superSzym 155 Posted April 10, 2017 So, I initially wanted to post it after I finish the game, but it unfortunately turned to be impossible due to the Dark Jedi on Tatooine being unbeatable (I visited Tatooine first), so I cannot progress further, but I use really many mods, including K1 Enhancement Pack. From the beginning of the game, it turned out that my mod list is not perfect and causes many bugs.My mods (in installation order):Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge 1.5KotOR 1 Restoration 1.2 (only Main and Iriaz sections, without the dialog.tlk)SpaceAlex's K1 Enhancement Pack1. NPC Modification Pack1.1. Main Mod1.2. Bonus ContentDarth BandonEchani - Stripped (NPCs only)2. Party Members2.1. Canderous, Carth, HK-47, Jolee, Juhani, Mission, Zaalbar - Main Content Only2.2. Bastila2.2.1. Robe Set & Dark Side Bastila - everything from here, dropped required textures from Bastila's Revelation Robes later2.2.2. Extra Dialog on Dantooine2.2.3. Extra Dialog on Tatooine2.3. Juhani3. PC3.1. PC Default Clothing4. Miscellaneous4.1. Armors (without Modified Stats)4.2. Jedi Robes4.3. Jedi Knight & Master Robes4.4. Bodies Stay5. Compatibility5.2. Brotherhood of Shadow5.5. Weapons of the Old Republic <b>(installed after WOTOR)SpaceAlex's K1EP - Invisible Head FixShanilia 1.02 (with .utis for the Jedi Robes edited so that they use Jedi Robe base item types instead of Knight/Master, reason - point 4.3 from K1 Enhancement Pack)Fallen Guardian's Weapon Model Overhaul Texture ReworkHigh Quality Blasters 1.1Weapons of the Old Republic 1.0 (changed the installer so that it overwrites files in the Override)Dantooine Training LightsabersGenoharadan - Light Side (with dialogs that couldn't be overwritten dropped into the Override, overwriting previous ones)Save Mission 1.4bEnslave Zaalbar 1.5Bendak Bounty ReworkBendak Starkiller Emblem ArmourBendak Bounty Rework and Emblem Armor Compatibility PatchJuhani Catlike Head Mod (sections 0 and 1 installed, with P_JuhaniBB63.tga renamed to P_JuhaniBB02.tga and ia_cloths_062.tga and ia_cloths_063.tga renamed to ia_juhanibb_001.tga and ia_juhanibb_002.tga, section 8 completely omitted reason - point 2.3 from K1 Enhancement Pack)Ajunta Pall Unique Appearance (with TSLPatcher set myself)Different Music for Ancorhead and the Ebon HawkFour Force PowersLightsaber and Force FormsKotOR Sith Trooper AppearanceQuanon's Bastila Shan Reskin (fixed model only)Bastila Shan HD by Quanon and Dark Hope 1.1SWTOR-style HK-47 for K1And a couple of, at least so far, issue-less reskinsSo, I got following bugs so far:Endar SpireTwo Darth Bandons during Trask's Death Sequence (fixed by removing g_bandon001.utc from the Override) Taris Carth's Blaster has High Quality Blasters appearance instead of WOTOR one.Maybe it's just my stupidity, but I can't find a second Sith armor for Carth.Deadeye Duncan and Gerlon Two-Fingers do not wear the costumes shown on the screenshot, despite their .utcs being in the Override and including these armors.Marl wears cyan default soldier clothing when he leaves the cantina after you defeated Bendak.Outcast Children wear cyan and dirty-golden Mandalorian armours from K1EP.Black Vulkar's in the Control Room and Kandon Ark's dialogs have no voiceover, so they switch very quickly.Zaerdra does not have her unique appearance when she makes comments about the accelerator.DantooineTar'eelok wears Bonadan Heavy Armor suit or any other red D-class suit, while Garrum wears default TSL clothing and, oddly enough, is red instead of green (this could be probably fixed by creating a new appearance.2da entry for Tar'eelok, using PFBK in D-class fields, I don't know about Garrum, as he, I guess, was intended to wear normal Jedi robe, not the Knight/Master one - if I could request, would it be possible to give Garrum Senni Vek's head from K1EP and a yellow training saber from Kexikus' mod, while giving Tar'eelok the Jedi Master robe Vrook wears and a violet training saber).Iriaz are not hostile and not attacked by Kath hounds, thus making them migrate through the map in large groups, sometimes stopping and blocking the narrower ways.Not really a bug, but Juhani comes with a beige Jedi Knight robe. Could it be changed so that she gives a red Jedi robe again?Jedi Holocron appears as a bed.Ebon HawkThere are containers in