Blog #33 - Please review an alternate M4-78 mod from 2006?

Sith Holocron


I had a thread on Reddit that linked to an early M4-78 mod created a long, long time ago which didn't even use Vash in it. I'd love to have outside sources give some opinions. I haven't played it myself. It was created by a modder named Darth Shan way back in 2006. If anyone is interested in using this mod and giving feedback, I'll have a place for it in one of my videos in my (yet unreleased) YouTube M4-78 Documentary. You can provide text, or text with your own voice saying your words. There is a walkthrough provided by the mod author in the package so that should speed things along for you.


If you're a person that doesn't have a problem starting up another playthrough virtually at the drop of a hat, you're cordially invited to help!


A note: I am unsure of the compatibility with TSLRCM and/or the M4-78 EP, so I will leave that in your hands or whether you'd like to try it with either of them. (You are most welcome to try though!)


Here's a non-GameFront link for it:
Droid Planet Mod by Darth Shan


Thanks for your attention, KOTOR community!


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Come on, guys! Let's not leave SH hanging here! (I'm personally planning to go through it myself once I get the time and ability to do so.)

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Got it downloaded, SH. And as soon as I get the chance and the amount of time to play the mods all the way through, I'll give you some feedback on what I think. Alrighty? ; )

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Well I got half way through it, SH. But some bugs in that mod seem to pop-up when I save the game at certain points, which cause other problems in the mod preventing me from going any further and so I gave up. What stopped me was; Couldn't get through the magnetic force field doors to the industrial zone. The lock thingy in the bar, that was usually there to pick at the beginning of the mod, wasn't there anymore (after a save) for me to pick and the door wouldn't open like a normal non locked door should. I think maybe I did something wrong, but then again, there were other bugs in that mod that make me think otherwise. I don't know for sure.


But besides that problem,  I don't care for the game play in that mod all that much either. Seems at various times as almost monotonous with wave after wave of droid fighting to get from one place to another with all that fighting going on. I don't know,  just seemed a little too long for me in those specific cases. I think it was overdone.


Another thing I think they over did was the obsessiveness with the containers at the beginning, when you first walk from the Hawk into the (second module) Central Zone from the ramp. And speaking of the ramp coming into the Central Zone, they had three containers sitting on a incline, but the containers themselves weren't sitting inclined with the ramp.  I'm a stickler for details and those kind of incorrect physical mistakes with objects bug me. It's minor details, but it just doesn't look right and those little minor mistakes all add up visually and make a difference. 


Another thing for me was the use of Firaxa sharks as a central computer AI intelligence or whatever they were suppose to be. That seem so out-of-place to me for the authors to use a biological entity in place of a non-organic central computer AI like that. While I was playing it - I was thinking at the time - why they just didn't put in place a glowing colored floating sphere that rotated instead? Maybe add some electrical lightening sparking off it or something. That would seem more computer machine like as a AI intelligence.


Anyway, like Eauxps pointed out in his blog, this is one of those mods that was probably alright at the time it was released, despite the bugs, when Kotor 2 was still somewhat new. Because it had potential, still does really, which could've of been improved upon a little more.


But I'm betting the M4-78EP mod is going to be at least better than this old M4-78 version, judging from the way everybody else has described playing it, so I'm looking forward to playing that version when I get the time. 


So there you go, SH. My 2 cents. ; )

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