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#13: Mod Roundup (August 2022)

#13: Mod Roundup (August 2022)

Hello, everyone. It has been much longer than usual, mainly because I did not have a computer that could run the KOTOR games for over a year. I am easing back into things now, but because it's been so long, I've forgotten much of what I had intended to work on. If you would like to see a particular update for any of my mods, or if you have a request for a mod that seems like something I'd do, please let me know. Lately, much of my time has been spent finding things to do, so I am all ears.



#12: Every Unreferenced Voiceover from KOTOR 2

#12: Every Unreferenced Voiceover from KOTOR 2

Video   This recording contains every voiceover from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords that is not referenced in any dialogue file anywhere in the game. This is not a comprehensive representation of the game's cut content. Some lines of dialogue were never recorded, while others are referenced in dialogue files but inaccessible through normal gameplay. This is also not representative of what content has or has not been restored or could or could



#11: Mod Roundup (December 2020)

#11: Mod Roundup (December 2020)

Greetings, everyone. It's been a while. I was busier than usual over the summer, and I wanted to wait until I had a more substantial list of updates. This time, there's lots and lots of Jedi robes for KOTOR 1, new saber colors for KOTOR 1, a new modding tool that allowed for some updates, and the usual bug fixes. Updates Darksaber for K1 – Fixed an issue with the Darksaber not spawning. Also changed the installer to patch MOD files for better mod compatibility. Cloaked Jedi R



#10: Mod Roundup (March 2020)

#10: Mod Roundup (March 2020)

It's me again. The mod roundup has most definitely served its purpose this time. It tipped me off that I never got around to updating the K2 version of a mod that I updated for K1 in January. The work was nearly all done and I was just too lazy to take new screenshots at the time. So good job, mod roundup.   Updates Robe Adjustmnet – Fixed an issue that made the training cutscene wonky if you skipped through dialogue too quickly. Jedi Tailor – While testing a while back, the



#9: Mod Roundup (December 2019)

#9: Mod Roundup (December 2019)

It's been a year since I started doing these mod roundups. Some of you appear to be reading them, so I think I'll be sticking with it into the new year. I’ve found that forcing myself to go through my upload history in order to provide you people with updates is actually kind of helpful. It makes me more consciously aware of what I’ve been working on and what hasn’t been updated in a while. On occasion it’s even led to the release of mods that might not have otherwise seen the light of day.



#8: Mod Roundup (August 2019)

#8: Mod Roundup (August 2019)

I meant to post this back in June, but I forgot. It was supposed to be a quarterly thing, but it remains a semi-regular thing.   Updates Supermodel Fix for K2 - Fixed a facial issue and updated K1 style running to match what I did with it in my supermodel port. Yay for consistency. Minor Fixes for K1 - Minor updates for minor fixes. Fixed some leaf textures and converted them and others to superior TPC format. Darksaber for K1 and for K2 - Made new blade textures using t



#7: Mod Roundup (April 2019)

#7: Mod Roundup (April 2019)

The semi-regular report on my extraneous activities continues. I spent the better part of March breaking and then fixing my computer, but there's some new stuff too. Here’s what’s been going on since last time:   Updates Odyssey++ - Recent updates to Notepad++ radically altered the file structure, so I’ve updated Odyssey++ to keep up with that.   New Mods Feat Fixes for K2 - Fixes some feat stuff for K2. Several feats weren’t available to certain classes for reasons



#6: Airing of Grievances

#6: Airing of Grievances

I got a lot of problems with you people. Now you're gonna hear about it. I'm trying something new again, though I've been thinking of doing it for a while. I noticed the site update changed the way it manages updates to mods. I think the new way makes more sense than the old way, but it does mean it's easier for updates to go unnoticed to anyone who isn't specifically following the mod page for that. So I figured I'd do a sort of mod roundup every so often to shout into the void about what



#5: Lips

#5: Lips

Apparently, I'm one of only a few individuals who still has access to the CSLU Toolkit, software that can output phonemes based on an audio and text sample. Historically, this has been pretty much the only way to generate LIP files for KOTOR so characters' lips will flap when they talk. LipSynchEditor converts from CLSU's PHN format to the LIP format, but to do that you need the PHNs first... unless you want to make lips manually, but that isn't practical. Unfortunately, the Center for Spoken La



#4: Mods from the KOTOR Saga

#4: Mods from the KOTOR Saga

The need at all for this blog post blog post brings warm feelings to my heart. We’ve always had a decently-sized community, but we were always kind of under the radar of the modding community. I’ve had people who have known me for years as a modder tell me they were surprised to find out I was involved with the movies as well. But it’s true - I’m one of the animators for the KOTOR Movie Saga. More than ten years ago, I was inspired by the original KOTOR Episode I to make my own projects. I



#3: Porting

#3: Porting

I’m glad to be able to talk about porting. It’s not the subject itself that I find as mysterious and alluring as some forumites seem to, but it’s been such a taboo topic for so long that I find it refreshing to be able to talk about everything I’ve been repressing. Porting content from one game to another within the same series (e.g. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords) is now allowed on Deadly Stream. Because I’m allegedly “s



#2: JC's Mod Showcase

#2: JC's Mod Showcase

I've gone back and edited the descriptions of some of my mods - Sound Effects for K1, Blaster Visual Effects for K1, and Blaster Visual Effects for K2 - because I've started a new thing. It's a video series I'm calling my Mod Showcase. I felt that the previous setup wasn't doing a very good job of showing what the mods were all about. With the sound effects, the screenshot was... obviously not helpful in the slightest because that's not how sound works. The Blaster Visual Effects mods do have a



#1: JC's Toolbox

#1: JC's Toolbox

I thought I’d start one of these blog things. I’ll be using them to announce... things. First up is the release of a mod that’s five years late.   Veterans of the LucasForums era may remember a mod for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords called “JC’s Toolbox”. It added what I called “a collection of items for developers, filmmakers, and cheaters of all kinds”. It let you do things like open and close doors, get free items and XP, teleport, spawn characters, and p

