Brotherhood of Shadow Solomon's Revenge: Video Enhancement Project 1.0.0

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4 Screenshots

About This File

BOSSR Recreated Movies

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Mod Description:

To wind up my efforts to modernize Silveredge9’s Brotherhood of Shadow Solomon’s Revenge, I decided to concentrate on the pre-rendered videos (BIKs) that came with that mod.

Though I previously made a replacement for the BOSSR specific “Legal Screen” video – available separately here – these 3 cover the other 3 BIKs.  Namely, the flyby of a Hammerhead vessel (the Orion), a duel between Solomon and Shadow, and the BOSSR-specific credits video. The new videos are in 1920 x 1080 resolution. There are two options for the live_13.bik video. (Both videos can be seen on the mod download page.)

But I think seeing it in action would probably be more convincing than just writing about it.

Here's the BEFORE video, taken from the original mod.

And here's what the AFTER version using a modern computer and having upscaled textures.

This is Version 1 of the Credits BIK

And here's Version 2 of the Credits BIK.

And here's the video where the Hammerhead Orion does a fly-by past the camera. The original video in the mod only had "Brotherhood of Shadow" rather than the full title as it was taken directly from the original version of the mod. This has been corrected here.


A Reminder:

BOSSR is not compatible with the KotOR Community Portal Mod Build. If you’re using that, then you should NOT be installing BOSSR or this mod with your setup.



Drop the BIK files into the Movies folder. You’ll have to choose only 1 version of the live_13.bik video which are in separate folders.

If you play in a resolution below 1920x1080, you will need to manually downscale the cutscenes to match your chosen resolution. If you are playing with no widescreen modifications they will need to be downscaled to play at *native movie resolution* [I forget what this is, something asininely small like 800x600?]. If you are using widescreen and have NOT added in other cutscene mods or edited your executable to allow for widescreen movies, you will need to enable this functionality. See this video for more. []. If you do so and experience cutscene minimization, you should double-check your edited hex values. If the issue persists, you may need to manually rescale these cutscenes to precisely match your chosen widescreen resolution.



Remove the files from this mod that you placed in the Movies folder.


Legal Disclaimer:

All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod.

This mod is not to be distributed for profit.

I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. Ever.

I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use. Messages that request permission without providing information on how your alternate version would be different than mine should be considered an instant denial of permission.


Special Thanks:

JCarter426: Created the live_12 and live_13 videos - with the exception of the BOSSR logo – entirely by himself. His videos are included with his permission and with my thanks.

90sk: Adding an outline to the made-from-scratch BOSSR logo.

Basil Bonehead: Animating the moving BOSSR logo in the “BOSSR Live 11” video.

Dark Hope: For creating the Shadow textures that I used in the “BOSSR Live 11” video. They are available here.

Snigaroo: He helped tremendously with the Installation instructions you find above. If this mod works for you, it’s mostly due to him.

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Very nice to see. Keep up the good work!

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Excellent work on the cinematics, it brings BOSSR's Movies up to modern standards, and is a very welcome MUST have addon for BOSSR! Thanks for your hard work Sith Holocron!

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