the Ebon Hawk's Cargo Hold which you can click and open, but are completely empty.Sasha speaks generic female Twi'lek voice that doesn't match the words she's saying.TatooineDark Jedi ambushing you are so strong so that they are unbeatable even on easyMiscellaneousD-class armors are not removed from the game, being in stores, appearing as Jedi council armors on the main player and Force-sensitive party members (maybe the "Stores" section fixes it, but I guess not completely, considering the fact that I looted one Heavy Combat Armor from a corpse near the Sith one with the serum in the Undercity, if it's possible and not too hard, I would ask to remove these armors completely from the stores and loots)Jedi Knight and Master armors restrict some of the Force Powers (I would ask not for doing what K1EP should do while installing 4.3, Force armor restriction balances the game well, so I would only like the restriction to be removed from the robes)Floating Lightsabers (at least I) appears not as a floating lightsaber, but as a woman with a lightsaber wearing a scout suit with some strange red and yellow linesGraphicsWhite Sith Troopers are way too shinyBastila's eyes have a bare metal shine in some anglesTextures disappearing sometimes, turning the game on and off usually fixes the issueGrass bug that causes parts of your characters' legs to be invisible in favor of backgroundIt would be probably a lot of work, but these mod pack gives me a pretty immersive and enjoyable experience, so I would be grateful and swear a life debt to a person that is willing to fix these bugs. 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N-DReW25 1,374 Posted April 10, 2017 That looks like the most incompatible bundle there is. K1 Enhancement Pack, K1R, and Brotherhood of Shadow do not sound like a compatible mix. Here are some explanations that might be able to help: Dark Jedi Bug: The Dark Jedi encounters are super difficult in K1 Enhancement pack, The K1EP makes enemies more difficult such as giving enemies more grenades for example but that Dark Jedi Encounter is difficult in the extreme and I had to through everything I had to defeat them. (That being Max Stimulants, Verpine Energy Sheild, Force Abilities, Grenades, Kay, a lot of running and an army of NPC's from the Call of Aid mod )Marl Bug: I do believe that is IntendedOutcast Children bug: Please show us a screenshot of this as the child model doesn't support armor and I'd like to see what is actually going onKandon Ark Bug: Try removing "tar10_kandon01.dlg" from your overrideTar'eelok and Garrum bug: Sounds like a bad case of 2da conflictIriaz bug: To my knowledge are supposed to be neutral to the player. I'd suggest waiting till they walk away from the blocked area, if they aren't moving then that's a problem.Jedi Holocron: If this said holocron is a placeable, that could be a 2da conflictGrass bug: That's due to your graphics card and is unfixable to my knowledgeFloating Lightsabers: 2da conflict 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
superSzym 155 Posted April 10, 2017 That looks like the most incompatible bundle there is. K1 Enchantment Pack, K1R, and Brotherhood of shadow do not sound like a compatible mix.Here are some explanations that might be able to help: Dark Jedi Bug: The Dark Jedi encounters are super difficult in K1 Enhancement pack, The K1EP makes enemies more difficult such as giving enemies more grenades for example but that Dark Jedi Encounter is difficult in the extreme and I had to through everything I had to defeat them. (That being Max Stimulants, Verpine Energy Sheild, Force Abilities, Grenades, Kay, a lot of running and an army of NPC's from the Call of Aid mod )Marl Bug: I do believe that is Intended Outcast Children bug: Please show us a screenshot of this as the child model doesn't support armor and I'd like to see what is actually going on Kandon Ark Bug: Try removing "tar10_kandon01.dlg" from your override Tar'eelok and Garrum bug: Sounds like a bad case of 2da conflict Iriaz bug: To my knowledge are supposed to be neutral to the player. I'd suggest waiting till they walk away from the blocked area, if they aren't moving then that's a problem. Jedi Holocron: If this said holocron is a placeable that could be a 2da conflictGrass bug: That's due to your graphics