[K1] Replacement Logo for KotOR Menu Screen 1.2

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1 Screenshot

About This File

MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron



GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1



In before the inevitable request…

As I just put up a TSL logo texture mod up yesterday, here’s one for the original KOTOR. This is my attempt to bring the logo in line with modern standards. This texture is sized at 2048 by 2048 (yes, you read that correctly) so it should definitely be slightly crisper than the original. The original texture was sized at 256 by 256.

Someone that shall remain nameless was inquiring about using my mod so they could extend the middle bar out to the end like the original menu logo did.  I have done this.  Additionally, the coloring on this “long bar” version was slightly de-saturated to more in mine with the original in-game logo.

For those not keeping up . . .

Short Bar Version: That’s the logo that you’ll see on the box art, the game discs, and the Prima Guide Book

Long Bar Version: A variant version of the logo where the bar that contains “Of The” stretches to the end letters rather being nestled in the center between the large “K” and large “S”

A reminder: this whole upload was originally a gag just so I could avoid taking a request in the future.  Looks like the joke’s on me.


Before modding (actual size):


After (actual size of Short Bar version):


After (actual size of Long Bar version):



If you find the difference to be pleasing, please let me know in the comments.



With more options, there inevitably comes a longer instruction section.

First, choose which version you’ll be going with: Short Bar or Long Bar.  That’s where you’ll be grabbing textures from.

If you’re using an original version of KOTOR – that is you’re not using a widescreen mod (such as or UniWS, Flawless Widescreen, or Aspyr's natively widescreen version) – then you’ll want to place the “logo_sw_02.tga” file from the “Standard (Vanilla) Resolutions” sub folder from either the “Short Bar” folder or the “Long Bar folder”

If you’re using KOTOR with either UniWS, Flawless Widescreen, or Aspyr's natively widescreen version) – then you’ll want to place the “logo_sw_02.tga” file from the “For those using Widescreen fixes” sub folder from either the “Short Bar” folder or the “Long Bar” folder.







Remove the TGA file from your Override folder.  Delete it.


Known Bugs:

None known at this time.


Legal Disclaimer:

All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.

I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop or to NexusMods. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before you include my materials in your mod. Modders that request permission to use my mods and don’t do so will have my permission withdrawn after a period of one year after I originally granted (i.e. permission and use is time sensitive.)


Additionally: No, Publicola – you cannot use this in a mod of yours.

What's New in Version 1.2   See changelog


1.1: Slight update of texture.  Changed example picture on description as well.

1.2 Additional texture choices added.  Read the main description for more details.

1.2.1 Small error in read-me corrected.

  • Light Side Points 1

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Screenshots don’t do it justice it looks awesome in game.

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currently using this for a heavy modded playthrough, and it works with 1920×1080 just great no issues and looks awesome

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