Logan23 205 Posted January 6, 2011 Hey everyone! Here you can post your question about the Revenge Revan game or modding/game design. Post the text here and then if you have a mic you can also email me the question in your voice where I will then answer the question combining the two audio (question and answer) together and release it. Thanks Logan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Yeti Posted January 7, 2011 How does the size of Revenge of Revan's planets compare to those from KOTOR and KOTOR II ? How does Revenge of Revan stand out from the other KOTOR games? Last and most important of all...... When does the demo come out! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoeWJ 11 Posted January 8, 2011 How long are you aiming for the game to take to complete? How many planets will there be? How much screen time does Revan have? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marius Fett 196 Posted January 10, 2011 What i'd really like to know is how the hell you keep yourself motivated enough to carry on working on it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Bob Ta'aar Posted January 12, 2011 How does the difficulty of RoR compare to K1 and K2? Is it only for KotOR pros, or can also the casual gamer play it easily? And of course: When can we start playing it ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LDR 234 Posted February 9, 2011 What are the gameplay strengths/weaknesses in ROR? What is the main plot in ROR (I only have a vague idea)? What makes ROR more unique than the other 2 kotor games? Lastly, what motivated you to start a mod on such a scale, even though it will take years for you to finish it? What keeps you going? What makes you not give up? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Logan23 205 Posted February 9, 2011 Hey everyone! I originally wanted to answer these with the use of audio but I have not been able to set the time up to record since as I type this I’m making edits to a module for the game. These will be done by txt this time. Onto the questions…… How does the size of Revenge of Revan's planets compare to those from KOTOR and KOTOR II ? It’s hard to say for one it’s been awhile since I actually played kotor1/2 fully through to compare it to RoR’s planets. I will say that some like Malachor V can be around 2 hours or more long while other locations might be smaller. I don’t know the largest planet since I’m still building the game. I hope this helps “How does Revenge of Revan stand out from the other KOTOR games?” This game for one will not have an amnesia PC. You will build your player’s past as you were trying to survive on your own till Master Drayen finds you during his exile/ Jedi Purge. RoR has a lightsaber creation/progression system and there is a good amount of planned reactivity to your in game choices which makes it impossible for you to do even two play-through and see everything. Holonet news where you can see side effects from some of your side quests as well as the main quest choices….and learn some info on the planet and the galaxy. These are a few…. “How long are you aiming for the game to take to complete?” Oh this is hard to answer….With the Demo its 2 hrs long. Act1…or full game unsure but I can say it will be over 2 hours long “How many planets will there be?” Act1 will have I believe 5 locations “How much screen time does Revan have?” I can only say it will be a lot more than kotor2’s. There is a good deal. “How does the difficulty of RoR compare to K1 and K2? Is it only for KotOR pros, or can also the casual gamer play it easily?” I’m building it as a game that will not be hardcore like Dragon Age origins which was a tough game (but a lot of fun). I’m looking for players to enjoy the experience so I do not plan to make the game super hard. I rather focus on making the choices you have to make in the game hard. “What are the gameplay strengths/weaknesses in ROR?” I would say the limits of the game engine is a weakness but also allows us to keep focus on the core of the experience and not adding flash new things that will take away from giving you guys a strong and compelling experience. RoR is a mod so due to being not a game company limits how fast and how much we can place in so we can only do so much with that issue. The strengths is that we are allowing the player to allow their choices from kotor1/2 influence RoR’s game and also the great team we have who are working hard for this mod. The species for PC, the plot of the game, as well as the number of features that help define it from feeling like kotor2 but like a new game. There is more but can’t talk about them right now… “What is the main plot in ROR (I only have a vague idea)?” I can’t tell to much. I can say that you are a padawan of master Drayen and you are about become a Jedi Knight. There was just an attack on the space station over Corellia. The space station was destroyed and now you and your master are sent to determine what did this which leads to more issues and problems. “What makes ROR more unique than the other 2 kotor games?” Lightsaber creation/progression system, no amnesia PC, Get to choose the PC’s past history, Player has new dlg options as well as now given the ability of Intent. They player will make more active choices in how he/she wants to handle situations plus get ideas and feed back from party members on how to deal with these situations which can open new options to handle quests….and the list goes on… “Lastly, what motivated you to start a mod on such a scale, even though it will take years for you to finish it? What keeps you going? What makes you not give up? What I’d really like to know is how the hell you keep yourself motivated enough to carry on working on it!” Going to answer these together… Two things motivated me to start this…One was the story I had built. I wanted to share it and allow others to experience it in a game. The story is very deep and layered which allows me to place spots for multiple choices and replay value. The second was because I’m going into the game industry and wanted to make something to show my skills as a designer as well as challenge myself. When I was a baby I never crawled I went right to walking even though I fell often trying to walk I finally did it. I skipped crawling and jumped into walking just as I’m with this project. What keeps me going is that this is my job,..I am a game designer..there is no turning back. It’s a passion and if I’m serious about it being my job, you don’t quit you only restructure and learn. I get a large amount of energy from working with my team as we are all adding to the project and the excitement that comes along with seeing it