card and is unfixable to my knowledge Floating Lightsabers: 2da conflict Dark Jedi Bug: But they have around 90% health each when my party dies, I don't have enough stimulants and medpacs and I don't want to cheat with Call of Aid Marl Bug: Well, that doesn't look nice. Outcast Children Bug: They are Mandalorians. They don't use armor, they just are Mandalorians. Kandon Ark Bug: K1R restores some lines to both of these dialogs I mentioned Iriaz Bug: They're not attacked by Kath hounds as intended and when you click on one of the Iriaz, it turns to you, stops walking and the whole group stops, not starting walking again. Also, from what I recall, there was a request to make Iriaz aggressive only to Kath Hounds so I guess they should be hostile. Jedi Holocron Bug was previously reported, so I guess the issue is quite common and probably originates in wrong setting of TSLPatcher. Would you mind taking a look at it? Tar'eelok bug actually originates in her wearing a Jedi Master armor, which replaces D-class, and due to her being the only green Jedi in the game and being restored by K1R, there was no need to give her a new entry with D-class contents changed. Garrum is quite weird, though. Floating Lightsabers: It's from a different mod by Darth InSidious, so his TSLPatchers probably have issues. I've seen some threads to fixing the grass, so I'll seek hope there. Sadly, KotOR on AMD Radeon 7900 sometimes is weird. As I have a really good reskin to Dantooine, I hate missing the grass. Also, BoS:SR is officially compatible with K1R when installed first and K1EP includes a compatibility patch to BoS:SR, and the dialog bugs I mentioned originate probably from K1R, so K1R + K1EP are an incompatible bundle I guess. Thanks for your feedback, will you be willing to take a look into some of the issues? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djh269 266 Posted April 10, 2017 SpaceAlex wanted to create his NPC enhancement pack in such a way that it avoids using .mod files, he wanted all his modifications (if he can get away with it) to be placed within the Override. My guess is the Marl bug and the Tatooine Sith battle is his mod clashing with any mod, BOS, K1R and Kainzerous Prime's NPC overhaul for example, that uses .mod files. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
superSzym 155 Posted April 10, 2017 SpaceAlex wanted to create his NPC enhancement pack in such a way that it avoids using .mod files, he wanted all his modifications (if he can get away with it) to be placed within the Override. My guess is the Marl bug and the Tatooine Sith battle is his mod clashing with any mod, BOS, K1R and Kainzerous Prime's NPC overhaul for example, that uses .mod files.Tatooine Sith Battle, as NDrew said, from what I recall he was actually playing K1EP, is intentional. I don't know what is the origin of Marl bug though, maybe it was intentional as Soldier clothing looks more like moving and taking your stuff outfit, a bug within a script or some wrong clothing in the UTC. BoS:SR isn't a good example in this case, as a compatibility patch is included. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
superSzym 155 Posted April 16, 2017 OK, so I'm ready to give a report of more bugs that I have encountered after my previous posts or forgot to mention. Dantooine Sherruk, from what I recall, should wear a Earth-Gold coloured armor, yet he's wearing a red one. His heavy repeater also spawns twice. Belaya walks instead of standing where she should. After you defeated and redeemed/killed Juhani, Zhar should give you a tan Jedi Robe, he gives you Qel-Droma's robe and Duron's datapad instead. Juhani does not spawn in the Jedi Academy when you redeemed her, but not recruited yet. As I'm going to use Dantooine Crystal Cave Redux And Upgradable Crystal, I'd request the new blue Twi'lek spawned by it to wear a tan Jedi Robe instead of a Brown one. Tatooine From the same reasons as in the previous point, I'd request giving master Izrak a new appearance.2da entry that would display Jedi Master Robes properly and a blue Jedi Master robe. If it's possible, I'd also request moving him from Spaceport to Ancorhead near the gate to Dune Sea. Miner to the left from the captain in front of the Sandcrawler does not have any head. I'll mention this here, because I have