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About This File

Changes the Jedi Master/Sith Lord unique feats to also increase influence changes.


The unique feats Light Side Enlightenment and Dark Side Corruption granted to Jedi Masters and Sith Lords cause your influence to have a greater effect on party members' alignment. Unfortunately, party members don't get stat bonuses from LS or DS mastery, making these feats have little practical use. This is one of the factors that make JM/SL cool for role-playing but without much extra to offer in functionality.

This mod aims to make the feats a little more useful by having them also amplify changes to companion influence. Now, Jedi Masters and Sith Lords will gain 50% more influence with party members. However, influence lost will also be increased by 50%. Low influence is the same as high influence in terms of unlocking dialogue so I don't want to bias one strategy over the other. Still you will be able to gain or lose influence faster. For example, with these feats, 3 influence gains and 1 loss will net the equivalent to 3 regular gains.


Copy the contents of "to override" to your game's override folder.


Remove the following files from override:

- a_influence_dec.ncs
- a_influence_inc.ncs


Not compatible with Modified Influence System by Hassat Hunter.



KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra
TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides
Holocron Toolset - Cortisol


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