Republic Assault Armor 1.0.0

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3 Screenshots

About This File

This adds a set of Repulic themed upgradeable heavy armor to the game.

To get this armor use the console command "giveitem g_a_class8085" without the quotation marks.

Based on class8005 armor but with a republic theme. Perfect for your trusty pal Carth.

Not sure if it is K1R compatible but probably.

Use as you see fit, but please credit me if you re-release it.

Feel free to contact me at if you have any issues.


  • Light Side Points 1

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I'm glad to see the skin has been uploaded to the site correctly this time, and good thing it is because this skin is very well made.


Keep up the good work!

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so i would make the pauldrons black with a red repubilic insignia on it if you can and would see if i could make a helmet to match with the armor i am currently using a republic soldier helmet and it isnt great looking with the armor other than that i would add the backpack you see on the soldiers clothing other than that i rate this mod a 7-8/10 just some additions that would give this armor a much more HEAVY feel just cuz as you can see here it looks really good even though the republic helmet doesnt fit fit its not bad but i think it would be perferable with a backpack and a nicely modeled helmet that reflects a heavy or assault designimage.png.a3a9e712a4309b35720099d1af444d89.png

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