tried only on Tatooine; despite advancing properly in Mission's dialogue, Lena dosen't spawn in the spaceport. I'll mention this here, though it might affect every planet you go to as first one; Senni Vek does not have his unique appearance and Echani Armor, being a yellow Twi'lek in a combat suit instead. Kashyyyk Chuundar and his guards don't have their unique appearances. When you meet Jolee as a NPC, he's not holding his unique lightsaber, he also doesn't move near his hut, staying in a place of katarn fight instead; when you recruit him, he gives you a yellow Jedi Knight Robe instead of his unique clothing. Matton and Eli don't have their unique appearances, in addition to Matton not wearing his shiny armor. Manaan After you became Sunry's arbiter, holding cell doors are locked, preventing you from finishing the quest. On Sunry Murder Recording found in the Republic Embassy Sunry does not have his unique head; Elassa wears a D-class armor instead of a Sith uniform. Shanilia is a yellowish-pale-skinned Twi'lek instead of an orange one, instead of clothing, she's got a Twi'lek dancer costume; for this, I'd request giving Shanilia a new appearance.2da and heads.2da entry, as I made her a custom skin with female Twi'lek head model and N_ShaniliaH texture to be recalled on both Manaan and the Star Forge, also I would like to request giving her a Grey Jedi robe while in her shop. Also, when Shanilia speaks Basic, her lips don't move properly. That's probably because Twi'lek lip files from Shanilia use the same filenames as some from BoS:SR. If you choose to use the passcard to access the Sith Embassy, you cannot access the training room due to the door being locked. Some pieces of Shanilia's dialog are bugged and result in not giving any response; for example when, after you speak how she's doing with her shop, you mention the Czerka Corp. You can ask Tyvark how he feels about Shanilia only once, if you don't, you'll lose the opportunity forever. After you defeat Darth Bandon, you loot his crystals only once, yet they duplicate later. Leviathan None of K1R changes appear, no Major Hurka or Isa anywhere. If you wear Starkiller's Mandalorian Assault Armor while entering the Leviathan, with unequipping it using a script the game won't change your appearance, screwing your looks by binding you to the armor forever and destroying joy from your gameplay. Bastila does not appear during interrogation scene, with air saying her lines, later when your party is freed she has a dark side head. After equipping her gear, she has her normal head. If you wear Starkiller's Mandalorian Assault Armor during Revelation cutscene (or are bound to it), you appear as Helena Shan. Note that I'm using Leviathan Differentiated Dialogue and K1 Music Fix, they were installed before even starting the Leviathan though. The Orion Your party is not removed when you awaken onboard the Orion, also, the starting dialogue does not start automatically, forcing you to open the door and initiate it through speaking with Drix Keliwt. Maybe that has something to do with Bastila on Korriban - K1R version. Sera Degana is a blue Twi'lek - probably that's due to K1EP overwriting n_twilek_f05.tga, which seems to be used as Shadow's light side appearance. Valon Vau is earth-golden instead of cyan. In front of Sera Degana's shop there's a Sith Apprentice (Sith governor type) that shouldn't be there. Captain of the Orion wears a Jedi Master Brass Robe instead of Heavy G-type armor. Not a bug, rather a note if you are willing to make one of my previous requests come true; if you kill the captain of the Orion, one of the crew members on the bridge drops a Baragwin Shadow Armor, which is D-class. Exchange Twi'leks in Starboard Section have mismatched appearances: pale yellow female is blue, yellow male is Komad Fortuna and green male is red. Not a bug, rather a request: could you make any Exchange Thug from Starboard Section but aforementioned Twi'leks and Daemon Drexl wear a violet Exchange Combat Suit from K1EP instead odm Exchange Battle Armor? This would be more canonical. Daemon Drexl doesn't wear his mask during Starboard Section encounter, showing his weird face prematurely. After you beat an insane Exchange Thug, you should encounter a Brother of Shadow - Akirakon Sin. He's there's but he doesn't speak anything. Also, the door to the central deck of the Orion is locked, imprisoning you forever. Sadly, due to the last bug on the list I could not report any bugs from Korriban, Unknown World and the Star Forge. Seems that the fix is more urgent than I expected. I think I'll wait for it and pray that there won't be any bugs, as none of these bigger mods change much, at least in vanilla modules. I'll also check the GenoHaradan then to see if GenoHaradan - Light Side didn't mix anything up with Overseers' appearances. And then, probably I'm going to need an update of the fix. I hate mod incompatibilities. