Bastila rejoins at player level 1.0.0

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About This File

This script "fixes" the script that lets Bastila rejoin the player on the Unknown World temple summit: The script checks for the caller's level, and depending on that, you get a different one of the six Bastila UTC files joined as your new party member:

Levels <= 15: Bastila level 15 (p_bastilla001.utc)
Level = 16: Bastila level 16 (p_bastilla002.utc)
Level = 17: Bastila level 17 (p_bastilla003.utc)
Level = 18: Bastila level 18 (p_bastilla004.utc)
Level = 19: Bastila level 19 (p_bastilla005.utc)
Level = 20: Bastila level 20 (p_bastilla006.utc)

The different Bastilas of course not only have a different level, but also more feats and force powers as the levels progress (appropriate change per level).

The script however was called in a dialogue line of Bastila, which during that time is a level 18 Jedi Guardian, so it always selected the "p_bastilla004.utc". I believe the intention was however to have this scaled to the player level, to have a same-level Bastila rejoin the party. So I adjusted the script to check for the PC's levels rather than Bastila's (that are always 18).

Now, I don't even recommend using this, and I won't be using it myself, as I feel that when Bastila joins you at level 18 that's better both for low, and high-level characters: At low level, the upcoming fights are going to be quite hard, so having a level 18 partymember should help you out a bit (especially since the other two Jedi will be unavailable at that point), and if you are at a level > 18, which is common if you did most quests, then having Bastila join at level 18 at least allows you to steer her remaining development very slightly with the two remaining levelups she'll get. (If she joins at level 20 there's nothing at all you can do anymore to adjust her rather questionable Dark Side build). But I wanted to put it up here for anyone who might find that little discovery interesting. Enjoy.

Installation instructions: Put the file "k_punk_bastjoin.ncs" into your Override folder.

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