get closer and closer to release. With all work there are sacrifices in time and deciding to work on the game verse other real life events. But it’s worth it. I know some successful people like my brother who I saw take on a few jobs along with college and stayed in a college which would cause an increase in debit with student loans but this place would give him the skills he needs to become the success he knew he could become. And I have seen this come to fruition. I am willing to do the heavy lifting to make my passions come true. The fans have been powerful for when you are fighting to figure out why there is a bug or how to make the game pace better and with each post back asking about the mod it reminds me that there are those who are waiting for this game, to play it and to experience this project. I want to say thank you to all those who have posted and kept tabs on the project. MORE TO COME..... Logan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest darthkrull Posted February 9, 2011 my question is what inspired you to do this work? First off I want to say thank you to you also for all the hard work you've put in. Thumbs up Logan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jsmith1a2000 Posted February 9, 2011 Will party members have their personal quests ? Will there be any romance/love triangle with party members? Will the main character be able to convert some party members to jedi/sith ? How big (filesize) do you expect the game to be ? why did you choose to start this kind of project for this particular game ? Is it stemming from the disapointment of the MMO announcement ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Canderis Posted February 14, 2011 Do you have fun working on this project? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest de la soya Posted February 18, 2011 As far as we know, you have a storyline that is unique in it's own way without interfering with the storylines of previous games, yet continueing off of it (almost like a sequal). This is essential to the mods success. Another factor besides storyline is obviously gameplay. It will be very difficult to implement new ideas when your team is limited by the old engines. Yet you have already discussed a new lightsaber system. What I would like to know is what else do you plan to do to create a new gameplay experiance? For example, new force powers, weapons, armor, upgrades, etc. Perhaps something more original? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Slstoev Posted February 18, 2011 Will you have new grenades? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest xie323 Posted February 18, 2011 How long will the gameplay time be? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Darth Hayze Posted February 27, 2011 How influenced could you say you've been by games such as Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Alpha Protocol? Will Atris make an appearance? Have you attempted to modify the flow of combat, or will it feel basically the same as K1/K2? Why "Revenge"? Who is Revan taking revenge on? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HK-47 Posted March 4, 2011 Query: Is this for K1 or 2? Query: Is this going to be like BoS: Solomon's Revenge being a huge addon with tons of new items, party members who actually join you for a time, "new" planets, "new" ships, 8+ extra hours of gameplay, etc.? (BOS: SR= BEST. K1. MOD. EVER!!!(Aside from the fact that no one in the mod ever says "while", it's always "whilst". While that's not annoying, there are times when it sounds goofy.) It blew me away the entire time.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Slstoev Posted March 6, 2011 Query: Is this for K1 or 2? Query: Is this going to be like BoS: Solomon's Revenge being a huge addon with tons of new items, party members who actually join you for a time, "new" planets, "new" ships, 8+ extra hours of gameplay, etc.? (BOS: SR= BEST. K1. MOD. EVER!!!(Aside from the fact that no one in the mod ever says "while", it's always "whilst". While that's not annoying, there are times when it sounds goofy.) It blew me away the entire time.) This can be answered by anybody I think. 1st query answer: It's a K2:TSL mod. 2nd query answer: This isn't an addition mod like BOS:SR it's TC mod aiming to be something along the lines of K3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjo 2 Posted March 10, 2011 I think I read somewhere that Bastila will have a rather sizable role if Revan is set as male in RoR. Is Carth Onasi going to have a large role if Revan is set to LSF? Is he going to show up in the game at all if Revan is set to male? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Freeloader 0 Posted March 12, 2011 Is there any chance that you produce a german version? I don't ask you to make something in german language, I just mean a version of RoR that can be installed into the german K2 version without hunting every data threw the language converter (which didn't work for the Jedi Temple Mod for me ~.~). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Logan23 205 Posted March 28, 2011 Hey everyone! Time for some more answers to your questions. My question is what inspired you to do this work? I can say the mod Brotherhood of the Shadow inspired me to take on this task. It showed me that a story mod can be built. Once I was able to break down how to build the game then it was a matter of taking a deep breath and taking the leap. Will party members have their personal quests ? We are planning to have most of the party members with personal side quests which will allow you to build or break trust with that companion and help build a connection emotionally to that party member. Will there be any romance/love triangle with party members? There will be some level of romance in the game. We are looking at new ways to introduce it and create that sense of love between the Pc character and a party member where it feels natural. Love triangles would be great and even the idea that maybe certain party members would have a chance to build a romance with each other instead of with the PC. This would work where the PC could encourage this romance between two party members or block it. We will know more as we start testing these ideas in game. Will the main character be able to convert some party members to jedi/sith ? I can say there will be one party member who could be turned into a Jedi/ or a force user. The training or converting them into force users will not be as large scale as in kotor2 mainly since this feature was at the core of the kotor story and game. How big (filesize) do you expect the game to be ? I can’t say the exact but last time I check it