
I'm stuck in Kotor 1 and I want help pls

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So I was on the ruins on Dantooine and when I passed through the door to the star map, the cutscene that was supposed to play never did, so now I'm stuck there without anything happening and I can't continue the story, so any help pls? 

Note that I'm on steam and I'm using a bunch of widescreen mods

Edited by georgevogiatz003@gma

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Sounds like a recurrence of this issue here, which neither I nor the original author were able to reproduce in subsequent testing. Based on other similar cases elsewhere in the game, I believe this is caused by excessive clicking when a script is trying to execute, causing it to terminate prematurely. You can download a revised copy of the script and put it in your Override folder. Note that this won't help you fix an existing sequence break, but hopefully it should prevent it reoccurring if you load an earlier save and try again.

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8 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

Sounds like a recurrence of this issue here, which neither I nor the original author were able to reproduce in subsequent testing. Based on other similar cases elsewhere in the game, I believe this is caused by excessive clicking when a script is trying to execute, causing it to terminate prematurely. You can download a revised copy of the script and put it in your Override folder. Note that this won't help you fix an existing sequence break, but hopefully it should prevent it reoccurring if you load an earlier save and try again.

Yeah I did that but unfortunately both my save and for some reason the autosave was after this happened, so is there any way I can replay before this happened without having to restart the whole game pls:(

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I know this is two years later, but I encountered this issue as well.  I'm a chronic over-saver, though, and after reading through the patch notes linked here, I reloaded and ensured I didn't click anything before the door's scripted opening, which seemed to work.  I didn't think I'd clicked on anything the first time, but who knows; regardless, reloading the save and waiting for the door to open on its own successfully triggered the cutscene.

If anyone else encounters this issue, I hope this response helps.

Edited by vorynsdagoth

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I'm honestly not sure.  I don't think I clicked on anything the first time, but I think I must have, because it worked when I reloaded and ensured I didn't click on anything. I've been playing this game for decades though, and this wasn't my first playthrough with the K1 Community Patch, so perhaps it is just a fluke.

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