Exile's Iridorian Armor 0.0.1

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About This File


Exile's Iridorian Armor

Description : Gives the Exile an Iridorian Tribal HyperMesh armor instead of a name armband on the Harbinger. 

Install : Run Install.exe 

Uninstall : Remove a_band_c01.uti from Override 


This mod was made in the spirit of recreating my first skin.
It replaces the unused Restrictive Robe type of item. The item will now appear as a heavy armor, without force restrictions. 

The armor is a force-friendly, 12 defense non-upgradeable armor. It represents the Exile's personal armor. 
I didn't include any additional stat restrictions, so other party members should be able to wear it.
This mod is also included in the TSL Loot and Immersion Upgrade 3.3b.
No futher requirements for installation.

To install, run tslpatcher, and when prompted, select your Knights of the Old Republic II directory.
To remove, delete "a_band_c01.uti" from your override folder after installation.

Credits :

Notes : It will not conflict with the majority of other item mods. 
Please do not redistribute or use this mod for anything other than personal use. 
If you would like it for other uses, please contact 90SK on DeadlyStream

This mod is as-is content and not supported by Obsidian, Bioware, or LucasArts. It is meant for personal use only and at users own risk. 
The developers of KOTOR and the author are not responsible for your computer or what you choose to do with it.

What's New in Version 0.0.1   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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