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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    So the trophy heads in Davik's estate on Taris. They are pretty dire, and I always mused about replacing them at some point. This is the vanilla room: The heads themselves are just stuck directly on the wall, with no obvious mounting/backing board like you normally see with hunting trophies. In addition, I never understood why they put the weird arch things in there, blocking the view. It's the only room that does that. So I had a look through what TOR had to offer. I couldn't replicate it 100%, since the vanilla heads are Rancor, Dewback, Wraid, Tuk'ata, Ronto, Kataarn, and Iriaz, but TOR doesn't have the last three species. Here's what I came up with: I got rid of the arches and plugged the gaps in the sides with some new lights, while moving the overhead lights up to the ceiling. The substitute heads are a Reek, a Nexu, and a Tauntaun. And since I know a lot of people don't like the TOR stuff, I also made a version that replaces the original heads with the ones from the regular vanilla creature models. Still low poly and terrible textures, but slightly less garbage than the originals. But they do at least match the same species types: The heads now match their actual creature size in the game (at least the vanilla species). The original versions were scaled down, the Rancor especially being comically small compared to the description Calo gives of bringing it down (big enough that he was able to perch on its shoulders). Although it is now so big (the size of the one you see in the sewers) that it can't actually fit on the back wall, so I had to come up with some struts to mount it out in free air. The wall lightmaps might need to be cleaned up, and I'm also not really feeling the mounting/backing boards. It just a chamfered cylinder with a procedural wood texture, since I wanted to keep it simple. I'm not sure what I should do about it. A different material/texture? Maybe more of a shield-type shape?
  2. 1 point
    Thank you that did solve the problem :), I really appreciate your help.
  3. 1 point
    This is not in any way your go-to modding tools, though perhaps closer to *amazing new discoveries*, lol - so I dropped it here. 🍻 So, this list of texts and numbers below -- //::////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //:: [TSL] PlaySound Utility Script //::////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //:: File Name : eb_playsound_wav //::////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Param1/P1 - Delay that will be applied before playing the sound string sSoundName - sTemplate of the Sound in the game files to play Created By : ebmar [based on OEI's implementation] Created On : May 05, 2020 Modified On : June 11, 2020 -- v1.0.0 Credits : JCarter426 -- Odyssey++ : Fred Tetra -- KotOR Tool : tk102 -- DLGEditor : Don Ho -- Notepad++ */ //::////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void main() { int nDelay = GetScriptParameter(1); string sSoundName = GetScriptStringParameter(); DelayCommand(IntToFloat(nDelay), PlaySound(sSoundName)); } - is an equivalent to a_playsndobj, a TSL's utility script that plays the sound objects indicated by tag passed in. On the other hand, instead of using the oTag of sound objects/UTS in the game-world like its older-brother, this will use the sString that it gets from the String Param of the DLG. To use it is fairly simple: Drop the compiled script/NCS to the Override folder Insert the script name [default eb_playsound_wav] to either Script #1/#2 field in the relevant node of the DLG Use P1 to determine the delay applied before playing the sound Use String Param to determine which sound to play, based on their template/file name Notes: In my experience using this script -which is in TSL, and not K1- PlaySound action can only play custom files that placed in the Override. I have tried with customs placed in StreamSounds but I can't seem get it to work. You might though, perhaps I was missing something You can't input decimals. I don't know what the legit term is but you can only insert integers/INT; something like 0, 1, or 2, and not FLOAT, like 0.2, 1.25, or 4.20. You can though - but not with this script and using the DLG as the medium Anyway, here's the compiled script if you don't feel like compiling yourself -- eb_playsound_wav.ncs Hope that helps anything of your projects, and may the Force be with you!