I tried loading Yavin IV, however, it crashed. But with Korriban Crystal Cave, it appears corrupt and you can't walk. But I figured out the problem. The modules uses certain .mdl/.mdx, vis, and lyt files in the models.bif, layouts.bif and lightmaps.bif archive in the PC version for their corresponding module. For instance, for Dantoonie Crystal Caves, they use m14ae_01a.mdl, mdx and m14ae_02a.mdl, mdx files in the models.bif for their module. However, in the Xbox version, they acquire it in danm14ae_a.rim and danm14ae_adx.rim in the rimsxbox folder since there are not in the models.bif or models2.bif. So what I had to do to make Korriban Crystal Cave function is I had to take assets from the danm14ae_a.rim and danm14ae_adx.rim like .mdl/mdx, lyt and vis files since the module is using an existing module from Dantoonie Crystal Caves but with minor changes. So I think to make Yavin IV or Ord Mantell to function is you have to obtain the assets you need from the rimsxbox folder since those are using existing module assets. Yes. It should be possible for the Original Xbox. It's not required to have a RGH/JTAG Xbox 360. However, I do recommend to upgrade an Original Xbox's Ram from 64MB to 128MB and or upgrade the CPU too.