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted April 16, 2017 So let me get this straight: you want someone to take the files from the mods you've listed, install them in the order you have (which requires getting your edited/customized versions of what you've done), and then make a patch to fix all the issues? You realize you'd need to pretty much restart the game for a lot of this to work, right? Also a lot of the bugs seem to be from the appearance.2da being overwritten, the invisible heads can be from an overwritten heads.2da or the head already being used by a PC, and other similar stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
superSzym 155 Posted April 18, 2017 I'll send edited files later today. I accepted the need of restarting, maybe even reinstalling, the game for this to work, considering that many bugs appear also on Taris. I also understand that it'd be a lot of work for anyone who takes this challenge, so my gratitude for anyone who's going to do this just for me would be immeasurable (not exactly, it would be estimately on life debt level). But first, I must fulfill my list of bugs and requests due to my weak memory and planned addition of another wonderful mods. As I'm going to add to my mod list yet another djh269's crystal mod, TSL Inspired Crystals and Robes, could I request so that a Jedi Training Robe is given to you after you construct your lightsaber (instead of a normal brown Jedi Robe) if it's weaker or that it would be given to you as usually, but it appears as a sand-coloured Jedi Robe instead of a brown one? Elise looks quite a bit too old. Master Izrak's dialogue has got a lot of spelling and capital letter issues, can I request fixing it? Could I request an edit of Jedi Robes .utis from aforementioned mod for Jedi Knight and Master Robes and Qel-Droma's Robes to use the special textures and models from K1EP, while having the stats from that mod? Could I also request so that Padawan Robes' names mention the colors of the robes as every other usual Jedi robe in game in K1EP? Despite installing a section with RedRob's Echanis from K1EP, every Echani in the game except a mercenary in Hrakert Station still uses the commoner "young human with white hair" face from Main Section of K1EP instead of a one included in RedRob's Echanis bonus section. Could a Sith Training Robe from TSL Inspired Crystals and Robes use the Gray Jedi Training Robe texture from Shanilia? Crattis Yurkal has a heavy armor and a green Twi'lek appearance instead of Twi'lek clothes and yellow skin. I don't know for sure, but considering that BoS:SR compatibility patch in K1EP does not include any 2DA files or edits, and the only folder in this patch is called "NPC Modification Pack", Shadow is probably going to wear a D-class armor when she has a Jedi Knight or Master armor equipped. Another request: could a Rakata near the Temple from Crystal Cave Redux and Upgradable Crystal be turned from Black Tribe Rakata to a Guardian-type black and red Rakata used in BoS:SR for example in murdering Exeden Rar through ancient defenses? It would be weird for lightsiders to speak with a Black Rakata instead of mercilessly murdering him as rest of his tribe. Party members special feats that make their custom clothing limited to them are choossable during leveling up for everyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
superSzym 155 Posted April 20, 2017 A little bit later than I told, but here you are. In "Ajunta Pall" folder you may find the TSLPatcher I created for my convenience in installing Ajunta Pall Unique Appearance. In "Shanilia" folder there are edited .utis. Edited Files.7z Share this post Link to post Share on other sites