Work on my Dark Jedi/Sith Academy mod is starting up, but in order for me to start that mod properly I need to finish up the first release of my K1 Alien Pack mod.
The Ithorians are ready, the Bith are 90% ready, and the Duros are 50% ready... these are the three species that will be in the first release of the pack. I've already showed off the Ithorians, now it's time to show off the Bith.
The goal of the pack is to ensure every species has 5 alien variants, this will be easy for Aqualish and Rodians as they only have 4 variants meaning only one texture needs to be made for those species... this isn't true for the Bith as they only have 1 variant.
The vanilla black Bith will only appear as Cantina Musicians whilst the Bith you'll encounter in-game will use my new appearances. Whilst I did make the reskins you'll see, I also photo sourced assets from BithBiter's TSL Party Project 1.01 (as the mod page says the mod's assets can be used with credit given), and assets from the Revenge of Revan mod by RedRob41 (used with permission).
For the Bith appearances, I used Wookieepedia to determine that Bith skin color can be yellow, green, pale pink, and red... so those are the colors I used in these appearances. Whilst I think the new appearances are "alright", I personally feel some of the skin colors don't "fit" with the scenes they're currently in... which is why I would like your opinion on whether or not I should switch certain Bith appearances around.
Green Bith:
This one was especially jarring to see when I first saw it in-game in this scene.
Red Bith:
His skin and his outfit are so dark, so much so that he's almost camouflaging into the dark environment around him.
Pale Pink Bith:
I rather like this appearance, I could change the color palette of his clothing if this is desired.
Pale Yellow Bith:
Dare I say this Bith is without flaw.
So... what do we think of these new Biths?