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MOD:eXtensive Dialog Overhaul

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eXtensive Dialog Overhaul

Usage: Install and update to KotOR 1.03. Make a backup of the dialog.tlk file. Overwrite your own dialog.tlk with the one supplied.

update: Playing the game gives some extra insight and I am not happy with some changes I made. Also some VO lines don't correspond with their subs. Expect updates every now and then.

This project, I dubbed eXtensive Dialog Overhaul (XDO), is an edited dialog.tlk file that has 9409 (v1.0) changes incorporated.
The actual reason I started the project is two-fold: over-usage of the - (hyphen) and I found some responses lacking maturity.

The whole project started somewhere in 2019 and has grown into a complete dialog review on all lines of text in the dialog.tlk. It consists of (but is not limited to):

-corrected typos,  punctuation, spacing errors, omitted words, consistency in spelling and Star Wars spelling.
-rephrased some words and many sentences, or fleshed them out; especially in NPC banter/dialogue. I've tried to diversify some standard lines like "Goodbye" or "I want to ask you..."
-rephrased most [Force Persuade] lines into more like the Jedi mind trick.
-changes to usage of semicolons (;), numbers/digits, hyphens (-),
-replaced round brackets () with square brackets [] for some descriptive lines, or added them in some cases. BioWare was really inconsistent with those and I left alone many cases where they are missing.
-replaced () for ** in case of descriptive sounds (burp, snort, ahem) and some interjections. I tried to make it consistent so I thought ** the best option. Actual sounds are excluded (Onomatopoeia)
-replaced ALLCAPS for *asterisk* in case of emphasized (be it angry, stressed, or sarcastic) but not shouted words. It is not considered good practice to use CAPS for emphasizing words.

I kept a list of all the changes, it is in the download.

Except for punctuation, I only edited PC response or alien dialog, because of the human lines being voiced over (some may have slipped through) and I tried to stay true to the original lines.
British spelling ("travelling, licence") and US spelling ("colors, rumors") are used inconsistently, I decided to leave it alone in most cases.

I made changes by converting the .tlk to .txt and then editing the .txt while keeping a list of all changes I made (this list is supplied as XDO_Changelog_[version].txt). After converting back to .tlk I checked the actual dialog (with DLGedit) for context. For all spelling I used several online dictionaries as a guideline.

Thanks go to:
Salk -- for helping and reviewing my edits and providing fixes and suggestions
Kainzorus Prime -- for creating and letting me use some of his changes in "PC Response Moderation" mod
Fred Tetra -- for creating the KotOR tool
Fair Strides -- for creating the DLG Editor,  TLKtoTXT tool and the TalkEd tool
DrMcCoy -- for explaining how to play back streamwave files ->
DarthParametric -- for pointing out additions/edits
KnifeMaster -- for pointing out additions/edits

  • Submitter
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  • Category
  • K1R Compatible


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