It's not really a mod I'd give a full release to, since by todays standards the model isn't that great. At the time, we weren't able to do the things we can do now in terms of having completely new body models, so AVol's mod was a mish mash of existing models and some clever trickery. I'm in the process of trying to find a better Vader model which I can rig to a KotOR skeleton to release publically, but not much joy so far in finding a model I like enough to spend the time on.
I've attached the K1 port of the AVol model to this for you to play around with if you want it, but the short answer is no. It won't be given a full release. Drop all of the files in the zip into you're Override folder and you're good to go. Vaders model will replace Malaks. The N_DarthNihilus files I included need to be present, as Vader draws certain animations from the Nihilus model. I probably could've changed that and optimised/streamlined a bit, but in all honesty I didn't want to spend any more time on what was originally meant to be just a quick experiment.