Version 2.00b
By Request of an anonymous /r kotor discord user, seconded by 134340Goat.
JC2 Presents: Party Leveler K1
Allows the player to fully upgrade each companion from level one, keeping their original class intact as well.
If you auto level up your companions, then this might not be the mod for you.
However, if you enjoy strategically improving each companion to their full potential, then this is your mod.
Jolee and Juhani join the party at level one, letting the PC have more control over their force power progression by five levels (default for both is level 6).
Note: Does not affect Juhani in the Grove, nor Jolee before he becomes party member on Kashyyyk.
Installation: Unzip and run TSLPATCHER.
Uses tslpatcher, should be compatible with nearly everything, be sure to install your mods in the correct order. Any mod you think might use the same files, install that mod, then install mine using the tslpatcher everything should be compatible. Otherwise, you risk incompatibility issues.
Incompatible with Shem's Force Power Gain, without removing some of the Force Powers Juhani and Jolee have at the start to prevent level up soft locking. This can be done with the KSE. The reason this is incompatible is that Shem's mod allows classes to gain more force powers per level up, which causes the player to run out of selectable powers soft locking during leveling up.
I hope you enjoy!
As always, any feedback regardless of its nature is appreciated.