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About This File

Makes Visas a Sith Assassin.


This mod switches Visas' class from Jedi Sentinel to Sith Assassin. It's a fitting class story-wise given that she is an assassin sent by the Sith when you meet her. This is purely for fun, not balance. Sentinels and Assassins both have their advantages, so it doesn't necessarily make her better or worse, just more stealth-oriented. Her attributes and skills are untouched.

The main changes going from Sentinel to Assassin are:
- Better defense per level
- +2 Force points per level
- Lower Fortitude & Will saves
- Demolitions class skill instead of Treat Injury
- Granted Sneak Attack
- Granted Force Camouflage
- Granted Weapon Focus: Lightsaber
- Slower feat progression
- No Force Immunity feats
- Can't learn Close Combat, Dual Strike, or Regenerate Vitality feats

NOTE: This mod will only work on saves made prior to meeting Visas.


To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If an edited file already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the "backup" folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe.


To uninstall, remove p_visas.utc and visascut.utc from your override folder. If any files were created inside the backup folder, move them to override.


Will conflict with mods that edit Visas' class, obviously. May conflict with mods that edit Visas' starting powers, feats, or stats. Should be compatible with mods that edit Visas appearance, models/textures. Compatibility is assuming other mods use TSLPatcher or this mod is installed after. To be safe I recommend installing this mod after others that edit Visas.



KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra
TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides
Holocron Toolset - Cortisol


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