lo and behold, the same thing happens. Not running, background process, etc. Now understand I am in no way at all asking about how to resolve this issue with the unmentionable executable files, that again will remain unexplained, I am asking how to fix the Steam versions. Its just I find it curious that I can create the same issue I am having with the Steam versions, using the altered files and I wonder if this and my issues with the Steam versions are linked. I once again state, that I am asking for help with the Steam versions and any hypothetical use of the unmentionable files were purely for troubleshooting purposes. With all that explained I ask do any of you have any ideas to solve my issue? Thanks, ZimmMaster EDIT: My Specs (all that I can think of) OS: Windows 10 Home x64 (fully updated with both major updates) Mobo: MSI Enthusiast Z270 Gaming M7 Processor: Intel i7-7700k Memory: G.skill Ripjaws 16GB ddr4 Memory Graphics Card(s): 2x MSI GTX 970 Gaming 4G (SLI) Storage: Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB, ST200DM001-1CH164 1TB HDD Display: (Primary) ASUS VG248QE 24" @ 1920x1080 144Hz, (Secondary and Tertiary) Dell 1708FP @ 1280x1024 60Hz
  10. I have been made aware of this and I'm trying to figure it out. I would not hold my hopes up for it though. I'm very sorry for this but I'm simply too busy with college work. Not to mention I haven't actively modded in years. I do apologize.
  11. File Name: New PMHH01 File Submitter: ZimmMaster File Submitted: 02 Oct 2014 File Category: Skins ----------------------------------------------------------- » Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords ----------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: ZimmMaster NAME: New PMHH01 TYPE: Reskin VERSION: 2.0 SIZE: 2.95 mb (UNZIPPED) DATE RELEASED: 10/01/2014 WEBSITE: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/developer/ZimmMaster;29005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm back with a remake of my New PMHH01 mod. I've been looking over many of my old mods with a more learned eye and I have noticed many could use some improvement. This was one of those mods, so I started over and rebuilt it. Not much has changed in terms of basic appearance; the face is still a caucasian with dark brown hair, blue eyes and facial hair. In addition, going for the "war torn" look, I've once again significantly aged the face from its early twenties to late thirties by adding some slight tear troughs, "crows feet", bags under the eyes, etc. The dark side transitions are again realistic without the zombie look that BioWare seems to favor. The skin pales, the hair darkens to black, aging becomes more pronounced and sith eyes replace the blue eyes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » INSTALLATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simply copy the files from this mod to your Override folder. Default path is: C:/Program Files/LucasArts/SWKotOR2/Override ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » KNOWN BUGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Although not caused by the mod I feel I should point out that the tounge clips through the side of the mouth at certain angles. Thankfully, AnakinSwader has released a fix for this available at http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/439-pmhh01-fixed/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » CONTRIBUTORS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fred Tetra, for creating his awesome KOTOR Tool that makes us modders job a lot easier. - GIMP, the awesome image program for us cheapskates who don't want to buy photoshop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » DISTRIBUTION AND USAGE NOTES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mod or any of its individual components may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the author unless restricted to your own personal usage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » LEGAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Click here to download this file
  12. ZimmMaster

    New PMHH01

    Version 2.0


    ----------------------------------------------------------- » Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords ----------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: ZimmMaster NAME: New PMHH01 TYPE: Reskin VERSION: 2.0 SIZE: 2.95 mb (UNZIPPED) DATE RELEASED: 10/01/2014 WEBSITE: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/developer/ZimmMaster;29005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm back with a remake of my New PMHH01 mod. I've been looking over many of my old mods with a more learned eye and I have noticed many could use some improvement. This was one of those mods, so I started over and rebuilt it. Not much has changed in terms of basic appearance; the face is still a caucasian with dark brown hair, blue eyes and facial hair. In addition, going for the "war torn" look, I've once again significantly aged the face from its early twenties to late thirties by adding some slight tear troughs, "crows feet", bags under the eyes, etc. The dark side transitions are again realistic without the zombie look that BioWare seems to favor. The skin pales, the hair darkens to black, aging becomes more pronounced and sith eyes replace the blue eyes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » INSTALLATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simply copy the files from this mod to your Override folder. Default path is: C:/Program Files/LucasArts/SWKotOR2/Override ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » KNOWN BUGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Although not caused by the mod I feel I should point out that the tounge clips through the side of the mouth at certain angles. Thankfully, AnakinSwader has released a fix for this available at http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/439-pmhh01-fixed/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » CONTRIBUTORS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fred Tetra, for creating his awesome KOTOR Tool that makes us modders job a lot easier. - GIMP, the awesome image program for us cheapskates who don't want to buy photoshop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » DISTRIBUTION AND USAGE NOTES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mod or any of its individual components may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the author unless restricted to your own personal