was around 1.10 gigs. Why did you choose to start this kind of project for this particular game ? Is it stemming from the disappointment of the MMO announcement? Actually I started this project before the announcement of the MMO. I was surprised it was going to be an MMO but in some ways it makes sense. MMO actually gave me a bit of an anchor to know what happens in the future which gave me a ceiling of what I can have happen and allow it to fit in the star wars canon universe. Do you have fun working on this project? Yes, the project is a lot of fun. To be able to create something that people are excited about with a team of passionate individuals is awe-inspiring. I will admit this is a challenge and in some ways a mod this size is to modding as building a MMO is to the game developer. It’s a large time consuming task but well worth it. Yet you have already discussed a new lightsaber system. What I would like to know is what else do you plan to do to create a new gameplay experience? For example, new force powers, weapons, armor, upgrades, etc. Perhaps something more original? We have some ideas that we are playing around with but do not know if they will make it into the game due to the function of the feature or the extra time it takes to build it. One feature we talked about in the team that actually made it into game was the Species recognizing feature. This was speared headed by Redrob41 and with some research it is now working and in game. This will allow the writers to have certain NPCs react to the PC if they are a certain species which opens up so many possible ideas. We are talking about Force powers but that is something that can be brought into the game toward the end since most of these abilities would be high power ones which will need to be balanced and built into the story. There is some new armor but to what extent is unknown but again these can be brought in once the game is in the later stages. There are a good deal of ideas and other surprises we are not talking about till they are tested. You will see some cool things. Will you have new grenades? There are no plans for new grenades but that’s always possible. How long will the gameplay time be? The whole game…I can’t say but the Demo is 2 hours of gameplay and Act 1 seems to be looking longer and longer as we build it. RoR will be over 2 hours long =) How influenced could you say you've been by games such as Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Alpha Protocol? I have all of those games and yes very inspiring as well as influential. I’m always looking for new features in games to play and study. I’m always finding myself studying the games I play. The latest study was Dragon Age2 and Assassin Creed Brotherhood. Great games Will Atris make an appearance? Atris will not be in the game. Have you attempted to modify the flow of combat, or will it feel basically the same as K1/K2? It will feel like kotor2. You can not touch the game engine which limits options. Why "Revenge"? Who is Revan taking revenge on? You will have to play to find out. I think I read somewhere that Bastila will have a rather sizable role if Revan is set as male in RoR. Is Carth Onasi going to have a large role if Revan is set to LSF? Is he going to show up in the game at all if Revan is set to male? Both Carth and Bastila will be in the game but Carth will only be present in kotor1 if you choose the lightside ending. Bastila will be in the game wither light or dark side ending to kotor1. Is there any chance that you will produce a German version? I'm not asking you to make something in German, I just mean a version of RoR that can be installed into the German K2 version without hunting every data through the language converter (which didn't work for the Jedi Temple Mod for me ~.~). I do not know the answer to that question. I hope it will run on the non USA version of kotor2 game. When the Demo is released, I will see if there were any issues with this. Keep the questions coming! Logan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted March 31, 2011 Will your mod be utilizing the following: 1) The various animation fixes for droids that Khrizby has developed? 2) The new saber animations currently being discussed on Hunters Run's thread over at LF? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Slstoev Posted April 3, 2011 Will mods and restorations for K1 and TSL, like the Tatooine Job office for K1 and the Telos polar sidequest mod for TSL for example, have an impact on RoR? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ppeterok11 10 Posted April 3, 2011 On KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2 there are many party member who survive from the Jedi vs Sith wars. The party members are: KOTOR 1 1. Bastila 2. Carth Onassi KOTOR 2 Dantooine: 1. Kaevee Malachor V: 1. Atton Rand 2. Handmaiden 3. Mira 4. Bao-Dor 5. HK-47 6. T3-M4 Will Kaevee be one of those Lost Jedis in Revenge of Revan? Will this party members be feature on this Revenge of Revan Mod? On Malachor V, after the duel of the exile vs Kreia, the exile asked Kreia about the future of his friends. Will Bao-Dor, Atton, Mira and the Handmaiden be the same as described by Kreia? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hunters Run 57 Posted April 3, 2011 This question has to do with animations also. Are you planing on using vandars model for any scenes that require combat? I ask as it might coincide with a project of mine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Yeti Posted April 10, 2011 I have four new questions 1. In TSL the player has the choice to train certain party members to be Jedi. For the purpose of your mod are you assuming that the exile trained all her party members (those that she could at least) as Jedi? I ask because Bao Dur doesn't appear to be a Jedi in your recent video. 2. My favorite planets in the Star Wars universe are the huge city planets. Due to this I am really excited about visiting Couracant in your mod. Other than the Jedi Temple what are the other areas of the great planetary metropolis that we will be visiting? Will we be seeing both rich and poor areas of the city like with Taris? 3. How do you go about reusing areas from the original game while at the same time remaking them into their new identities? 4. Of KOTOR 1 and 2 which is your favorite? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Slstoev Posted April 11, 2011 Do you plan to add markers for the quest givers since I know that ROR is ever changing, meaning that either the NPC will be moving or after a quest or a certain period of time the NPC will move to a different location? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites