Leilukin 286 Posted November 27, 2022 View File Bastila and Carth Romance Removal =Bastila and Carth Romance Removal= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: Bastila and Carth Romance Removal.7z LATEST VERSION: 1.0 CONTACT: E-mail to leilukin@outlook.com, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream 1. DESCRIPTION: This mod removes Bastila and Carth's romance by removing all romance-related dialogue from their conversations. This is achieved by removing all gender-exclusive dialogue, including player dialogue options, since in the vanilla game, Bastila's romance is exclusive to male player characters, while Carth's romance is exclusive to female player characters. With this mod, you will no longer be able to romance Bastila or Carth, regardless of the player character's gender. This mod is for players who want to go through Bastila and Carth's conversations and complete their personal quests, but have no interest in romancing them. I have made this mod's changes to Bastila and Carth's main dialogue modular, so you can choose to either remove both characters' romances, or only one of them. This mod also provides an additional component to change who gets tortured by Saul Karath on the Leviathan during the interrogation scene, by having Saul torture Bastila if the player character is female, or Carth if the player character is male. You may choose to install this component or not based on your preference. 2. INSTALLATION: Extract Bastila and Carth Romance Removal.7z you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KotOR directory. This mod consists of two main components: Main Dialogue Change: Removes romance dialogue from Bastila and Carth's conversations. Leviathan Change: Saul will torture Bastila if the player character is female, or Carth if the player character is male. The Main Dialogue Change component has two installation options: Bastila Romance Removal and Carth Romance Removal. Depending on your preference, you may install both or only one of these options. To install this component, run Install.exe, select the option you want, point the installer to your KotOR directory, where swkotor.exe is located, and let the installer do its job. If you want to install both options, you need to run Install.exe twice and repeat the steps. Before you install the Leviathan Change component, go to your KotOR directory and check if you have the lev40_saul403.dlg file in your Override folder. This will determine which installation option you need to choose when you install the Leviathan Change component. To install this component, run Install.exe, choose the appropriate option depending on if you have lev40_saul403.dlg file in your Override folder or not, point the installer to your KotOR directory, where swkotor.exe is located, and let the installer do its job. If you have installed other mods, when you install the "No lev40_saul403.dlg in Override" option of Leviathan Change component, you may receive a warning about the installer skipping the lev_m40aa.mod file because it already exists in your Modules folder. Do not need to worry about this warning, as it is just the way I set up the installer to ensure my mod will be installed properly if you are not using any other mods. When you install this mod, a new folder named "backup" may be created by the installer in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folder or the file within the folder if you plan to uninstall this mod. 3. UNINSTALLATION: FOR THE MAIN DIALOGUE CHANGE COMPONENT: If a backup folder was created when you installed it, go to the backup folder, cut k_hbas_dialog.dlg and/or k_hcar_dialog.dlg, and paste the file(s) into the Override folder of your KotOR directory. If no backup folder was created, simply delte k_hbas_dialog.dlg and/or k_hcar_dialog.dlg from your Override folder. FOR THE LEVIATHAN CHANGE COMPONENT: Regardless of which option you installed, go to your game's streamwaves\m40aa\saul10 directory and delete NM40AASAUL10170_.wav and NM40AASAUL10171_.wav. If you installed the "No lev40_saul403.dlg in Override" option, Go to the backup folder, cut and paste lev_m40aa.mod into the Modules folder in your KotOR directory. If you installed the "lev40_saul403.dlg in Override" option, go to the Override folder of your KotOR directory, and delete NM40AASAUL10170_.lip and NM40AASAUL10171_.lip. If a backup folder was created during installation, cut and paste lev40_saul403.dlg into your Override folder. If no backup folder was created, delte lev40_saul403.dlg from your Override folder. 4. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any bugs or problems, please let me know. 5. MOD COMPATIBILITY: Any other mods that modify any of the following dialogue files may conflict with this mod: k_hbas_dialog.dlg — Bastila's main dialogue k_hcar_dialog.dlg — Carth’s main dialogue lev40_saul403.dlg — Saul Karath’s interrogation scene on the Leviathan I have set up TSLPatcher to install this mod by patching the relevant dialogue files to improve compatibility with other mods as much as possible, but it is still not fully guaranteed to be compatible with every other mods that modify the same dialogue files. This mod is compatible with KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP). I recommend installing my mod after K1CP. If you want to use KotOR 1 Restoration (K1R), you need to install this mod after K1R. If you want to install the Leviathan Change component, you must select the "lev40_saul403.dlg in Override" option. This mod is not compatible with any romance mods for Bastila or Carth, including JC's Romance Enhancement: Biromantic Bastila for K1 and my Carth Onasi and Male PC Romance. 6. PERMISSION: You may use this mod's assets in your own mod. Credit is appreciated, but not necessary. The only exception is the spliced voiceover files from the Leviathan Change component of this mod. Do not redistribute these spliced VOs or use them in another mod without my permission. 7. CREDITS: Cortisol for Holocron Toolset Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool tk102 for DLG Editor JCarter426 for SithCodec Stoffe for TSLPatcher and ERFEdit; Fair Strides for the updated versions THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Leilukin Submitted 11/24/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites