Darkkender's Tomb of Jesset Dal'Kest (and patch) 1.0.0

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Mod Name:  Tomb of Jesset Dal'Kest

Author:    Darkkender

Supporting Mods & Authors:

Chainz.2da & his Segan Wyndh Sabers & Jedi Armor,

Maverick187 & his White Double Saber,

Mono Giganto & his DL44 & E15 weapons.


Installation:        This Mod includes a KMM, if you use this system.  Otherwise, just add everything to override folder.  If you have the mods mentioned above, just go ahead and override everything.  The one exception to the override everything policy is the 2da files I tried to make everything as compatible as possible with most everything - except the Holowan Plugin and AIOFPM as time constraints kept me from that.


What this mod includes:              

This mod expands on Chainz.2da's Segan Wyndh Jedi Armor adding 7 new armor types, it also expands on his Segan Wyndth Sabers adding 2 new sabers for that mod.  Also included is my creature grenade mod and the Guardian of the Force lightsabers. If you have my recruit Darkkender mod installed, just overwrite all the files in there when prompted as all of the above by me are either compatible with or updates to some of the listed equipment.


This Mod features 2 new areas available on Korriban.  If you team up with Lashowe to kill the Tukata Queen in the Valley of the Dark Lords, a Rune covered pillar will appear behind her at the cliff’s edge.  Proceed to the activate the pillar and - oh my – you’re in the Tomb of Jesset Dal'Kest!


2da mentions:


This mod includes 3 2da files baseitems, spells, and upcrystals.  At the time of release upcrystals has been updated from the one Chainz released with his sabers to include Maverick187's white double saber, Darth Nemesis saber, The Guardian of the Force sabers, 2 new Segan sabers White & Guardian, and sketh42's EKUN double saber.



You should be at least level 16 prior to entering as everything is challenging. (Dry runs took me an estimated hour to complete with all lvl 20 heavily modded characters.)




Take your time and explore the illusion of the Ebon Hawk before leaving.  If you are using Redhawke's new construction bench, the workbench aboard will be compatible with this mod.


Special thanks goes out to the following for various reasons told above and untold;






Fred Tetra


Mono Giganto




Darkkender at Holowan Labs PM or look for me on the boards or [See read-me for contact e-mail].

Note: The patch has its own separate read me, folks.  Read that additional read-me for more information.

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