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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Evening chat, So I finally saw Ahsoka. Possibly related(!?), one of the episodes reminded me of the star wars lore regarding force-imbued blades, sith swords in particular. If you're curious and don't care about spoilers... TL;DR They're powerful, very difficult to craft physical blades infused with the force, some or all using kyber crystals in their construction (?The internet is unclear). They're resistant to lightsabers and just as deadly. After all this came rushing back to me, I realized something. The three sith-themed melee weapons we find in the KOTOR series are supposed to be Sith Swords, and yet they're treated as slightly better melee weapons. Bioware y
  2. 1 point
    Ok well I'm still tweaking the actual blade textures, not sure if I'm going to de-level the glows around them of not, though i think I should. green is outta control, but cool at the same time. Colored GL and CR tex's, thick blades. Couldn't do what I wanted with them originally, so this is where I'm at. Aight. I honestly don't know what to do with this s***. Yellow is always a pain to deal with, and this time i have a green aura/glow around it I cant seem to get rid of. Any suggestions?
  3. 1 point
    So I have been playing with these blades as of late... ...what do ya think?