Improved Korriban Tomb Loot 1.0

   (2 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

A Knights of the Old Republic Modification


Contact: OR on the DeadlyStream forums


This mod aims to generally improve the power and abilities of the specific loot found on Korriban.
Below is a list of items affected:


Silver-Lined Sword
Ajunta Pall's Blade
Vibrosword (the one found in Pall's tomb)
Naga Sadow's Poison Blade
Tulak Hord's Mask
Marka Ragnos' Gauntlets


Appropriate items were made upgradeable (Marka's Gunatlets and Tulak's Mask aren't
as classes of items normally aren't).


I tried to keep these items balanced, while still making them powerful. These are all probably the most
powerful items in the game in their class, for certain applications. Certain classes of PCs or certain
play styles may not find use for the items as much. I also removed the Force alignment restrictions
for all the items listed.


Copy all .uti files into your override folder.


Delete said files from override.


Compaitible with anything that doesn't edit the Korriban tomb loot.


None known.


Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool
jc2 for testing and screenshots


This mod is provided as-is and is not sponsored by LucasArts or BioWare.
Use at your own risk. I am not responsible for any damage sustained to your game or computer
by use of this mod.

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