usage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » LEGAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  13. File Name: Movement Animation Fix for both KOTOR and TSL File Submitter: ZimmMaster File Submitted: 01 Oct 2014 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes ************************************** Knights of the Old Republic I & II ************************************** TITLE: Movement Animation Fix for both KOTOR and TSL AUTHOR: ZimmMaster FILENAME: zm_fixes.7z FILESIZE: 1.59 MB when unzipped -------------------------- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS -------------------------- To start the install run the TSLPatcher, choose an install option and follow the on-screen instructions. To uninstall, remove the files copied to the Override folder by the TSLPatcher and then move the files from the backup folder that was created by the TSLPatcher to the Override folder. ------------ DESCRIPTION ------------ This mod fixes the movement animations for the KotOR games. What it does is alter a couple key collumn values in the appearance.2da file to remove that waddle-like walk that came with the patches to a more neutral walk. It has four different install options when the patcher is run. One is the walking animation fix for KOTOR and the other three are for TSL allowing you to install the walking, running, or both animation fixes. The changes in the KOTOR version fixes a few things I did not notice before in the previous version of this mod. The changes include; changing the values from 2.70 ---> 2.60 as the walk ended up being too slow, removed unnecessary coding in the changes.ini file, and some fixed spelling errors in the setup. The running animation fix for TSL was a bit more complicated but I eventually changed the values in the rundist and driveanimrun_pc collumns that Obsidian used to the ones BioWare used in the first game and it turned out all right. Enjoy! ----- BUGS ----- None that I’m aware of. However if you find any, you can contact me via PM at lucasforums. ------------------- DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------- This mod may not be altered without express consent of the author. This mod may not be re-distributed on any site without express consent of the author. -------- CREDITS -------- Fred Tetra- For creating his awesome KOTOR Tool that makes us modders job alot easier. stoffe- for making the TSLPatcher and ChangeEdit programs and helping me with a few problems I was having in the development of the mod. THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Click here to download this file
  14. File Name: New Dopak Head Mod File Submitter: ZimmMaster File Submitted: 01 Oct 2014 File Category: Skins ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: ZimmMaster NAME: New Dopak Head Mod TYPE: Update VERSION: 6.0 SIZE: 1.66 mb (ZIPPED) 5.30 mb (UNZIPPED) DATE RELEASED: dd/mm/yy WEBSITE: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/developer/ZimmMaster;29005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am back with yet another update to my New Dopak Head Mod. I also want to clarify, yes, this is version six, I have three other versions that have been for my exclusive use and not publicly released.The main reason for this update is the staff review I got on a previous version talking about how this mod was based highly off of Shem's Playable Dopak. In truth, it was, and I am disappointed that I did not realize this. So I've started from scratch and completely re-created the mod (...again). Which I think is for the better. The most noticeable change is going to be the default clothing. It is no longer the Sith Assassin tunic. The new model is the scout clothing model from KOTOR 1 with a whole new texture. The cream colored shirt is now white, the pants have been changed from pale green to blue, the boots have been changed from black with a bit of green to a nice polished black color. The vest has been changed from green to brown with bits of gold added in. This version only has realistic ds transitions because frankly, I've done all I can do with them. So I decided to leave them out of this version. The ds transitions are not just sith eyes slapped on the normal head texture like I did in the previous versions. There are three total ds transitions; The first transition is pretty much like the base face texture except that the skin is slightly paler and the area around the eyes start to darken. The second transition, the signs start to show. Noticeably pale skin, dark circles around the eyes, eye shadow applied around the sith eyes. The hair and beard are darkened as well. The third transition, skin is paled, hair and beard turn black, very noticeable dark circles around the eyes, brand new glowing sith eyes, with eye shadow applied around the eyes. Some of the smaller changes are; brand new eyes that were completely made by me for all textures, skin appearance redone by me to make it look like skin and not something with an orange sunburn, the hair and beard are more defined, with a rich, dark brown color to it, teeth are whitened, and the tongue now looks like a tongue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » INSTALLATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Double click NDHM_v6.0.exe. 2) Hit "Install Mod" and enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q - Why did you make the realistic ds transitions so different this time? A - Atton Rand. Yes, Atton Rand. It was several of the conversations I had with him on my facial features as I fell to the dark side. "You look like you haven't slept in weeks, or a year." "Yeah? Well your starting to get lines! You could pass for the old witch's son." So I simply made the transitions look like that. Thus, the pale skin, and dark circles. The dark hair and eye shadow was simply my own idea on what I thought would look good. Q - I have found a bug, what do I do? A - Firstly, replay the section in question a few times using an earlier save or autosave and see if the bug persists. If it still occurs, then we have a problem, and you should first read the section entitled KNOWN BUGS. If you cannot find the bug listed there, then you should read the section entitled BUG REPORTING to learn more on how to contact me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » BUG REPORTING ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 2 main ways in which you should contact me to report a bug; email and through LucasForums. Regardless of which method you choose, be sure to include the information listed below: - WHAT HAPPENS/ISN'T HAPPENING? - WHERE IS IT HAPPENING? - DOES IT HAPPEN EVERYTIME/SOMETIMES? If you intend to report the bug through LucasForums (Which I would strongly recommend so others become aware of your findings), then you will need to follow the steps below: 1) Go to the Taris Upper City Emporium section of LucasForums at "http://www.lucasforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=645" and either create an account or login to your existing one. 2) Search for the thread entitled "[TSL] New Dopak Head Mod v6.0". 