Sith Assassins -- With Lightsabers

   (10 reviews)

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This mod works very well for what it is intended to do. When I was playing Knights Of the Old Republic II I always found it strange that the sith assassins did not use lightsabers as their weapons. This mod fixes that, and it does it without any errors as far as I can see.


Nice work, keep on fixing the game for us.


- Enterprise2002

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while yes it does make the peragus section horribly unbalanced my immersion levels are through the roof

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Horrifically unbalanced as one might imagine, but I concede that is very entertaining to see the assassins makes short work of the PC considering how powerful they become later in the game. The mod is quite useful for the inner masochist within us, however.

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I like the idea, but this is horribly unbalanced for the Peragus segment. Even with energy resistance and energy shields and other means of protecting yourself, lightsabers cut you down and your party too quickly. I'd like for it to have more granular options, like having the assassins equip sabers in mid game or late game areas and keep the quarterstaves or mix it up with regular vibroblades and quarterstaves. Unlikely for this to happen to an older mod, but leaving this here anyway in case someone else is looking to do a modded KotOR 2 run.

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