3) If the bug hasn't already been posted by another member, post a description of the bug using the information listed above as a guide. If you intend to report the bug through email, then follow the steps below: 1) Email "REMOVED FROM PUBLIC VIEWING" with the subject "NDSM Bug Report" 2) Describe the bug using the information listed above as a guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » CONTRIBUTORS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Fred Tetra, for creating his awesome KOTOR Tool that makes us modders job a lot easier. -T7nowhere, for making the T7Head02 mod for without that mod being used for reference, I would not have been able to make this mod. Also for giving me permission to use parts of his mod in this mod. Permission obtained by author contact. -NiuHaka, for making the Dark Harbringer mod which I used to make this mod. Permission publically given in readme. -TriggerGod, for giving me permission to use his blue eye texture from his dopak mod. Permission obtained by author contact. -Shem, for making the playable dopak mod for without I would not have been able to make this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » PERMISSIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Permission granted from T7Nowhere to use parts of his T7Head02 mod in this mod. - Permission granted from TriggerGod to use his eye texture from his dopak mod. (PERMISSION FOR A PREVIOUS VERSION, NO LONGER APPLICABLE) -Permission granted from jonathan7 to use a FF II PLC as a base in this mod as long as I give due credit to Marius Fett and Force Fashion II. (PERMISSION FOR A PREVIOUS VERSION, NO LONGER APPLICABLE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » DISTRIBUTION AND USAGE NOTES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mod or any of its individual components may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the author unless restricted to your own personal usage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- » LEGAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Click here to download this file
  15. File Name: Revan's Jedi Robes File Submitter: ZimmMaster File Submitted: 01 Oct 2014 File Category: Mods *********************************** Knights of the Old Republic *********************************** TITLE: Revan's Jedi Robes (2.0) AUTHOR: ZimmMaster FILENAME: ZM_JediRevanV2.0.7z FILESIZE: 7.56 MB when unzipped WEBSITE: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/developer/ZimmMaster;29005 ----------------- » DESCRIPTION ----------------- This mod takes the ever popular Darth Revan Robe and gives it a Jedi feel to it. This version includes the robes as a seperate item so it can be used in conjunction with the original Darth Revan robes. Also included are several items that can be used only by Revan. The robes and mask come with unique icons. All complete with TSL Patcher installation. All the items can be obtained in the game without the cheats. ----------------- » INSTALLATION ----------------- Simply run the TSL Patcher and follow the on-screen instructions. ------------------------------------ » HOW TO OBTAIN THE ITEMS IN-GAME ------------------------------------ Immediately following the second Bastila-Malak confrontation scene (the scene where Bastila throws her lightsaber at Malak) look for a datapad near the sealed door. This datapad is essential to get the items. It talks about a secret compartment in the cargo hold on the Ebon Hawk. Escape the Leviathan and proceed through the conversation following as normal. After which you should find yourself in the cockpit. In order for the compartment to appear, you must speak to Carth about how he feels about you being Revan. It was not my first choice to have the mod work like this but sometimes you have to work with what you have. Following the conversation the compartment should appear. Proceed to the cargo hold and near the spice container. It should be on the floor to the left. It will be locked and it will stay that way unless you have the datapad that Bastila dropped. If you have it, the compartment will open and you will get the items. --------------- » KNOWN BUGS --------------- - During the installation, you may receive a warning saying 'Warning: Invalid column label "driveanimrun" encountered! Skipping entry...' I have no idea why this happens. If you get this you have to input the entry yourself. Simply open your modified appearance.2da file found in your Override folder using the KOTOR Tool, scroll down to the bottom of the list to the new entry, and input "3.96" in the driveanimrun column. If you find any more feel free to send me a Private Message over on LucasForums (username: ZimmMaster). ----------- » CREDITS ----------- - Fred Tetra, for creating his awesome KOTOR Tool that makes us modders job a lot easier - GIMP, awesome image editing program that I use for my texture edits - HazardX, for creating his very useful script compiler - Sithspecter, for creation the Revan's Flowing Cape and Belt Fix that I altered for use in this mod - MrObiWan, for creating a script used to help test the in-game functionality of this mod - harIII, for his video tutorials which helped me with my scripting - DarthJango/Weasley, for his idea that helped get the mod completed when I was completely stuck - Various tutorials found in Holowan Labs that helped with the scripting parts of this mod that was causing me so much trouble ---------------- » PERMISSIONS ---------------- - Permission granted by Sithspecter to modify and use his Flowing Cape and Belt Fix in this mod. --------------------------------- » DISTRIBUTION AND USAGE NOTES --------------------------------- This mod or any of its individual components may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the author unless restricted to your own personal usage. --------- » LEGAL --------- THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Click here to download this file